In Deutsch
- Enjoy some pictures of the worldrecordtour, taken in Sabah,
- the East Malaysian Province on Borneo

- Sabah Map

- Map of Southeast Asia
- click a picture to see details


More websites from Borneo:
- 1st Allround-Rejuvenation of our LandCruisers FJ60,
model 1982, in Miri from Juni 20th, to August 30th, 2006
- Report from Sarawak, Part 1: Northeast (Miri) from
June to August 2006
- Report from Brunei in September 2006
- Report from Sarawak, Part 2: South (Kuching) in
November 2006
- Pictures from our Borneo trip through Sarawak, Brunei,
Sabah and Kalimantan from August to November 2006
2nd Rejuvenation
of our LandCruiser at the same place from 7/30/2012 -
- 3rd Rejuvenation of
our LandCruiser
at the same place from 2/6/2017 - 5/3/2017
- Pictures of the
first part of our 2017-Malaysia-Indonesia trip in Borneo,
Sulawesi, Molucca Islands and West Papua starting August 2017



- Selamat Datang right after our entry
- to the semi-autonomous East Malaysian
- Province of Sabah, we are greeted by a
- billboard showing a promising cloudless
- Mount Kinabalu
- The surroundings of this Sabah
- house are decorated by an
- abundance of flower pots
- Palm oil plantations as far as the
- eye can see. Soon there will be
- no rainforest left anymore in Sabah!
- