- Sarawak Map
- Map of Southeast Asia
- Malaysia
- Indonesia
- Attention:
- Because we drove the current first part
below from Miri in Malaysia to
Pontianak in Indonesia already in October/November 2006, which is
published on the website “Borneo”
(see pic # 26-51) as
well as the first “Indonesia Trip
Part 1“ (see
pic # 49-54), we won't show now anymore so many photos from
this stretch. Though we shall see “new land” between Pontianak and
Kumai. However also the current second part – the sector from Kumai
to Balikpapan – is a repetition for us (July 2007) and can be seen
on the site “Indonesia Trip Part 6”
(see pic # 2-34).
Links are in the captures. “New
land” for us is definitively from picture
#31 onwards.
- latest picture:
October 18, 2017



001 Departure from our MCity Apartment
- in Miri/Sarawak/East Malaysia on the Island
- of Borneo. It was our pleasant "home" during
- the 3rd rejuvenation
of our LandCruiser .....
002 ..... where we experienced
- magnificent sunsets from our
- balcony on the 3rd floor
003 Is there a lovelier
- than the seahorse at
Miri's Marina,
- which is the towns mascot?



004 The three of us in front of
- famous landmark – the seahorse – at
- our departure to the South from
- northern
005 A traditional longhouse of the Dayak
- in Sarawak, here before Sibu. At Sungai Asap
- near Bintulu –
the longest longhouse – up to
- 100 families live under the same roof but have
- different doorways from the communal terrace
006 Our LandCruiser at the
100 years old
- Tua Pek Kong Temple along the Rajang
- River in
Sibu. With its
7-storey pagoda it
- is an impressive landmark of the town



007 On the coastal road to
through Pusa
- and Sebuyau our LandCruiser drives off
one of the
- two ferries that connect this route.
Both of the two
- ferries cost amazingly only 1 Ringgit
(= US$ 0.20).
- Although the distance from Sibu to
Kuching in
- southern
Sarawak is therefore about 60
- [100km] shorter, the time remains
about the same
- due to the two river crossings
008 Emil enjoys our picnic of satay sticks
- with beer at the camping table below a shady
- jackfruit tree along Maludam National Park,
- which cannot be classified as spectacular from
- the roadside view, because it can be entered
- only with difficulties (flat peat swamp forest)
009 While
Miri in northern
Sarawak has
- the seahorse as mascot,
Kuching is the city
- of the cats. Cute and funny cat monuments
- are scattered in and around
- capital in the South of the Malaysian
- state on the Island of
Borneo. Here the
most important in the East of the old city
(South City Council)



010 Another enjoyable cute cat monument
- – a whole family – in Kuching, the city of
- cats. Actually there are three in the
old city:
- East (South City Council), center and West
- (North City Council)
011 Kuching's most
striking 9-storied building
- – the "Sarawak State Assembly" with its
- distinctive "payung" (umbrella) roof –
- sits on the northern shore of the Sarawak
- River and was opened on July 27th, 2009
012 The pedestrian zone of
the "India
- Street" in an old area of the city of Kuching
- is lined with shops selling all kind of stuff,
- particularly textiles. Its special roofing
- was completed in 2016



013 9/6/2017: We celebrate our easy-going
- 531st border crossing, this time from Tebedu/
- Malaysia to Entikong/Indonesia
with an
- Indonesian “Bintang” beer. All we get is one
- with 0.0% alcohol. Bleak prospects – finished
- with Malaysian “Tiger” and “Tiger Radler”!
014 The new Tayan Bridge between
- Tayan (North) and Piasak (South) over
- the mighty Kapuas River in West
- Kalimantan is announcing
- itself in huge letters .....
015 ..... the bridge is
part of the “Trans
- Kalimantan Highway” and connects West
- Borneo with Central Borneo. It was opened
- on May 22, 2016. It is the longest bridge
- in
Borneo with
a length of 6'480 ft [1'975m]



016 9/7/2017: About 3 miles [5km] North of
- the Tayan bridge over the Kapuas River in West
- Kalimantan, we cross the Equator from the northern
- to the southern hemisphere for the 20th time,thereof
- 14 times with our LandCruiser. Nothing indicates
- latitude 0°, just the Garmin GPS shows us the spot
017 A
settlement along the relatively new
- “Trans Kalimantan Highway” that leads more
- than 250 miles [>400km] through lush tropical
- vegetation. From here until Pangkalanbun, it is
- “new land” for us. This stretch wasn't
- driveable in 2007
due to heavy rain
018 An Indonesian lady
- herself from the scorching Equator
- sun with an umbrella



