- French Guiana Map

- Map of the Guyanas
click a picture to see details |




- The car ferry takes us across the
- Maroni River to French Guiana
- A young girl washes dishes in
- the Maroni River in Saint Laurent
- Long and narrow wooden pirogues are the mean of transport across the Maroni River
- French Guiana "French Europe in South America"
- In the downpour of a tropical shower, the ferry over the Maroni River takes us in 25
minutes from Suriname to French Guiana to the small border town of Saint
Laurent-du-Maroni. The French flag waving at the customs house is the unmistakable
confirmation: We just entered European territory. Bienvenue les Suisses
Welcome to the Swiss we hear a friendly voice. This reception has indeed a
personal touch no wonder, the same border officials are on duty as two years ago,
and they recognize us or at least our LandCruiser immediately again. The entry formalities
are finished in a record of time. While one immigration officer stamps our passports,
another one studies carefully our green insurance card, which we could already buy in
Georgetown/Guyana for the proud amount of US$169 valid for one month. From our
previous visit we knew that this is one of the most important papers we really need to
have. Without third party insurance no entry! And here in Europe,
agents usually sell only one-year insurances for a hell of a lot of Euros! What we carry
in the car is obviously of no interest to the black customs officer anymore, particularly
as it is still continuing to rain heavily. Thus five minutes after arrival, we are already
able to leave the customs compound again.



- Beautiful colonial architecture
- is still present in Saint Laurent
- Market day in Saint Laurent:
- Exotic, lively and colorful
- The lovely little church at the end
- of the main road in Saint Laurent
- Shortly after, we sit in the cozy two room apartment of our friend Philippe, a French
border policeman whom we met two years ago in Paramaribo in Suriname. He fetched us at the
customs, guided us to his apartment and went straight away back to work again. It is
amazing, how people who hardly know us, have full confidence in us and offer us their
apartment or house unconditionally. It has happened repeatedly in the past, and it is the
case also here again, where we will do house-sitting for three weeks, while Philippe is
vacationing in neighboring Brazil. He is living on the ground floor of a four apartment
house in a black residential area. Apparently it is not the safest region. Therefore
Philippe has arranged that we may park our LandCruiser during the night in security at the
border police station, which is about three quarter of a mile away.



- The Sous-Préfecture of
- Saint Laurent-du-Maroni
- The cute Agoutis are
- always an enjoyable sight
- In Jahouvey, Hmongs are selling
- specialties from Laos on market days
Since our last visit in April 2003,
hardly anything has changed in this small border town of Saint Laurent, which lies
picturesquely at the mighty Maroni River. Long, narrow wooden canoes still are lined up
along the river shore, with captains fighting for each passenger. Young and
old still gather in the fresher evening hours to chat, drink and celebrate. Song birds
tiny finches - are still hanging on poles everywhere in their little cages, which
were trained as song birds. And the border police still are chasing every day illegal
immigrants from Suriname and former British Guyana who are smuggled somewhere across the
river together with barrels of fuel and everyday necessities eggs, potatoes,
onions, garlic, flavor, Maggi cubes etc. The merchandise is shifted to wheel barrows and
sold along the road or hauled through the streets by black women, offering like this house
delivery service as in nostalgic times.



- Square of the deportation camp in Saint Laurent, where prisoners were beheaded
- These beautiful flowers add some color to the gray
- walls of the deportation camp in Saint Laurent
- Cell of prisoner Henry Charrière,
- famous as Papillon
The most picturesque, however,
are the colorful, lively market days. Piles of orange colored mangoes are just besides
green papaws. Green and yellow bananas next to giant pineapples and passion fruits with
their gray pits shining like glass pearls. It is really amazing how plentiful, garden
fresh and of first quality the vegetables and fruits are, which are cultivated mainly by
the Hmong farmers - Laotian refugees who arrived in the seventies and settled down in the
villages of Javouhey and Cacao. Interesting is that there is no bargaining at all, nor
with the Blacks, nor with the Asians. My favorite vendor is an old, very short and very
slim Hmong. Mostly I buy green salad seven small ones for 2 Euros four
wonderfully sweet papaws for the same amount and a whole net of seedless lemons for 1
Euro. These products are now in season and inexpensive.



