In Deutsch
- Enjoy some pictures of the worldrecordtour, taken in Brunei

- Brunei Map

- Map of Southeast Asia
- click a picture to see details
More websites from Borneo:
- Report from Sarawak, Part 1: Northeast (Miri) from
June to August 2006
- 1st Allround-Rejuvenation of our LandCruisers FJ60,
model 1982, in Miri from Juni 20th, to August 30th, 2006
- Report from Sabah in October 2006
- Report from Sarawak, Part 2: South (Kuching) in
November 2006
- Pictures from our Borneo trip through Sarawak, Brunei,
Sabah and Kalimantan from August to November 2006
2nd Rejuvenation
of our LandCruiser at the same place from 7/30/2012 -
- 3rd Rejuvenation of
our LandCruiser
at the same place from 2/6/2017 - 5/3/2017
- Pictures of the
first part of our 2017-Malaysia-Indonesia trip in Borneo,
Sulawesi, Molucca Islands and West Papua starting August 2017



- "Nodding Donkeys", which pump
- the oil from about 330 feet,
- work continuously everywhere
- The Billionth Barrel monument in
- Seria is close to the sight, where in the
- Sultanate the first oil well was found
- some 60 years ago. Here, we celebrate
- on September 11th, 2006 our 8000th
- day on the road since October 16, 1984
- Not a common sight in Seria near
- Kuala Belait: Where in the world can
- you see simultaneously:
- 1st an Oil-Pump,
- 2nd a Refinery,
- and 3rd a Service Station?
Darussalam – “The Abode of Peace”
We did know little in Thailand what a wonderful surprise waited for us when we opened an
email from an unknown sender from the tiny Sultanate of Brunei with the following content:
.. I already live since five years in Brunei and work as senior engineer in
the local oil fields. I have a nice house and you are more than welcome to visit us (my
wife Julie and me) for a Raclette or a Fondue. Unfortunately we are not many Swiss living
in Brunei only six, the most famous one being certainly the wife of the Crown
Prince. I can also help you if you have technical problems ..
. Ruedi
Schuepbach and his wife Julie he Swiss, she from Brunei live in Kuala
Belait, the first town bordering Sarawak. This invitation comes as a real gift from
heaven, as right now we are having a very hard time with never-ending problems of our good
old LandCruiser.



- The teapot monument (roundabout) in
- Kuala Belait symbolizes the four districts
- of the Sultanate: Brunei-Muara,
- Tutong, Belait and Temburong
- Chinese Shops are mostly family
- businesses, where the older
- people are still integrated
- A striking sight is the yellow roof of
- the M.J.A.-Mosque in Kuala Belait
Coincidentally, we already decided to ship from
the Malaysian peninsula over to Borneo for the urgent car repairs. And Miri, the town we
chose to have the engine repairs and intensive body work done, is situated only about 40
miles South of Kuala Belait. What a wonderful chance and what a perfect timing! How did
Julie and Ruedi find out about us in the first place?..... I read the article in the
Swiss Revue about your
journey and have been really pleased about your courage and endurance to travel for more
than 20 years
.. are Ruedis exact words. The Swiss Revue is a monthly
publication for expatriates all over the world. Due to the same article, invitations from
other Swiss citizens living abroad flowed in later: From Egypt, India, Ireland, Malaysia
and the Philippines. So it happens that soon after our arrival in Sarawak, we hop already
over the border to Brunei to visit our new friends. Immediately, we notice some
differences: The traffic is smoother and more orderly; the many noisy scooters that are
common in most of the Asian countries are hardly seen here; life is more peaceful and
safer (less fences) and there is no visible poverty. Later, however, we learn that there
is nevertheless, especially in areas, where tribal people like the Iban and Murut live.
The most delightful difference however is that the luxurious green of the rain forest is
increasing considerably 78% of Brunei is still covered with virgin rain forest
a reason more why we like this tiny Sultanate at first sight. |