019 One of the ten landslides on the 1'150 ft.
- [350m] high hill passage from West to Central
- Kalimantan. They are all more recent, but already
- passable again. With it the most attractive and
- still mostly untouched part of the improved
- “Trans Kalimantan Highways” ends
020 The
huge “plant fronds” emerging
- from the tropical vegetation
- are always eye-catching
021 A narrow but one of
the many slow-
- moving brown jungle rivers in Kalimantan,
- fringed by luxury tropical vegetation.
- It has a kind of inscrutable appearance



022 Surprise, surprise! Is this not a shop with
- REAL beer? While driving through a bigger
- town Emil discovers the piled up Bintang cases.
- Hopefully better days are ahead!
023 This
monumental mosque stays in the city
- of Sampit in Central Kalimantan. Such huge
- buildings can be found everywhere, as
- is the main religion in Kalimantan: West
- Central 74%, South 96%, East 85%, North 65%
024 One of the many
“swiftlet fortresses”, besides
- palm oil another lucrative business. Swiftlet's nests
- are collected and sold to China. They are a Chinese
- delicacy. 1lb = about 55 nests cost up to US$725
- [1kg/120 nests US$1'600], depending on



025 During a short stopover on our roller coaster
- ride from South to East Kalimantan a father takes
- a picture from us, while his family is enjoying it.
- Smartphones are just everywhere!
026 The
crossing from South to East Kalimantan
- is a constant roller coaster ride through luxurious
- tropical green. Up to now it is the slowest stretch
- due to the holey bad road condition
027 It never takes long
for kids to spot our
- special looking LandCruiser. Somehow it doesn't
- fit into their normal scene; therefore their
- astonishment is always obvious



028 At the ferry terminal of Penajam with its
- pretty backdrop of stilt houses we take our
- 1st ferry across the Balikpapan Bay to
- Kariangau near Balikpapan
029 The
ferry ride on board of the 21-year-
- old “KMP Dharma Ferry” was our 300th
- shipping during the past almost 33 years and
- lasted for the 4.2 miles [6.8km] one
- Cost Rp. 269'500 (US$21.50)
030 Kariangau/Balikpapan
is greeting us
- with the attractive scenery of Balikpapan – a
- big city with a population of more than 700'000



031 The lights of the city of Balikpapan are
- already switched on when we leave Kalimantan
- on board of the ferry “KMP Tuna” (24 years old)
- and make ourselves comfortable for the 22 hours/
- 232 miles [374km] long crossing through the
- Makassar Strait to the island of Sulawesi .....
032 .....
the crew is cheerful and hopes
- that they will catch a big fish during the
- calm sea journey, which unfortunately
- does not happen .....
033 ..... the jetty in
Taipa, about 10 miles
- [16km] north of Palu – the capital of Central
- Sulawesi – comes in sight. We "survived" the
- crossing at calm sea carrying only few
- passengers and vehicles



034 Sunday morning in Palu: Families enjoy
- themselves at the stony seashore. Eateries
- spring up. At lunchtime, when it is getting
- sticky hot, the beach is deserted again
035 Children
obviously have much
- fun in their rubber dinghy watched
- by their parents
036 The renter of car's
inner tubes in Palu is
- packing up. He manages to cram up to 16 of
- the inflated tubes onto his motorbike



Thundery atmosphere across Palu Bay.
- Sheltered by mountain ridges, Palu itself is
- regarded as the driest location in Indonesia
Palu's white horse monument
- at the beach front contrasts with
- the dark mountain backdrop
The floating ‘Arqam Bab Al Rahman’
- Mosque in Palu. It was inaugurated in 2012
- by the Governor of Central Sulawesi



It is sizzling at every street corner.
- Here a lady is scooping fried
- bananas from her pan
Bride and groom are posing for
- their photographer and smile as well
- into our camera
Three school girls in their Muslim outfit
- are waiting to be picked up from school. 77% of
- the population of Central Sulawesi are Muslim



