latest picture: June 27, 2007
- click a picture to see details
- the colored numbers of the pictures are corresponding with
the map of the above mentioned link in the same color
- More websites from Indonesia and Timor-Leste:
- On November 21st, 2006, we left the Island of Borneo
after half a year, where we overhauled completely
our car and visited the Malaysian provinces of Sarawak
and Sabah and two new countries Brunei (# 154) and in Kalimantan the "begin" of
Indonesia (# 155) , driving a total of 3'258 miles. Two days later, we arrived on a
domestic ferry in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, a mega-city of about 17 million
people on the island of Java. Then, a whole range of more Indonesian islands followed:
Sumatra to the West and Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, Rinca with the Komodo Dragons, Flores,
Sumba and Timor to the East. In-between we explored the 156th country Timor-Leste , before our Indonesian roundtrip continued
in Sulawesi and ended finally in Kalimantan on the Island of Borneo.



- 01
Very unusual in Indonesia: The
- KMP Belida, sailing from Labuhanbajo
- in Flores to Bira in Sulawesi has only one
- car on board on June 12th: Our
- LandCruiser! It is our 12th ferry
- journey in Indonesian waters
- 02
Traditional boat builders are
- at work in the South coastal
- village of Tanah Beru between
- Bira and Bulukumba
- 03
Colorful houses on stilts are
- plentiful on the South Coast,
- like here behind a maize
- field between Bira and Makassar



- 04
The restored Fort Rotterdam
- that once guarded the harbor of
- Makassar, shows its distinguished
- Dutch architecture
- 05
The towering Mandala
- Monument in Makassar is
- fascinating in its architecture
- too. Unfortunately it is not
- possible anymore to ascend
- to the viewing platform
- 06
Rice is the main diet of the
- Indonesian people. It is sold in
- different qualities. A bag of
- 55 pounds costs around
- 45000 Rupiahs = 5 US$



- How are Indonesians earning their livelihood?
- 07
Tire inflator in Makassar:
- A handy and fast service along the
- roads, generated by a small generator
- 08
Fruit street vendor in Makassar:
- In the tropical heat, fresh fruit is
- always appreciated by by-passers
- 09
Bird releaser in Makassar:
- For only 1000 Rupees (10 US cents)
- two birds are released from their cages
- into freedom (and probably caught
- soon after again!)


- How are Indonesians earning their livelihood?
- 10
Weaver in Bira:
- A weaver is working under her wooden
- house on stilts. The click-clack of
- her loom attracted our attention
- 11
Rice planters in the Southern plains:
- Three women are bundling rice for
- replanting. The scene remembers
- us of Vietnam
- 12
Sea grass cultivators on the South coast:
- The sea grass takes six month to grow until
- it can be harvested. It is dried and then
- exported to Japan and China, apparently
- for processing jelly



- 13
Northeast of Makassar, we pass
- again many rice fields. They spread right
- to the road, to the houses and to the
- karst mountains similar to Japan and
- Vietnam. Each foot of the soil is cultivated
- 14
Charming wooden houses with
- small balconies always attract our
- attention. It is interesting that like
- in Vietnam most of the time only
- the front wall is finished attractively
- 15
We are approaching Toraja land
- that is situated about 200 miles North
- of Makassar, where it is getting hillier
- and where deep down in the valley we
- can follow brown jungle rivers that
- meander lazily through the greenery

- Continuation:
- Pictures from Tana Toraja (Toraja Land)
- in Sulawesi from June 27th to July 7th, 2007

- 16
The entrance gate to Tana Toraja near
- Mebali the Toraja land is greeting us
- with the replica of a traditional Toraja
- house. From this very moment, this
- fascinating unique architecture is
- accompanying us continuously
- 68
In Pendolo, on the South bank
- of Lake Poso, we spend a night and
- reverse our plans: Instead of continuing
- North through boring landscape, we
- turn back to the South



- 69
A red dragonfly is resting
- on a grass stem .....
- 70
..... a red tropical flower
- is blooming in the forest .....
- 71
..... a red cacao fruit is
- hanging from its tree



- 72
Everything that needs to dry is
- spread out on the sides of the road.
- Here it is vanilla on the road
- between Parepare and Polewali
- 73
A rustically Warung (small shop)
- along the Mamasa mountain road
- 74
One of the villages nestling along the
- 55 miles of very rough road to Mamasa
- another traditional region like Tana
Toraja. We needed one hour for
- 7 miles, what made us turn back



- 75
The fruit of the Kapok tree
- produces a ball of white soft cotton
- 76
From Mangkutana, a 4000 ft. high
- pass leads from South to Central Sulawesi,
- giving view to a spectacular waterfall
- 77
A fishing boat is leaving the river
- in Parepare at sunset



- 78
Women are harvesting rice. Rice
- fields dominate a substantial part
- of Sulawesis landscape .....
- 79
..... and spread a
- peaceful atmosphere
- 80
A colony of ducks enjoy one of
- the many rivers crisscrossing the Island
- not caring about bird flue



- 81
View over a river with jungle, palm trees
- and sand banks along the West Coast of
- the youngest Indonesian province of West-
- Sulawesi, between Majene and Mamuju
- 82
Mamuju is greeting in the warm
- evening light before our heavily
- loaded ferry leaves West-Sulawesi
- for East-Kalimantan .....
- 83
..... and we bid farewell
- to beautiful Sulawesi
In the meantime: Pictures from Tana Toraja (Toraja-Land)
in Sulawesi from June 27th to July 9th, 20007 |
Continuation: Pictures from
the sixth part of our Indonesian trip in Kalimantan (Borneo) from July 15th
to August 2nd, 2007 |
- More websites from Indonesia and
More websites from East Malaysia and
- Articles in newspapers about us in Indonesia:
- Article: "Tamu Istimewa: Neverending
Journey", Monthly Car Magazine "Jip", January 2007
- Article: "Toyota
FJ60 1982 World Travelers", Monthly Car Magazine "Jip", February
- Article: "CHEESE
LAND CRUISER", Monthly Car Magazine "BBC Top Gear", February 2007
- Article: "22
Tahun Jelajahi 156 Negara", Daily Newspaper "Post
Metro Balikpapan", July 17, 2007