- The peaceful Belait River at sunset
- From this viewpoint, we can see as
- far as over to Malaysians Sarawak
- The sun is setting over the rainforest
When did we taste our last Fondue, our last
Raclette both wonderful traditional Swiss dishes with melted cheese? It is long,
long ago we cannot even remember it anymore. Never ever would we have dreamed to be
able to enjoy a Fondue party in the very heart of Borneo in tropical Brunei
on a very normal and very hot mid-week day while sipping white wine, exchanging adventure
stories, experiences, plans and dreams with Julie and Ruedi. Their hospitality is unique,
and only one week later, we are served Raclette, and the following week it starts all over
again ..
Everyone who knows Emil also knows that there is nothing more delightful
for his palate than cheese he easily could survive with it! Yes, while our
LandCruiser is undergoing an intensive rejuvenation in Miri, we are guests in
Kuala Belait many times during the next weekends, hopping over the very easy border from
Sarawak, first with Ruedis Daihatsu, called Liseli, which he generously
offered us for two weeks, and afterwards with a rented car a Malaysian Proton Saga. |



- The small Swiss community of Brunei
- gathers with Mr. and Mrs. Ambassador
- Daniel Woker from Singapore in
- the Empire Hotel for dinner
- On the menu the Swiss flag
- on the plate the Sorbet Trio
- View of the luxury and nice
- surroundings of the Empire Hotel
The Sultanate of Brunei is an Islamic country
where the law strictly prohibits alcohol for Moslems. People from a different faith
however are officially allowed to import some limited booze: Twelve cans of beer and two
bottles of either wine or spirit per person, which has to be declared on a yellow form and
handed over to the customs officer who stamps it. During our various border crossings, we
never have been checked once. Of course, at each border crossing, we always make use of
this quota to top up Ruedis stock which decreases always considerably during our
visits! And each time, it is also a good opportunity to easily renew our monthly stay
permit in Sarawak (whereas Peninsular Malaysia grants a three months stay, Sarawak is
limited to one month only). As a senior engineer at Baker Hughes, Ruedi spends many days
out on oilrigs with his colleagues from different countries. He tells us a lot about the
sometimes boring life out there and explains us also a lot about the
complicated drilling of oil, which is also paid above the average. But he also entertains
us with many amusing stories from his earlier job with the Red Cross in Central Africa and
Angola. Very soon it shows that there is so much common interest and so much to talk
about! And from Julie, his young charming wife, we learn a lot about Borneos culture
and its tribes. |



- A giant jungle tree rising towards the sky
- Grapes of deep red fruits grow
- on a palm tree in Ruedis garden .....
- ..... and sweet, huge mangos
- in neighbors garden
The tiny and split-up nation of Negara Brunei
Darussalam is wedged between the Malaysian state of Sarawak, facing the South China Sea
along the Northern coast of the island of Borneo. It is an absolute monarchy, ruled by
Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Muizzaddin Waddaulah (Haji means that he
made the Hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca) and is home to one of Asias oldest kingdoms.
Its sovereignty once stretched across the entire island of Borneo and parts of the
Philippine archipelago. It gained independence in 1984 (the year we set off on our world
tour) and has the reputation to enjoy one of the highest living standards in the world.
The citizens of Brunei enjoy a level of social benefits most people can only dream of. The
government of Brunei collects no taxes, grants free schooling and health care. His
Majesty, the Sultan of Brunei, known as one of the richest man in the world, is highly
respected by his people. Traditionally, he joyously celebrates his birthday on July 15th
this year 2006 his 60th together with his citizens in all the four districts
of the Sultanate. On July 22nd, the festivities take place in Kuala Belait, and we have
the unique chance to join them. |



- Julie, Ruedi and Emil enjoying Fondue
- a typical Swiss cheese specialty
- We pose for a picture in front of a
- giant oilrig on the beach in Seria
- No, this is not our new car, but the
- Rolls Royce of the Sultan of Brunei
The sun is already burning hot from a blue
sky at 8am on this festive day, when we arrive at the richly decorated stadium and are
greeted from every corner by huge billboards commemorating the Sultans 60th
birthday. Children of different ages in colorful costumes start grouping under the shades
of the tents. Slowly more and more people in beautiful attires are pouring in
Malays, Indians, Chinese, a few Westerners and tribal folks. The atmosphere is simply
unique the diversity of costumes and colors is eye-catching. Especially exotic
looking are the men in their traditional clothes, the Kain Samping a
kind of an apron made of precious brocade tied around their waist. We line up
with a happy crowd to wait for the Sultans helicopter to arrive near the stadium. I
had always a fascination for monarchies. Therefore, when finally the helicopter carrying
his Royal Highness appears, rumbling in the clear skies above our heads and making a
smooth landing just a few hundred yards away from us, whirling up a cloud of dust, I feel
probably as excited like most of his patiently waiting people too. When his black Rolls
Royce drives slowly through the festive gate towards us headed by a small,
motorized police escort on heavy motorbikes people cheer at him in loyalty and wave
little Bruneian flags.