- Escape of a Frenchman
- from civilization to bush life
- on the beach of Les Hattes
- A giant Leatherbackturtle
- lays her eggs at the
- beach of Les Hattes
- The Leatherback turtles can reach
- a length of nearly seven feet
- and weight up to 2000 pounds
But everything else which is
imported from France and most other stuff is coming from there - is extremely
expensive at least for us, but not so much for the French from the mainland working
here, because they are paid 40% more than in the Métropole. The locals earn
even without working - a minimum salary of Euros 400, and with plenty of children
the allowances can even exceed 3000. No wonder that the number of children is
extremely high. On our daily walk through the township called Charbonnière to
our car parking, the streets overflow with happy, sometimes naked children playing all
kind of simple games. One of their favorite seems to be pulling themselves around with
empty garbage bins. We also see many young girls pushing wheel barrows full of dirty
crockery to the river to do the dishes. Although it is not a genuine African lifestyle
anymore, a flame of it is still present, with one big exception that practically in front
of each house there is an own car parked!



- Impressive bridge and colorful church
- of Sinnamary half way to Cayenne
- Fishes with big eyesdot the
- waters of the harbor of Kourou
- A fisherman cleans his catch
- in the harbor of Kourou
- One of the things we do not want to miss in Saint Laurent is the visit of the Camp
of Transportation, the French penalty colony, where also famous Henri Charrière -
better known as Papillon spent some time before being banned to the
island of Saint-Joseph on Îles-du-Salut. The whole prison complex as well as the entire
village of Saint Laurent, which by then consisted only of an Amerindian family, was built
by forced labor of the deportees; each tile was hand made. Taking away such a tile today,
can be prosecuted and fined with up to Euro 3000. The first ships with prisoners arrived
in 1852, people who often committed just minor offences. But France wanted to get rid of
them and at the same time they wanted to colonize Guiana according to the Australian
example. In the average, the condemned spent four years in this camp. The luckier ones got
their freedom again, the less fortunate often died in a horrible way. Forced labor,
malnutrition - which existed only of bread and water for serious crimes -, tropical
illnesses and the inhuman living conditions took its toll. The penal colony was closed
down 1953.



- The launch of an
- Ariane 5 is announced
- The Ariane 5 takes off and .........
- ......... lifts majestically like a
- flare into the dark night sky
Following the history in the well
illustrated museum, visiting the single and communal cells picturing the hard life of the
prisoners, and listening to the emotional explanations of our brilliant guide about the
executions with the Guillotine, we really get goose pimples. For example all prisoners
were forced to knee down and watch each beheading until the cruel end. Closing the eyes or
bowing the head was punished severely. Some heads of executed fellow prisoners were
preserved and exhibited in the hospital as a warning. But also what we hear about the life
in the Blockhouse the communal cell is hair rising. In this
small room up to 50 detainees were chained at their feet for 22 hours each day. Only
during the two remaining hours they had the possibility to visit the bathroom. It is hard
to imagine the penetrating smell in this room when some could not resist the call of



- Also the Swiss flag is waving at the European Space Center in Kourou
- The impressive model of Ariane 5 in front of the main building of the European Space
Center in Kourou
- From below, the rocket
- looks even more gigantically
But this was still more
human than the destiny of those with severe punishments or political
prisoners, who were expelled to single imprisonment with no return to the Îles-du-Salut
(Royale, Diable and St-Joseph). On the wild, hot, humid and rainy island of St. Joseph,
the tiny cells did not even have a roof, only iron bars, exposing the deportees constantly
to all weather conditions and without mercy also to the attentive eyes of their merciless
guards. Today, the ruins of this green guillotine are slowly been taken over
by the jungle again. What will remain is a lonely group of islands covered with palm
trees, raged by the ocean waves a little tropical paradise. We could not make up
our mind immediately if we should visit the Îles-du-Salut, lying 10 miles offshore of
Kourou, as a trip with a Catamaran costs Euro 49 per person. But the desire to see the
place, where famous Papillon finally made his sensational escape to Venezuela,



