latest picture: March 25, 2007
- click a picture to see details
- More websites from Indonesia and Timor-Leste:
- On November 21st, 2006, we left the Island of Borneo
after half a year, where we overhauled completely
our car and visited the Malaysian provinces of Sarawak
and Sabah and two new countries Brunei (# 154) and in Kalimantan the "begin" of
Indonesia (# 155) , driving a total of 3'258 miles. Two days later, we arrived on a
domestic ferry in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, a mega-city of about 17 million
people on the island of Java. Then, a whole range of more Indonesian islands followed:
Sumatra to the West and Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, Rinca with the Komodo Dragons, Flores,
Sumba and Timor to the East. In-between we explored the 156th country Timor-Leste , before our Indonesian roundtrip continued
in Sulawesi and ended finally in Kalimantan on the Island of Borneo.



- 01
This rusty, not very trustful looking ferry
- brings us from Java to Bali not very
- inspiring after the disaster of the Prima-
- Vista ferry which drowned only two days
- ago in Indonesian waters off central Javas
- coast causing more than 600 fatalities!
- 02
Bali greets us with idyllic landscape,
- less population and smoother traffic than
- before in Java we have the feeling to
- be in another country!
- 03
The Pura-Jagatnatha Temple in
- Negara in Western Bali is our first
- fascinating introduction to the
- Balinese Hindu culture



- 04
Jon, the Swiss Honorary Consul in Bali,
- and his wife Suci invite us for dinner with
- Balinese dancing to their Fondue Stuebli in
- Kuta it is only the first of many surprises
- 05
Who does not dream of a bungalow
- under palm trees directly on the sea shore?
- Jon and Suci invite us to their weekend
- house in Pasut at the South coast
- 06
Each sunset in Pasut is of an
- extraordinary beauty



- 07
A lady priest is waiting for the arrival
- of a wedding party at Jon and Sucis
- weekend house in Pasut. They arrange
- traditional Balinese wedding ceremonies
- 08
Young girl dancers are performing
- in their fabulous dresses .....
- 09
..... to the sounds of a traditional
- gamelan orchestra



- 10
The more quiet Nusa Dua Beach with
- its luxury hotels and the Sanur Beach are
- more our taste than the famous Kuta Beach
- all are situated near the capital Denpasar
- 11
Statues of Gods to prevent
- misfortune are found also near
- bridges and at road crossings.
- Here on the way to Ubud
- 12
View over the Danau Batur Crater Lake
- with its beautiful fields in the evening sun.
- Unfortunately, the aggressive sellers
- prevent us from enjoying the moments



- 13
The Jackfruit grows to extra-
ordinary sizes: It can reach 80 lb. in weight
and up to 3 ft. long and 20 in. in diameter
- 14
Besides many tropical fruits, the
- fertile soil of Bali produces also
- grapes and even sweet strawberries
- 15
Also the display of fresh
- vegetables is in abundance



- 16
In Amed at the North Eastern
- coast, picturesque outriggers are
- drawn up on the black sand bays
- 17
A beautiful sight: The cloudless
- volcano Gunung Seraya and the
- fishing boats at the black beaches
- in Amed in the early morning hours
- 18
Polished rolled stones of any sizes
- are collected at beaches and sold. Often,
- they are used around swimming pools
- or in the open-air bathrooms



- 19
We drive along magnificent rice
- terraces between Wongayagede
- and Jatiluwih
- 20
In Ubud, the rice terraces
- are smaller, but not less
- attractive .....
- 21
..... and at Mayong/Munduk,
- they contrast wonderfully against
- the red roofs of the village



22 |
23 |
24 |
- Our most admired rice terraces are those of Jatiluwih. We cannot stop taking pictures.
Here are three of our favorite shots



- 25
The Pura Luhur Temple in Batukaru
- can be visited only by wearing a sarong.
- The setting at the edge of the forest is
- beautiful, but the many sings Entry
- prohibited limit our enthusiasm
- 26
The garden of the extensive water
- palace in Tirtagangga, surrounded by
- lush rice paddies, is a lovely oasis
- of calm and relaxation away from
- the busy streets and traffic
- 27
This small village road of
- Candikuning reminds us a little
- bit to the Altiplano in South America



- 28
The spectacularly located Tanah Lot
- sea temple is the most photographed in
- Bali. Surrounded by the waves of the
- Indian Ocean, it is an awesome sight
- 29
Offerings to the gods are mostly
- made out of palm leafs and decorated
- with flowers, but sometimes also
- enriched with rice, banana or biscuits.
- They are found everywhere
- 30
This temple with its lovely pavilions,
- situated on a small rocky islet to the
- West of Tanah Lot, is also exposed
- to the harsh elements of the sea