portraits of the Sultan are greeting us all over in Kuala Belait, commemorating his 60th
Then, the crowd breaks up and returns to the
stadium. We mingle with them and try to get a good shady spot in the front rows. Seats are
anyway only available for the invited guests on a special platform under a shady tent.
Ruedi, who is representing his American company, is one of the privileged ones. The next
two hours, we are fascinated by the variety of special performances and the colorful
parade of the children and students. Only at noon, when under a burning sun the splendid
birthday celebration comes to an end with a wonderful cascade of a firework (!), we
realize how tired, hot and thirsty we are. But we have no time yet to relax, as we do not
want to miss the moment when His Excellency is gathering with the people. Being not a tall
man and dressed in his sportive outfit, it is quite hard to catch any glimpse of him at
all, as he makes his way through the massive crowd that waits eagerly to shake hands with
him but the dozens of (video)-cameras and cell-phones held high in the air always
reveal easily his royal presence though. With some endurance, we also manage to catch a
glance of this quiet ruler, who shows not at all his age. One question just comes to our
mind: Why does he appear in such a sportive gear instead of wearing his royal garments
while his people dress up in their best clothing? |



- A colorful crowd pays respect to the king on his 60th birthday in Kuala Belait:
- Deeply covered Moslem ladies
- Young Iban girls in their
- traditional tribal dress
- Moslem men in their traditional Kain
- Samping mostly made of precious brocade
The capital Bandar Seri Begawan also
called BSB is a modern city with broad avenues and well-maintained buildings, the
streets are packed with cars and a parking fee is enforced. After Oman on the Arabian Peninsula, Brunei is our second visit
to a Sultanate during our long journey around the world. We have always felt a strong
fascination for the Arab culture (we visited the Middle East three times). Strolling
around the city, this special feeling hits us fiercely once again: Its many beautiful
mosques, its towering slender minarets and golden domes gracing the skyline, and the Arab
script. When we approach the Omar Ali Saifuddien-Mosque in the heart of the
city with its glistening dome built up of 3.3 million pieces of Venetian mosaics and
situated peacefully on the shore of a quiet lagoon, our timing could not be more perfect:
The muezzins calls for the noon prayer sounds and echoes from all directions over
our heads. The richly decorated copy of the 16th-century Royal Barge mooring next to the
Mosque previously used for religious ceremonies such as the Quran reading
competition , highlights the splendor of this site. It is even more stunning in the
evening, when the sunset colors the clouds and both mosque and barge glow
like gold and reflect beautifully in the motionless water, spreading an irresistible
fairytale mood. |



- The arrival of the Sultan in his Rolls Royce
- is announced by a motorized police escort
- All eyes are fixed on the festive grounds
- The parade passes in front
- of the Sultans tribune
A totally different world is Kampung
Ayer, the traditional water village of Brunei also called Venice of the
East. It consists of about 40 villages built on stilts, spreading in the middle of
the Brunei River for about two miles, and is reached and connected by boardwalks and boats
only. It houses around 30000 people. The river is alive with motorized and roaring
water taxis. We hire one and are ferried over the river in a racing speed. Strolling
through the maze of wobbly wooden walkways, known as Jambatan, and admire the
brightly painted houses on stilts, their verandas crowded with pots of orchids and
bougainvillea, is quite amazing. It is an autonomous world in itself with schools,
mosques, police station, fire brigade etc., where nowadays their waterborne
lifestyle is combined with the conveniences of modern life. Children appear on windows and
greet us with broad smiles. Is it a perfect place to live? May be probably not for
us! Since there is one thing, which destroys this illusion: The piles of floating garbage
plastic, bottles, styropor, etc. accumulating underneath the dwellings. |



- Children and students performing
- The great finale
There is another most impressive building in
BSB: The Empire Hotel, built by Prince Jefri, the younger brother of the ruling Sultan,
who was finance minister and had a special passion for a flamboyant lifestyle and
extravagancy which brought him into troubles with his ruler. He invested so much money
into five additional luxurious hotels overseas including the Beverly Hills in Los
Angeles that he brought the tiny Sultanate close to bankruptcy. Everything is
exaggerated in this 1.1-billion-US-Dollar-Empire-Hotel, but in a way that it is also
unique in its eccentric architecture, decor and extraordinary surroundings.
Everything is there: From a golf course to a bowling alley, from a cinema to a beach and a
dinner theatre. Long before this world-class hotel gave us a lavish welcome, Ruedi told us
that it boasts with superlatives: Starting from the magnificent lobby with its 265ft high
atrium and its crystal chandeliers to the stairway railings plated in 21 carat gold. It is
a gigantic feeling! Gigantic, of course, are also the room prices: They range from US$335
to US$15513 (! for the Emperor Suite) per night! |