- Our most favorite spot in Kourou
- is at the Dreyfus tower with the background of the Îles du Salut
- We sail with the catamaran
- Hulotte to the Îles du Salut
- Cemetery of the prisoners
- on the island of St-Joseph
But there is also something else
in St. Laurent, something for the enjoyment and the heart: To watch the giant
Leatherback turtles emerging from the sea to lay their eggs. And here, we are
at the right time at the right place, because each year, from March to July, these turtles
arrive at the beach of Les Hattes at Yalimpo, an Amerindian village, for reproduction. It
is said to be one of the most important hatching places in the world. We are very anxious
to get started, but have to wait for the right time, as they are swept ashore with the
high tide. Finally, the moment is perfect. We take our torches and insect repellent and
drive the 40 miles to the beach. It does not take long until we discover the first one
which heaved herself already far enough away from the water to protect the eggs from
incoming floods and just starts to dig a deep hole with her powerful rear fins. We hardly
dare to move, as we watch her. Suddenly, her first egg appears and approximately ten
minutes later one after the other rolls into the soft sand hole. We count around a
hundred; most of them are a little bigger than a golf ball. As soon as she has finished
lying, she consciously refills her nest with sand again still by using her rear fins and
hardening the sand now and then by tapping gently. Finally, to eliminate all traces, she
makes swimming movements with her huge front fins before she then hauls herself a little
further, turns towards the black sea and disappears in the dark waves of the Atlantic



- View from the island of St-Joseph
- to the island of Diable
- Very tiny one-man cell without
- roof in the jungle of St-Joseph
- Today the Îles du Salut look
- as beautiful as a paradise
The whole process took two hours.
We are as impressed and deeply touched by the hard and difficult instinctive reproduction
ritual of these endangered animals as we were with the salmons in Alaska , the more that
here it is repeated seven times each season. But we are also worryingly aware that only a
few will have a chance to survive in two months time (statistically only two out of about
100) what makes us really sad and frustrated. 1992 they counted still 50000 of these
species on this beach, today they have been reduced to half as much. The eggs main
predators are wild dogs, but also unscrupulous people who collect them either for eating
or selling them illegally on the market. By the way: The Leatherback can reach
a length of up to seven feet and weigh up to 2000 pounds. The six we saw tonight
were about five feet and 500 pounds.



- At the Dreyfus light tower in Kourou:
- palm fringed sandy beach and .........
- ......... natural water holes
- Grass swaying in the wind and
- glowing in the evening light
Kourou, the European Space
Center, is situated 125 miles from Saint Laurent. It is known also as the White
City due to the approx. 3000 citizens from the French mainland working mainly
in the Space Center. Two years ago, on April 9th, 2003, luck had it that we were just at
the right time at the right place again, when an Ariane 5 rocket launch was planned. But
our anticipation to be able to watch shrinks soon as we hear that all visitor seats are
already booked out. May be we still have a chance despite the very long waiting list? No
matter what, we add our names too. Of course, we are not the only ones with a little hope.
Suddenly, names are called up, fortunately also ours we are among the lucky ones!
Soon there are happy faces all over, as due to the many no shows no one has to
stay back and all are able to board the buses driving us to the Agami Point,
which is 4 miles from launching pad.



