In Deutsch
Enjoy some pictures of the worldrecordtour,
taken in Vietnam

- Vietnam Map

- Map of
- Southeast Asia
click a picture
to see details |




- Billboard with hammer and sickle
- and the portrait of Ho Chi Minh
- Motorcycles are congesting the streets
- of Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC)
- The monument of Ho Chi Minh
- in HCMC in front of the City Hall
and with a certain respect, we are rolling towards the modern building with the red flag
and the yellow star in the middle to the huge Vietnam border post in Moc Bai.
Leaning on Emil on one and on my crutch on the other side, I am hopping painfully in the
hot midday sun with my only two days old heavy gypsum cast from Cambodia to the
immigration. We are the only people at the booth and our passports are quickly stamped. At
customs, two men are sitting behind a long table. The younger one immediately offers me a
chair to sit, while the older one takes care of the cars paper work, leading Emil to
a different room. Suddenly, the time I am waiting seems unreasonably long to me, why I
slowly start to get a little bit nervous. Am I worrying for no reason? Or is our permit
from Hanoi, which we initiated already many weeks ago in Singapore, contrary to all
information not ready yet? All kind of troubling reflections cross my head. Then, finally,
I see Emil appear together with another officer, walking with him straight to our
LandCruiser. And when I realize that the engine and chassis numbers are being checked, I
immediately know: We made it! What an enormous relief and what a joy! We just need to fill
out another two-sided form and then we are dismissed into our 152nd country with a
welcoming handshake of the two helpful customs officers, who showed no interest at all to
have a look into our car. Welcome to Vietnam!



- Beautifully restored interior of
- the Post Office in HCMC
- HCMCs Cathedral Notre
- Dame in the city center
- Helpful Tam from the Bao Minh Saigon Insurance is posing for a picture
after the border, three things remind us that we just entered a country still ruled by
communism: At many buildings, we see the hammer and sickle emblem; at the toll booth of
the provincial border bridge, the ticket is cashed in already a hundred yards before by
one person, but cancelled by another one only when opening the gate double control!
And shortly afterwards, when we check into a small guesthouse along the road, we have to
deposit our passports for police registration. Next morning, we are rolling slowly towards
Ho Chi Minh City, the former Saigon. Already in the suburbs, we notice the very narrow and
very high buildings in soft pastel colors from blue, red, green, yellow, orange,
purple everything is present and contributes to the citys friendly
appearance. They are called tunnel or tube houses because of their narrow frontages and
deep rooms. They were developed to avoid taxes based on the width of their street
frontage. We see them later all over Vietnam, but for money reasons - mostly only
its one-room wide front is brightly painted, the rest shows still its grey cement face.



- Road sign to Hanoi outside
- HCMC: 1066 miles
- Everything is transported on
- a motorbikes - even a donkey
- Finally we find some
- bread along the road
closer to the city center, navigating through these streets plagued by an incredible motor
traffic is getting more and more chaotic and becomes a real gamble. Every possible space
is crowded with a stream of steadily moving motorbikes and scooters; they advance like a
barrel (apparently there are 4 millions motorbikes in HCMC in comparison to 8 Mio
inhabitants), and the slightest distraction, the slightest hesitation, can inevitably
provoke an accident. Already now I know that I will make three crosses if we ever manage
to leave Vietnam free of accident. Well: Yes, we made it, but only thanks to Emil being
such a good driver and his admiring ability to always have full control of what is
happening around him. Traffic rules in this country seem to be very basic. People overtake
on the right or on the left side or suddenly cross the line without any warning. And
nobody ever pays attention what happens behind his back; everybody is concentrating only
on the movements ahead.



New Years Eve
2005-2006 in Mui Ne: |
Above us, the skies
are changing into an intensive orange and yellow
.. |
on the water one man
fishing baskets are moving with the waves
.. |
and in front of us a cow
is grazing peacefully |
park between the impressive Notre Dame Cathedral and the lovely Post Office built in the
French colonial style. It is hard to restrain myself not to get out of the car immediately
to explore the surroundings, as I normally do. But unfortunately, I have to realize and
also to accept that due to my broken leg - from now on I will be bound to our car
for a couple of weeks at least and will have to rely totally on Emil in many respect. I
already know that it will not always be easy for both of us, as we will have to reorganize
our lives completely. From now on, it will be only Emil doing all the sightseeing by foot,
while I am waiting patiently in the car and will be able to admire many of the beautiful
sites only through the pictures of our digital camera. We can also forget to have a drink
or a bite to eat if it is not possible to park directly in front of a place. Crossing a
street is very risky and a gamble even with two healthy legs, not to mention with a
crutch, as nobody ever pays attention to pedestrian crossings anyway.