- The End
- His Majesty, the Sultan, meets the
- people. Behind him in a white
- T-Shirt follows the Crown Prince,
- who is married to a half Swiss. Her
- mother is Swiss, her father Bruneian
- A well deserved drink after performing
Of course, we never would have dreamt to step
into this luxurious world, would we not have been welcomed to join a special dinner for
the tiny Swiss Community in Brunei, offered by our Ambassador in Singapore, Mr. Daniel
Woker, responsible also for Brunei. The invited guests are happy; the table is decorated
lovingly; the menu card bears our white-red National flag, which we have to admit
revives a special feeling for our home country when we arrive. We enjoy the
following menu: Well, it started with Amuse Bouche, little seafood entrees to
awake our appetite, followed by Penne Pasta (Pasta with sauce arabiatta,
pomodoro or pesto), Veal Scaloppini (served with spinach, carrots, asparagus
and broccoli) and a trio of sorbet as desert. It ended as usual with coffee and tea and
petit four in addition delicious chocolate that melts on your tongue
Swiss quality of course. Being in a dry country, in a way it is amusing
to see that, at least in a closed party as ours, alcohol is still served, but in
nontransparent blue glasses! Automatically, we remember the many private parties in Saudi
Arabia, when we were invited and where was also never a shortage of alcohol. |



- The 'Jame Asr Hassanil Bolkiah'-Mosque
- in Kiarong was built to commemorate
- the 25th anniversary of the Sultans reign
- Birthday wishes for the Sultan in
- Arabic script in Bandar Seri Begawan
- The 'Jame Asr Hassanil Bolkiah'-
- Mosque in Kiarong by night
Situated also on the banks of the Brunei River
in BSB, is the Istana Nurul Iman the official Sultans residence
and seat of the Government. It is said to be the largest residential palace in the world.
Unfortunately it is open to the public only once a year, at Hari Raya Aidifitri
marking the end of the Ramadan (we nearly make it, but only nearly!) .At this occasion,
the ruler and his family are apparently present to shake hands with the people. But from
the Rough Guide Book, we learn some phenomenal figures about its grandeur: It
is bigger than the Buckingham-Palace or the Vatican. It has 1788 rooms, 257 toilets,
18 elevators and 44 escalators. It is illuminated with 51000 bulbs. The Royal
Banquet Hall can accommodate 4000 people, the Prayer Hall 1500, and the
underground parking garage the Sultans 100 vehicles! Living in a small car for
almost 22 years as we do it is a bit hard to imagine life in such an
extravagant surrounding! Probably we would need walkie-talkies to find each
other again! |



- Kampong Ayer the traditional river
- village in Brunei is called also
- Venice of the East. It consists
- of about 40 different villages .....
- ..... which are connected by
- wobbling wooden planks .....
- ..... and where life takes a peaceful course
Never would we have expected to get stuck so
many weeks in this small Sultanate with a total area of 2226 square miles and
approximately 360000 inhabitants only. The reason is the never ending car permit
bureaucracy for the Philippines, which we already initiated in February. Finally
everything seems to be settled and the date for the ferry from Sandakan to Mindanao is
fixed for September 19th. Additionally, the SuperFerry the second largest
Philippines Ferry Company offers us a sponsorship for all the transport within the
islands. But we are not yet there and shortly before the set date, the Filipino Customs
jeopardizes our whole project. We are asked to place a bond covering 150% of all the
duties, taxes and other expenses. Up to now, we never complied in any country with such a
request, knowing that we will (if ever) get back the money only after our car has left,
and then only in local currency, which moreover can take months. This risk is so big that
we definitely are not willing to bear it. But despite of this sudden knock-down, we do not
give up yet. We make contact with the Philippine Embassy in Brunei, explain the whole
story, and get a positive reaction for assistance from its very friendly Consul as well as
from its Ambassador. Both promised to do their best to find a way to help us
probably to convince the Department of Tourism in Manila to place a bond in their name for
us (it worked out that way in St. Lucia). However, this new situation means for us that we
need to change our plans, as probably it would take weeks or even months again to make it
work. But at least, we have now a new reason for hope! |