- A beautiful white flower
- hangs from a tree branch
- Is there anything to eat? On Îles du Salut,
- monkeys clinging to Liliana
- The impenetrable walls of the rain
- forest are always an exciting sight
The rocket is brightly
illuminated, as we arrive, and on the giant screen we are able to follow the last
preparations. Then, the excitement of the countdown takes over. All of a
sudden, the 400 visitors become silent. Exactly on time, Ariane 5 ignites and lifts after
a few seconds slowly and majestically like a flare towards the nightly sky, where it soon
disappears behind the clouds. After a few more seconds, an intense and heavy thundering
blast rumbles, the ground is trembling and all the jungle noises disappear for a few
minutes. After the thrill is receding a little, we hear that the mission was successful.
Enjoyment is all over, clapping hands are everywhere. Why was the tiny jungle country of
French Guiana the choice for the European Space Center, we ask ourselves. We get the
answer the following day at the very informative, three hours lasting sightseeing tour,
which by the way is free of charge: 1. It is due to the extremely favorable vicinity to
the equator (full use of the earth movement). 2. The proximity to the ocean (boosters fall
into the sea). 3. The scarce population (nobody has to be evacuated at a launch). 4. The
big emptiness and uncultivated land. It is interesting to note that in order to protect
the expensive installations in case of a sudden crash or explosion all the constructions
have been built distantly from each other.



- At Monjoly beach in Cayenne,
- the evening glows change constantly
- An old colonial style house in Cayenne
- - today a rare sight
- The main square in Cayenne:
- La Place des Palmistes
Finally, we reach Cayenne, the
capital, which is only 40 miles away from Kourou. Will we now continue to Brazil or does
the wind blow us in another direction? This is the very substantial question, which is in
our mind since weeks. A two hours visit at the Assistant Managers office of CMA-CGM
the big French shipping line - is enough to make us all excited: Our dream to
return again to Southeast Asia to explore new countries becomes suddenly reality.
Its another proof, that the French, who in earlier times we judged to be rather
arrogant and distant, are different here in French Guiana. They are helpful, warm-hearted,
hospitable, interested and open and have in a way still a touch of an adventurous spirit.
We found open doors very easily: Philippe in Saint Laurent offered us his two room
apartment for three weeks; the Birebent and Marsy families in Kourou invited us to sleep
in their houses. Xavier, who traveled years ago the world in a motorbike with side car,
and Francine and Philippe, all were our caring and attentive hosts in Cayenne. It is just
all those contacts, which are enriching our journey around the world always so



- Quiet breakfast in the garden
- of Xavier LoPinto in Cayenne
- A water bird looks for food in the mud
- Simple weekend house called
- Carbet along the Kourou-River
As we say good-bye to French
Guiana and the three Guyanas altogether on July 29th, we recall with melancholy and
appreciation all the hospitable people, the colorful mixture of ethnic groups with all
their cultures, way of lives and religions, the mysteries of the rain forest, our
adventurous jungle journeys with its black rivers and the calls of exotic birds, which
always will make us dream. But we shall never forget also our early breakfasts near the
Hotel Les Roches in Kourou, where we watched with fascination for many days
every morning the catamarans setting the sails for the offshore islands of
Îles-du-Salut. We spent many weeks in this very special region and enjoyed
every day of it. Even we developed a certain love and a certain feeling at
home for it. Therefore, in order to make our departure not too abrupt, we cross the
three Guyanas for a third time, now the opposite way from Cayenne to Georgetown in crowded
minibuses, while our LandCruiser is sailing lonely on the oceans to its new destination
Singapore. At 5am of August 4th, our departure day dawns definitely: With moist
eyes and with sadness we board in Georgetown the BWIA flight towards Miami. Above us
clouds form dramatically surreal sculptures, and below us the first morning light is
hitting the immense carpet of one of the few remaining virgin rain forests in the world
with its mighty, meandering rivers, leaving an emotional impression of this remote place
in the Northeastern corner of South America, which will always cover a special place in
our memories.



- This is how the new jungle track
- from Regina to St. Georges (on the
- Brazilian border) looked until recently
- Amerindian children still
- live in harmony with nature
- Jungle Rivers meandering their
- way through the dense rain
- forest of French Guiana
- Articles in newspapers about us in French Guiana:
- Article: "Le périple le plus long d'Emil
& Lilian Schmid", April 7, 2003
- Article: "Tour du monde,
à deux et en voiture", April 9, 2003
- Article: "A vous Les
Toyoteurs du Monde", May 2003