- Where red sand dunes meet the sea
- Children in Mui Ne are having fun
- The field of red sand in Mui Ne
- awakens memories of the desert
least, with a lot of efforts, I manage to walk from our parking lot to the Café nearby
the Bao Minh Saigon Insurance. There, we meet Tam, who works for this
insurance company and who unselfishly did her utmost to assist us - even at her days off
over the weekend -, that the compulsory third party insurance policy - which we organized
from Cambodia - was faxed to the police of the border post in time. Actually, we expect
her to be a resolute lady and are very surprised to find a shy student, an admirable young
Vietnamese girl with many ideals and a great sense of engagement. She finds her way
straight into our hearts. She is really disappointed that we cannot accept her invitation
to join her on December 31st to the party at the Horizon International School, because we
already made other plans for New Years Eve.



- The impressive fishing fleet
- in Mui Nes harbor
- Nostalgic fishing boats glimmer
- in the warm evening light
- Huge fishing net on poles in
- one of the many bays
decided to spend these festivities in Mui Ne, a small sea resort in the Southeast,
situated between sand dunes and the sea. At first sight, we are a bit disappointed to
discover that most of the sea shore is already taken over by hotels, guesthouses and
restaurants. But when we tour around, we realize that nevertheless it did not loose (yet)
its charm and harmony. We start to like the small village, the port with its brightly blue
painted fishing boats, the round one-man fishing baskets dotting the beach, the remarkable
sand dunes some red, some white and the palm fringed beaches. When evening
approaches and the sun sets for the last night in 2005, we take our comfortable camping
chairs and sit right at the sea shore, enjoying this dramatic spectacle of nature with an
ice cold Ha Noi beer: The sky is changing into a more and more intensive
orange and yellow; in front of us a cow is grazing peacefully and around us the fishing
boats are dancing on the soft waves and palm trees are swaying in the cool evening breeze
it is a moment so precious and so perfect, that we are happy to be here. Only when
darkness swallows the last shimmer of light, we return to our simple accommodation and
soon sleep towards the New Year.



- View from a hill over the
- Dam Nha Phu bay
- Lush green rice fields are
- our constant companions
- Plowing a rice field the good old way
Years Day rings in under an exceptional blue sky. Shall we stay another day or move on?
Towards noon, we decide to continue, as there are still a thousand miles left until Hanoi,
and we lost some days of our 4-weeks Vietnam visa already in Cambodia due to my accident
there (the validity of the Vietnamese Visa issued in Phnom Penh unfortunately starts oddly
already from the issuing date). Until we reach the Central Highlands, where the first
hills with huge boulders start to appear - which remind us strongly to Yucca Valley in
Southern California - there is nothing particular to see. In Phan Rang, we have to decide
if we shall make the detour to the mountain resort of Dalang, which is said to be a very
touristy place. Undecidedly, we park alongside the road and consult again our travel
guides. It must have been exactly there where Idi and Hans old traveling friends
from Switzerland with whom we lost contact spotted our famous
LandCruiser on their bus ride towards the mountain resort and sent us an enthusiastic
email in the evening. What an incredible coincidence! Unfortunately, we do not manage to
see each other, as already at noon we decided to give Dalang a miss, when the dark and
heavy clouds increased around the mountain range more and more and suddenly also rain
started. Instead, we headed for Nha Trang a popular beach resort of about 30'000
inhabitants and a six kilometer long sandy beach, where the availability of hotels is so
huge that we could bargain the price for a room in a 3-Star-Hotel with all the comfort
down to US$10 a night. It is a good opportunity to give my leg a welcome rest while we
wait for the weather conditions to improve.