- Thousands of colorful lights illuminate
- the streets of the capital in honor of
- the 60th birthday of the Sultan
- The 'Ali Saifuddien'-Mosque and a
- copy of the Royal Barge dating
- back to the 16th century give a
- sense of 1001 nights
- The 'Ali Saifuddien'-Mosque
- glows like pure gold in the evening light
Luckily, we have a wonderful time in Brunei and
are able to enjoy an exceptional hospitality. Besides Julie and Ruedi in Kuala Belait, we
meet other people mainly teachers who came to this remote part of the world
to experience another culture, a new way of life and a new environment: First the
Australian teachers Nancy and Ray who contact us after reading our interview with the
Borneo Bulletin.
They invite us spontaneously for a cup of coffee. But it does not end with that cup; it
ends with staying in their home for three nights. Then, they recommend us to their New
Zealand teacher colleagues Monique and Beane in Bangar in Bruneis district and
exclave of Temburong, where we stop on our way to and from Sabah each time for four
enjoyable, relaxing days. There, we also meet their friend Alex from Malta of
course also a teacher and because of him the entire Temburong Nights
Basketball Club. As a special honor, Emil is proclaimed an honorary member on
October 1st. But the ball keeps rolling, the hospitality goes on: On our Southbound stop
in the capital BSB, we are welcomed at Dans place, another Australian teacher, where
we have a good time during another four days, meeting and partying with his friends,
washing our clothes and taking also the chance to visit the Brunei Museum. While Emil
spends there most of the time in the oil and gas history exhibition, I am especially
attracted to the Islamic Gallery of Art with its numerous illuminated Korans mainly
from Turkey, but also from Iran, Syria and Egypt. Each single page is a master piece in
itself with golden ornaments and delicate, decorative paintings. The timing happens
to be also just perfect to get our visa for Indonesia in BSB now our next and 155th
country. |



- A new village on stilts has been
- built on the Brunei River
- Long and lonely: The Muara Beach
- at the South China Sea
- A passenger express boat flies over
- the water channels between Bangar
- in the Temburong District and the
- capital Bandar Seri Begawan
The most beautiful spot for us is Monique and
Beanes place in Temburong. They live right next to the jungle, which turns out to be
a true treasure box of wild animals and exotic plants. Looking out of the window as soon
as we wake up, there is always a great excitement. Sometimes, our friends, the
long-tailed macaques are already sitting on the huge tree in front of the house, sometimes
they just emerge from the dense bush and then swing precariously from branch to branch. It
is an ongoing entertainment. We never get tired to watch them foraging, to look how
mothers teach their youngsters to climb, how they louse each other or how they sit just
quietly, but alert on a branch, disappearing hastily at the slightest movement in the
dense forest again. Exceptional beautiful are also the huge butterflies and bugs in their
sizes and colors flattering above our heads. And when night falls, we even hear the gentle
sound of a barking lizard which can reach a length of three feet. It is
simply beautiful an expensive jungle lodge could not make us happier. |



- We are greeted by the Temburong
- Knights Basketball Club in Bangar/
- Temburong in Brunei, when Emil
- becomes a Honorary Member
- Everything seems to grow in
- excess in the tropics like this bug
- Lovely drive through the lush tropical
- rain forest along the Sungai Batu Apoi-
- River near Bangar in the Temburong
- District, the exclave of Brunei
Our last stop on the way South is once more
Kuala Belait, where the circle closes in. Not without regret, we say good bye to our good
friends Julie and Ruedi, then fill our 62 gallon tank with cheap gasoline of 0.36
Brunei-$/Lt (=23 US-cents) and stock up with Dutch cheese and other imported goodies that
are a bit expensive in Brunei though, but not available in Malaysia. When the border gate
closes behind us on October 21st after having spent 43 days in different stages in
this tiny Sultanate we know that it left a beautiful imprint on our memory as a
very special place. |



- Fisherman enjoying the afternoon
- and hoping for some catch
- These long-tailed macaques have
- only little natural jungle habitat left
- The Sungai Batu Apoi-River is meandering
- peacefully through the rain forest near Bangar
- in the Temburong District, the exclave of Brunei
- More websites from Indonesia and
More websites from East Malaysia and
- Articles in newspapers about us in Brunei:
- Article: "Lifelong
sojourn for Swiss couple", Borneo Bulletin - September 16, 2006