- 31
Steep cliffs dominate the
- Western tip of the
- Badung Peninsula .....
- 32
..... where hordes of grey macaques
- roam around, keen to steel all kind
- of stuff, especially sunglasses
- 33
This young Balinese girl
- symbolizes for us the
- exotic beauty of Bali



- 34
One of the many temple
- ceremonies in the more than
- 10'000 temples of Bali
- 35
Fruit offerings are common in
- temple ceremonies. This
- traditionally dressed family is
- on its way to the temple
- 36
At temple festivities, streets are
- decorated with Penjor a high bamboo
- stick with its ends bending graciously
- towards the middle of the street



- 37
The traditional outfit of
- Balinese men consists of a
- Sarong and a head scarf
- 38
Eternal magic of Bali at the New
- Year Celebration in Sanur. The Balinese
- calendar writes in 2007 the year 1929
- 39
Putting consecrated rice
- on the forehead belongs
- to the religious rituals



- 40
Detail of a temple relief .....
- 41
..... a temple guard .....
- 42
..... and a tiger in a temple niche



- 43
A group of believers congregates
- for prayer while the priest is blessing
- their offerings
- 44
Each house has its own temple.
- It is decorated daily with fresh
- offerings
- 45
A festive funeral procession.
- The ashes of the dead will
- be dropped into the sea



- 46
A sudden wave makes us
- retreat from the beach
- 47
Where the paddy fields meet the sea
- 48
Our LandCruiser drives
- through the tunnel of roots of a
- holy Bunut tree in Central Bali



- 49
Ubud is an artist town. Everything
- is handmade, from drums .....
- 50
..... to paintings .....
- 51
..... and wood carvings



- 52
The Monument to the struggle of
- the people of Bali in Denpasar contains
- 33 dioramas, from daily life to the struggle
- for independence and autonomy
- 53
Szene of Bali in the
- "Independence"-era .....
- 54
..... and the construction of a temple



- 55
At Denpasars central market,
- a vendor arranges Rambutan fruits
- 56
Even the smallest
- space is used for sale
- 57
Tasty Sates, grilled on charcoal,
- are sold throughout Bali on street corners



- 58
Traditionally dressed Balinese
- men are waiting for a temple procession
- to start. They pass their time with smoking,
- phoning and gossiping about the beloved
- motorcycles some of their "favorite
- activities", quite typically for Bali
- 59
Impressive, lovely monuments on
- roundabouts abound in Bali. These
- horse carriage is on the way to the
- airport and to the Immigration in
- Kuta, where we had to extend our
- Indonesian Visa already twice
- 60
This parking lot in front of "our"
- cybercafe has become quite familiar
- to us. The girls sitting on in front of it
- are also waiting for the temple
- procession to start



61 |
62 |
63 |
- At Nyepi, the Hindu-Balinese New Year, Ogoh Ogoh monsters,
traditionally made from bamboo,
- wood and millboard, are made by young men of each district and carried with bamboo
frames through the streets



64 |
65 |
66 |
- They are meant to expel evil spirits and demons. The day after is the day of absolute
- No one is allowed on the streets, all noises are banned, no light is allowed to
penetrate outside (even airports and harbors are closed).
- This is to make the spirits believe that the place is deserted, inducing them to leave



- 67
A last moment with Jeanette,
- Arrie and their three year old son
- Jamie in front of Villa Bruno in Sanur,
- where we spent two months and have
- been spoilt in every respect. It was
- an unforgettable, beautiful time!
- 68
We are leaving the island
- of Bali behind us. On the South
- side of the port, a tiny fishing
- village is saying good-bye .....
- 69
..... on the other side its the
- majestic mountain Gunung Agung
- and a cruise ship which just
- laid anchor
- Continuation: Pictures from
the third part of our Indonesian trip in Lombok, Sumbawa and Flores from March 25th,
to April 27th, 2007
- More websites from Indonesia and
More websites from East Malaysia and
- Articles in newspapers about us in Indonesia:
- Article: "Tamu Istimewa: Neverending
Journey", Monthly Car Magazine "Jip", January 2007
- Article: "Toyota
FJ60 1982 World Travelers", Monthly Car Magazine "Jip", February
- Article: "CHEESE
LAND CRUISER", Monthly Car Magazine "BBC Top Gear", February 2007
- Article: "22
Tahun Jelajahi 156 Negara", Daily Newspaper "Post
Metro Balikpapan", July 17, 2007