- An exotic sight: Three women farmers with
- their conical hats reflecting in the water
- New supply of young rice plants
- Two women cultivating a rice field
On our
third day, the sun is laughing again from a blue sky. We check out and hit the road once
more with destination north. It is a surprisingly lovely stretch we are driving today.
Along the emergency lane, rice, coconut shells and grass in its natural color or dyed in
yellow, green and red are laid out to dry everywhere. Often, we stop to enjoy the lovely
views around us reaching out to small islands, quaint fishing villages, coconut palm coves
and white sandy beaches. An exceptional sight offers the Sand Dune Causeway -
branching off about one mile South of Dai Lanh-Beach -, which we follow until
it ends at a tiny hamlet at a lagoon on the edge of a sand dune. We can hardly believe
what we see when, on a sand covered street, we dive deeper and deeper into a lovely sand
field. On our left, we are greeted by a wind swept beach and a blue sea, and on our right,
we are surrounded by beautifully sculptured sand formations. Definitely, we are not
prepared to find such a desert-like landscape in Vietnam. On a small dune, we spot a few
lost Chinese tombs in pastel colors and between the sea of sand, we discover
small ponds a most welcome contrast to the lush green of the dominating carpets of
never ending rice fields. We have hardly parked at the forgotten village, when
a young girl approaches us wanting to charge us a parking fee at this end of the
world. Of course, we just smile. It is really amazing what ideas people often
develop to squeeze money out of tourists. This time it is a parking fee; another time,
just for inflating a little bit our two front tires, we are asked to pay the same amount
like for the whole repair of a tube; or then as it happened in Nha Trang when
checking out of the hotel, they try quickly to cash an additional US$5 a night for parking
the car. Sometimes it is really tiring and also frustrating that tourists are regarded in
many places as profitable milking cows so often.



- End of the road at the Sand Dune
- Causeway south of Dai Lanh Beach
- Windswept beach and blue
- sea at Sand Dune Causeway
- A beautiful desert feeling
Now as
before and as it turned out for a long time to come - we have to depend on hotel or
guesthouse accommodation due to Lilianas accident. But finding every night a
suitable room turns out to be nearly as difficult for us, as it was for a safe but wild
camping spot before the time of the broken leg. The reason is that at least three
conditions have to match: A room in the basement or the existence of an elevator, safe car
parking and, of course, also the price. In this situation, we often make the acquaintance
with aggressive touts, who follow us persistently with their motorcycles from hotel to
hotel, pretending that they recommended it to us. Of course, they just want to cash in a
commission. Often we just jeopardize their business with pleasure by driving
away again but it is annoying. So it happens also in Tuy Hoa, where, at the end, we
have to content ourselves with an old hotel from the earlier Soviet time, looking
pompously from outside, but lacking any atmosphere inside with its empty, bare lobby and
corridors. Our basement room is sticky and not very clean and we ask ourselves when the
sheets were changed the last time. By the way - in budget hotels there is never a cover
sheet, only a kind of blanket. Therefore, our own light sleeping bags are worth gold. On
the wall, we read the fading hotel regulations. One of them orders that the guests have to
be back at the hotel by 11pm. Another one informs the personnel to treat customers, i.e.
guests friendly at any time. Most probably, it is a leftover from the Soviet empire, as
are also the hammer and sickle symbols decorating ostentatiously many public buildings,
what we observed repeatedly since entering Vietnam.