043 Just on Liliana's birthday our LandCruiser
- surprises us with its 188th flat tire. Emil is
- fetching the spare tire from the roof
044 Not
everyday a foreigner is changing
- a tire. Children are fast to spot us and follow
- each of our movements
045 A farmer drives home
from his
- plantation with some coconuts
- tied to his motorbike



046 Northern Sulawesi is known for its
- extensive coconut plantations. About 20%
- of the copra production of Indonesia
- can be found here
047 At
the turquoise shimmering natural pool
- (sinkhole) “Pusat Laut” about 9 miles
- southwest of Donggala, resp. ca. 30 miles
- [50km] from Palu, children dip into the water to
- catch the coins, visitors have been throwing in
048 The beach lying along
Makassar Strait
- is gleaming white and is deserted on the day
- when we visit it during the week



- The beauty of exotic plants are eye-catching
049 A hanging heliconia (Heliconia
- rostrata), actually a South American plant
050 A
bunch of coconuts (Cocos nucifera)
- that hang heavily at the palm tree
051 A tree trunk where
delicate fresh
- plants are springing everywhere



052 Liliana at the terrace of our Bungalow
- under palm trees directly at the beach of the
- "Bambaleno Beach Cottages" in Parigi, located
- ca. 50 miles [80km] east of Palu at
Tomini Bay
053 A
smelly billy goat tries persistently
- to make friend with Emil
054 Next
morning we are awakened by a
- gorgeous sunrise at the very calm Tomini Bay



055 9/27/2017: Equator monument in
- Central Sulawesi. We cross at Tada the equator
- for the 20th time from South
to North resp.
- the 12th time together with our LandCruiser
056 The
island feeling is evident when
- we roll on the ‘Trans Sulawesi
- across the lush landscape
057 Peace and solitude: A
modest hut,
- a fishing boat and in front the wide blue
- sea, the Tomini Bay in Molucca Sea –
- on the road to Moutong



058 Morning mood at 5am: View across
- the calm sea
from our seaside terrace at
- the ‘Sakana Beach Resort’ in Moutong
059 The
dead and leafless mangrove trees are
- a desolate sight. About half of
the originally
- 32'865 acres [133km²] of mangroves of the
- ‘Tanjung Panjang Reserve’ in the Gorontalo
- Province have been converted since
- into extensive fish ponds
060 View over a sea of
palm trees –
- one of the many plantations near the
- ‘Randangan Panua
Reserve’ along the
- southern coast in the province of
- Gorontalo – that spread an exotic feeling



061 The southern
coastal route from
- Gorontalo along the ‘Dumago Bone National
- Park’ to Kotamobagu and in direction
- Manado is very picturesque with its
- hidden bays and beaches .....
062 .....
the many
quaint fishing villages .....
063 ..... and mostly
narrow roads, often
- fringed with palm trees. But this route is about
- 60 miles [100km] shorter than the ‘Trans
- Sulawesi Road’ along the
northern coast



064 Nature pure: A stony mountain stream
- carves
its way through lush tropical vegetation –
- on the Gorontalo-
Kotamobagu south route
065 A
pretty mosque in Molibagu at the
- Molucca Sea, where it's said to
have another
- 23 mosques, although the village lies already
- on the
rather Christian dominated
- (up to 93%) Minahasa Peninsula
066 Beach, palm trees and
the sea
- – what more could we want? - near
- Molibagu,
North Sulawesi, at the
- Molucca Sea. This picture is our
- 10'000th
photo on our website



067 A forested volcano watches over
- a rice field
in the Minahasa Highland
068 The
three of us feel very happy in the
- tropical surroundings of Tomohon,
- capital of the Minahasa Highland
069 After each tropical
rain, the hills in
- the Minahasa Highland get shrouded by mist



- Churches dominate in the Christian oriented Northeast of Sulawesi
particularly the Minahasa Highland. Mostly they are impressive
monumental buildings
- and the houses of worship belong to different
congregations. It is not uncommon that in a small modest village
different congregations are “competing” and
- churches are standing
side by side. And Christians do as Muslims do: They also stand on
the street in front of their places of worship and collect
- money
from passing motorists
070 Gereja GMIM Kalvari Tombasian
- Atas in
Kawangkoan, 10 miles [17km] south of
- Tomohon, i.e. 25 miles [40km]
south of Manado
071 Gereja
GMIM Imanuel Leilem in
- Leilem, 5½ miles [9km] south of Tomohon,
- i.e.
20 miles [40km] south of Manado
072 Gereja Katolik St.
- Xaverius Kakaskasen in Tomohon,
- 13½ miles [22km] south of Manado