- Along the picturesque coast
- from Song Cau to Quy Nhon
- Fishing boats maroon
- between coconut palms
- Raising fish in a bay
are a few things in our lives which we really do not like at all: Persisting rain is one
of them, and the cold another one. And both are just expecting us in Hoi An, the
picturesque town, belonging to the protected UNESCO heritage sites in the world. I am
sitting protected from the rain in our car and Emil is just coming back from his second
fruitless attempt to find some bread, as I spot an unusual car driving past. Was
this not a foreigner with a camper? I ask Emil. We follow him, because meeting other
travelers is always exciting, as we all share the same taste of adventure and the same
desire to walk away from a conventional lifestyle. And finding travelers with an own
vehicle in Vietnam, is rare anyway. Soon we catch up with the vehicle and meet Lucas from
Belgium with his Dutch wife Jeanne. They drove overland to India, shipped then over to
Malaysia and are now traveling through South East Asia. How did they manage to enter
Vietnam with their motor home, is our burning question. We find out that they had to leave
their LandCruiser at the Lao Bao border post and travel by local bus to the provincial
capital of Dong Ha, where they had to apply for the permit at the police head quarter.
It was easy, we got it already the next day, they tell us. This procedure
seems now really to work out we know of another car traveler who entered the same
way at the Cau Treo border, with the only exception though that in Ha Tinh the
provincial capital of that particular border post - he had to wait four days to get the
permit. While the rain is pouring town continuously, we enjoy a lovely Vietnamese
noodle/beef meal, for which we pay including three beers US$6, exchanging experiences and
dreaming of new places we want to visit in the world like Myanmar and Indonesia.
Unfortunately, this remains our only brief encounter, as the next day we decide to move on
despite that we have not seen much of this place. I am not in a mood to explore the heart
of the town, which is banned for cars, in a Rickshaw or a Tuk-Tuk in the never stopping



- A Vietnamese temple along the coast
- Graves are everywhere: along the road, between rice fields and on sand dunes
- Temple between sand dune and rice
- field along the Sand Dune Causeway
Due to
my disturbing immobility and the never ending miserable weather conditions a
certain frustration is taking over slowly. The flat tire in the morning, the new mouse in
the house causing the nibbled bananas and fast noodles, the ATM releasing only
2 million Dongs (=US$120) which is spent straight away for filling up our 210 liter
gasoline tank - all does not contribute to make us feel happier. In the meantime, we have
been driving the 120 km to the Royal City of Hue. Worth the trip, but neither rain- nor
cloudless, was merely the Hai Van pass, the cloud pass, where many waterfalls
rush through a remaining part of the tropical jungle and where the panoramic view to small
islets and deserted sandy beaches is magnificent. Hue is a well maintained city, where we
check in for two nights in the inexpensive Dien Bien-Hotel in a three bed
room. It is a bit dilapidated with a fridge which does not close anymore and where the
already rusty soft drink cans continue to rust, where the towels are taken straight from
the washing line and therefore still are wet and where we have to get our own blankets out
of the car if we do not want to freeze, because the air-conditioning system cannot be
regulated anymore. But it is in the basement and there is hot water, what we appreciate in
the continuing cold and wet weather.



- The collected wood is transported
- home on a motorcycle
- Five people still find place on
- a motorcycle - no problem
- What kind of stuff is drying on
- these round mats along the road?
the second day, the clouds retreat a bit and despite his relatively moderate interest on
such historical sights, I can persuade Emil to visit at least one of the famous kings
tombs alone - the Tomb Tu Duc. Was it worthwhile? I ask him when he returns
after more than an hour. The whole site is widely spread out and many buildings are
black or covered with verdigris due to the very humid climate is his comment,
adding: You can judge yourself; I made a photo coverage for you. In the evening, I
am able to admire on our notebook the Xung Khiem-Pavilion, the interior of the
Hoa Khiem-Temple, the Praying Hall, the Luu Khiem-Lake and the
Burial Area. The same happens with Hues Citadel. Again, I ask him if it was
worthwhile. This time, he is not so convinced, because also here much seems to be in even
worse condition and many walls are black. Surely, it cannot be denied that during the
Vietnam War, many of these valuable cultural sites have suffered incredibly. However, the
yearlong communist culture did not contribute much to the maintenance either,
not to mention to any restoration. Then, we say good-bye to Hue as well.



- Emil buying drinking water
- Waiting for bride and groom to arrive
- Any customers in sight?
day later, we stop at the bridge of the historic Ben Hai River, which once divided South
and North Vietnam. Actually, the proper separation line was given by the DMZ
(Demilitarized Zone), stretching about three miles on either side of the river. On top of
the hill lying South of the river which was once part of the famous McNamara defense wall
- the ingenious defense system, named after the acting US defense secretary of that time
now the impressive Doc Mieu Base-Monument pays tribute to that infamous
period. It is interesting to observe that exactly after this demarcation line, also the
landscape is changing. It is getting drier und dustier, and for the first time, we see
fields with grain and hills covered with growing eucalyptus trees, if they are not already
deforested. And old, but neglected churches are popping up in many places. Somehow, we
have the impression that this part of Vietnam is poorer and not as well maintained as the
South. When the first towering karsts of Tam Coc near Ninh Binh emerge trough the mist in
the distance, we know that we are close to our last destination before reaching Hanoi.
Again, we need a lot of patience because, next morning, we are surrounded by such a thick
wall of fog that we cannot even see the neighbors house.



- Cham Temple on the route to Dalang
- Liliana using a cyclo in rainy Hoi An
- because of her broken leg
- The Japanese Bridge in
- UNESCO protected Hoi An
we decide to have fixed another of our flat tires in between the 158th - first and
soon find a small workshop on the outskirts of town. The young man seems to have a lot of
practice, and for only US$1.50 he repairs it fast and reliable, while, behind in the
shack, his colleagues are drinking tiny cups of bitter Vietnamese tea (we do not like it)
and puffing by turns from a huge bamboo pipe. What kind of funny grass? When, mid
afternoon, we finally get a first glimpse of the impressive karsts scenery of Tam Coc, we
immediately drive to the boat quay, where the tours start through the bizarre landscape
and to the caves, despite that it is well known that Emil cannot be convinced to
participate in this touristy hustle and bustle. And the assumption was not wrong. But as
mostly, also here he finds his own way again. We just have to cross the small village and
then what a wonderful surprise - we are surrounded by an outstanding scenery of
calm water and mirroring towering peaks. In this misty world, we park along the Ngo
Dong-River and watch the many tourists paddling by on sampans and the locals
transporting rice plants. Flocks of ducks swim in the water or are waddling on the dam,
and the curious cows and goats are roaming around us. It is a moment, when the world is
wonderful again!



- Xung Khiem Pavilion in the
- Tu Duc Royal Tomb in Hue
- Hoa Khiem Temple in the
- Tu Duc Royal Tomb in Hue
- To Mieu Temple in Hues Citadel
It is
just past noon as we reach Hanoi the next day, the time when the masses of school children
are on their way back home. They are flooding the streets with their bicycles in a
claustrophobic way, no wonder that Vietnams population was 614 people per square
mile already in the year 2000. Unimaginable, how this will look in another few years!
Again and again we are astonished, how relaxed they cycle in this infernal traffic, not
one after another - no, mostly side by side three and more together, chatting happily. We
love when the girls wear their festive looking national dress the Ao
Dai consisting of white trousers and a leg long topcoat with deep slashes on
the side. It really looks exotic! What also surprises us again and again and takes our
breath away are the motorcyclists, who take there children often, as soon as they can sit,
onto the streets. When they are sitting in front, its OK. But we see many two or
three years old kids sitting in the back of the driver, the only security they have is
clinging their tiny arms around the body in front. The mere thought of what could happen
if they suddenly loose the balance takes our breath away.



- Where is the flower lady?
- Gate to To Mieu Temple
- of Hues Citadel
- Dynastic bronze urn in the
- To Mieu Temple of Hues Citadel
If we
thought that being only mid afternoon, we would have more than enough time to find a
suitable room in Hanoi, we are completely wrong. In downtown, where most of the budget
hotels are situated, it is impossible to park the car in security on the street. For hours
we check one guesthouse after the other, and at the end we have to accept a compromise.
Though we find a cheap room in the Lotus guesthouse close to our embassy, the steps to our
room are so steep, that Liliana has to be virtually lifted up due to her cast. And our
LandCruiser has to spend the nights alone in a commercial car park in a shed about two
kilometers away, costing US$3 a night. Bonjour les Suisses - Good
Morning, the Swiss people recognize our license plate many times during the
following days, when we drive through Hanois streets. We are really surprised to
find so many Europeans in this city. But also from other parts of the world, the numbers
of tourists are not lacking. No wonder, it is a charming town with its quaint narrow
alleys and impressive historic buildings from its French colonial past, the Ho Chi
Minh-mausoleum, the opera house, the cozy restaurants and innumerable street
kitchens, where for space reasons one sits on tiny children plastic stools.
There are beautiful parks and many lakes one of them becomes our favorite spot
during lunch hour. Young couples on motorbikes come and go, kissing and hugging
unrestrained and with great persistence. In a way, we are surprised that in Vietnam the
affection is showed so openly and publicly. But what really makes Hanoi very special for
us is the combination of old Europe and Asian charm; the incredible chaos of
all the motorbikes, where when the traffic light shows green we always get
the impression that they are racing; the nostalgic rickshaws and the ubiquity of bicycles
and last, but not least the unique sight of all the colorful street vendors in their
traditional conical hats and their display of exotic goods. We stay for a week.