073 The Buddhist ‘Vihara Buddhayana’
- complex in Tomohon at the ‘Minahasa’ Highland
- sits on a hill surrounded by agriculture
074 View
from the top of the nine-story
- ‘Ekayana’ pagoda down to the 18 golden
- ‘Lohan’ statues that line the entrance
075 One of the impressive
golden ‘Lohan’ statues
- – Pindolabharadvaja – with 5'184 ft. [1'580m] high
- ‘Mount Lokon/Empung’
volcano) in the background



The lovely little temple (Palace of the
- Goddess ‘Kwan Im’) is a fascinating example
- of Buddhists rich decorations
Emil is enjoying the view from the top
- of the ‘Ekayana’ pagoda. Wherever it is
- possible to climb a tower, Emil does it
A shrine with a statue of Goddess
- ‘Kwan Im’ besides the ‘Ekayana’ pagoda,
- flanked by bouquets of flowers



079 Mystic figures frame the fountain at the
- ‘Vihara Buddhayana’ complex in Tomohon
080 A
giant frog-headed dragon is part of
- the ‘Vihara Buddhayana’ complex in
- Tomohon, which symbolizes luck
081 A remembrance picture
of the three
- of us in front of the impressive ‘Vihara
- Buddhayana’ complex in Tomohon



Emil serves as a “guinea pig” of the
- dished up Minahasa’ food bowls at the Heng-
- mien Restaurant, because Indonesian food is
- often too spicy for Liliana thanks to its chili
The family of the Hengmien Restaurant
- at the Tomohon-Manado road
Emil eats “Fondue” at the Kitty
- Bakery in Tomohon – at least that's
- what the little bowl with the creamy
- cheese-milk-sauce is called!



085 View from the big panorama
- window at the Hengmien Restaurant
- into the tropical surroundings …..
086 …..
with its exotic orchids …..
087 ….. and a butterfly
resting on a green leaf



088 The encounter with like-minded Swiss
- fellows Marius, Diana and their two boys at the
- Mountain View Resort in Tomohon is too brief
089 Our
LandCruiser always generates attention:
- At the Kitty Bakery in Tomohon we are asked to
- pose for a picture with officials
090 Thomas and Ursi from
Switzerland belong
- also to the holiday makers with whom we had nice
- conversations at the Mt. View Resort
in Tomohon



The monument with the white wild
- horses stays in Manado's ring road at
- entrance to the residential complex
- “CitraLand” of “Ciputra”
The 98 ft. [30m] high statue of Jesus
- Christ in Manado is besides the ”Cristo
- Redentor“ in Rio de Janeiro/Brazil and the
- ”Cristo Rei“ in Lubango/Angola
the third big
- Christ monument we were able to admire on
- our epic journey; left of it the ”Big Ben Tower“
The “flying” Christ statue in Manado
- watches over the city. It is situated on the
- hill of the ”Citral“ residential area
More websites from the
"Borneo-Sulawesi-Moluccas-Papua" trip:
- Part 2: Pictures
from the second part of North Sulawesi
– Tomohon and surroundings, Tangkoko NP
in October 2017
- Part 3: Pictures
from the North Moluccas Part 1 – Ternate und Tidore in
November/December 2017
- Part 4: Pictures from the North Moluccas Part 2
– Halmahera in November/December
- Part 5: Pictures
from West Papua Part 1 (Irian Jaya) – Sorong and westerly ‘Trans Papua Road’
in December 2017-February 2018
- Part 6: Pictures from
the Moluccas Part 1 (Central) – Seram in February 2018
- Part 7: Pictures from
the Moluccas Part 2 (Central) – Ambon in February/March 2018
- Part 8: Pictures from
Papua Part 1 – Yapen in March 2018
- Part 9: Pictures from
Papua Part 2 – Biak in April 2018
- Part 10: Pictures
from West Papua Part 2 (Irian
Jaya) – Manokwari and easterly ‘Trans Papua Road’
in April 2018
- Part 11: Pictures from South Sulawesi-Kalimantan-Sarawak
Part 2 –
South Sulawesi via Kalimantan to Kuching and Miri/Malaysia from May to
July 2018
- More websites from Indonesia and
More websites from East Malaysia und