- Doc Mieu Base Monument at historic
- Ben Hai River, separating once
- North and South Vietnam
- Posters with bombs and mines give
- evidence of the Vietnam War a
- nd warn of the still luring danger
- Bridge of the historic Ben Hai River, separating once North and
- South Vietnam
weeks have now passed since my accident in Cambodia. Full of hope that finally I might be
able to remove my annoying bandage, we look for the Japanese-Korean hospital, because in
our travel guide it is listed as reliable and as a Non Profit Organization.
Two men are attending the reception. To the one with a white overall we try to explain,
that I need a new x-ray. He points up the corridor which we interpret that we have to
register there. But there, we are sent to the right, then to the left driven from
pillar to post - without any result, because nobody understands or wants to understand
English. At some point, Emil looses his patience, and when we see the many patients lying
around in the overcrowded corridors, we know: Here, we are at the wrong place! I do
not care about the costs, but I insist now that your leg gets checked at the
International SOS Clinic decides Emil irritated, as we sit again in the
car. Later we read, that some government hospitals are not allowed to care for foreigners
as they need a license to do so.



- A typical Vietnamese tunnel or
- tube house is reflecting in the river
- A shimmer of the mystic beauty
- of Halong Bay through the haze
- In Vietnam, almost
- everything seems to reflect
as the name promises, everything is very organized, very quiet and very
international. Credit cards are accepted, and we even have to make an
appointment yes, it is like in Europe! But despite that we show up very punctually,
I still have to wait two full hours for the bone specialist to arrive (thus
not entirely Europe yet?) a Vietnamese doctor, who speaks English well and
apparently has been already three times in Geneva/Switzerland for special courses. He
explains to me that for a reliable x-ray he needs to remove my cast. What can I argue? As
I see the still badly swollen leg, I expect the worst. And my feelings do not deceive me.
The fracture is still clearly visible, what means, that I will get a second plaster which
shows to be more modern, lighter, but also three times more expensive than the good old
gypsum made in Phnom Penh. If in Cambodia we paid US$120, the same treatment
costs US$310 here in Vietnam! Knowing that I will have to live with the plaster at least
for another three weeks, we are leaving the clinic quite depressed. The doctor told me
that it will need some time to get adjusted to my new cast, but he did not tell me that
due to the tighter bandage, the point of fracture will hurt now. I take some pain killers
and I am not really happy about the development of this day.



- In the heart of the mystical beauty
- of Tam Coc near Ninh Binh
- Locals on sampans on the
- Ngo Dong River in Tam Coc
- A fairytale view a temple in the
- Hoa Hu valley near Ninh Binh
18th, 2006 the day of our press conference in front of the beautiful opera house in
Hanoi, organized by our Swiss Embassy, turns out to be an exceptional clear day under blue
skies. By chance, a freshly married couple is present as well and we enjoy both the moment
when we pose for a picture in front of our car. Then, our Ambassador, H.E. Mr. Bénédict
deCerjat, arrives. It is a very special moment for us and we feel deeply honored, when he
welcomes us personally with a beautiful bouquet of roses in our national colors and a
basket of deep red Gerberas and white ornamental flowers in front of the assembled
journalists. In the hot midday sun, we do our very best to answer the never ending
questions - both in English and in French - until Mr. Sansonnens and Mr. Flückiger from
our Embassy take us for lunch to the Press Club. We cannot remember when we last enjoyed
such a tender roasted fillet. But it is not only the food what we appreciate, but also the
relaxed conversation about many interesting places in the world. Due to the regular
rotation of the Embassy staff, we happen to see some consuls again in other countries: The
consul we first met in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia we saw again in Abu Dhabi in the United
Arab Emirates and hopefully will catch up with him soon again in Djakarta/Indonesia.
Another consul, who was stationed in New Delhi when we toured India, took good care of us
later in Kuwait, and we were really surprised to find the same consul, who extended our
passports in Africas Ivory Coast, again in Saudis capital Riyadh on our
circumnavigation of the Arabian Peninsula. And there was a forth one, whom we encountered
in Tashkent in Uzbekistan and later invited us for a beer in Dubai/U.A.E. May be that this
is the reason why Emil has repeatedly mentioned that in his next life, he probably will
chose a diplomatic career! Until the last moment of our departure from Hanoi, we enjoy the
beautiful smell of all the red-white flowers that fill half of our room - a remembrance of
a very special day.



- The express train Hanoi-HCMC is
- leaving Hanoi through this suburb
- When the mouth mask is put on,
- only the eyes are visible
- Ho Chi Minhs poster still can be
- seen on many governmental buildings
day after our successful press conference starts like any other day. As usual, Emil wakes
up already at the first daylight when we normally also get up. Here in Hanoi, we have
developed a certain routine: First, he walks through the slowly awakening streets to fetch
our LandCruiser from the secured shed, where it is parked for the night. There, he makes
hot water with our gas stove, which he brings back in our red thermos. Then, finally,
breakfast can start one of our most treasured moments of the day which we
prefer to enjoy just the two of us and traditionally with bread, butter, marmalade,
cheese, ham and plenty of coffee, unfortunately for the time being not out in the nature,
but in our small city hotel room. Afterwards, Emil disappears for one hour or so to the
internet café, and today, he will pass at our nearby Embassy to find out about eventual
newspapers, which might have already brought an article (b.t.w.: we counted finally a
total of 19, two even from neighboring China - a record in itself). Noon is approaching,
when he excitedly returns and tells me to get dressed up immediately because we are
invited for lunch again. From whom, I want to know. It turns out that this
morning, the French newspaper Courrier du Vietnam already published a detailed
story about our arrival in Hanoi, where the Chilean Ambassador to Vietnam, Mr. Fernando
Ayala, found out that our favorite country is Chile. This is the reason why at noon we
dine again in distinguished company in a noble restaurant. This time, we are pampered in
South American style with a delicious Churrasco, a wonderful piece of
meat made on charcoal that one never forgets once he had the chance to taste it. Sipping
Chilean wine, we soon find ourselves in a relaxed and friendly conversation. We are so
delighted about the honor of this spontaneous invitation, that we feel confirmed in our
feelings that Chile is really a special country. If we ever decide to settle down some
when somewhere down the road, it really might be in Chile!



- Rickshaw drivers are waiting
- for customers in Hanoi
- Sipping a Ha Noi beer with young
- people of a photo club in Hanoi
- Attention, they are advancing:
- Motorbikes in Hanoi
is running away. As our car permit will expire in a few days, we unfortunately will not
have the chance to take part at the Tet-festivities - the coming lunar New Years
celebration which features the most important holiday in Vietnam. But at least, we
are able to enjoy and view the traditional peach blossom and orange bonsai trees that are
planted for this special occasion and are on sale in big quantities all over the country
actually being the same as Christmas trees means in our culture. Where are we
spending our last days in Vietnam in the Northern mountain region or at Halong Bay,
Vietnams most famous tourist attraction? It is not an easy decision. But after a
long debate, we opt for Halong Bay, despite that the weather shows its grey and wet face
again. To be able to at least admire once the 3'000 karsts, which are emerging vertically
from the sea, seems to be more tempting as we might never have this chance again. But
after two days, when we finally leave Halong Bay, we just got a flash of this beautiful
karsts scenery, the real splendor remained hidden behind haze and fog.



- An orange vendor and a policeman
- in front of the Swiss Embassy
- Swan shaped boats on
- Ho Tay West Lake in Hanoi
- Quan Thanh Temple in Hanoi
that the Vietnamese agreed to let us exit to Laos at the most Northern point near Dien
Bien Phu, it does not work out because the Laotian authorities, i.e. the Embassy in Hanoi,
regard this border not yet as an international gateway only passable by Vietnamese
and Laotians. This means that we will have to take either the next one on a very bad
gravel road through Nam Xoi to Sam Neusa in Laos - which we dismiss because we do not want
to strain our aging LandCruiser - or backtrack the already driven 375 tremendously bumpy
miles to Vinh, where we have the option to leave Vietnam at the Cao Treu crossing. That is
what we finally do. On our departure day, January 24th, 2006, intense fog, rain and cold
are our main companions, as we snake our way through a part of the legendary Ho Chi Minh
Trail - where munitions and troops were smuggled during the Vietnam War to the South. Our
visit to Vietnam ends at the border pass. When the friendly immigration officer puts his
exit stamp into our passports, we feel the same regret we felt elsewhere when leaving a
country. We are looking back to wonderful moments, even if the weather conditions were
mostly unfavorable. Especially, we remember our encounter with shy Tam in HCMC, who
assisted us with the car insurance; or the lady of the Tanh Binh-Guesthouse in
Ninh Binh who served us twice a free breakfast to our room once a sticky, slightly
sweet rice and a cup of bitter tee and another time a filling noodle-fish soup; or the
members of a photo club in Hanoi with their expensive Canon Digital Cameras, who
spontaneously invited us for a few beers and introduced us to their culture; or the
Vietnamese student in Denmark who sent us an email to praise his beloved country, after he
read one of the Vietnamese newspapers in the internet; or the friendly police, who never
stopped us at their frequent road checks. But over all, we recall the innumerable
warmhearted people, who always smiled at us, showing us sympathy, appreciation and
enthusiasm. We are happy that we had the opportunity to visit the special Vietnam - its
culture, sights and its people.



- Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum in Hanoi
- the 1st President of independent Vietnam
- Mutual joy of an encounter in
- front of the opera house in Hanoi
- Hanois Post Office is glimmering at night
- Articles in newspapers about us in Vietnam:
- Interview: "Couple in
World Record tour arrive in Vietnam", Saigon Times - December
30, 2005
- Article: "Swiss
couple on world record tour reach Vietnam", Thahnhnien News -
December 31, 2005
- Article: "Swiss couple on
world record tour", Viet Nam News - January 7, 2006
- Article: "Đôi vợ chồng lập 3 kỷ lục Guinness đến VN",
NhịpCầuGiáoLý - January 16,
- Article: "Đôi vợ chồng lập 3 kỷ lục Guinness đến VN",
Thương hiệu Việt - January 16, 2006
- Article: "Đôi vợ chồng lập 3 kỷ lục Guinness đến
VN", 24ThờiSự - January 17,
- Article: "Đôi vợ chồng lập 3 kỷ lục Guinness đến VN",
Tuổi Trẻ - January 17,
- Article: "Đôi vợ chồng lập ba kỷ lục Guinness đến Việt Nam", Nhân Dân
(vietnamesisch) - January 17, 2006
- Article: "Đến
VN với 3 kỷ lục Guinness", Ngoisao - January 17, 2006
- Article: "Đôi
vợ chồng lập 3 kỷ lục Guinness đến
VN", Hànộimới - January 17, 2006
- Article: "Đôi vợ chồng lập 3 kỷ lục Guinness đến VN", VN Media - January 17,
- Article: "On the road",
Viet Nam News - January 18, 2006
- Article: "Guinness-records
makers arrive in Vietnam", Nhân Dân (englisch) -
January 18, 2006
- Article: "Đến
VN với 3 kỷ lục Guinness", VN Express - January 19, 2006
- Article: "Guinness-records
makers arrive in Vietnam", VietNamNet Bridge - January 19, 2006
- Article: "Le couple suisse à 3 records Guinness", Courrier du
Vietnam - January 20, 2006
- Article: "Guinness-Records
Holders Enjoy the New Year in Mui Ne", MuiNeBeach.net -
January 20, 2006
- Article: "Swiss
couple on world record tour reach Vietnam", Division of Tourism
- January 24, 2006
- Article: "About
Schmid!", Vietnam Investment Revue "Timeout" -
February 2006
- Article: "World Record Holders Arrive in Vietnam", English Internet Magazine
"Vietnam Pictorial" - April 2006
- Article: "Giá như chúng tôi ở Việt Nam lâu hơn", Monthly Magazine
"Báo ảnh việt nam" - April 2006
- Article: "Si nous pouvions rester plus longtemps au
Vietnam...", French Monthly Magazine
"Vietnam Illustré" - April 6, 2006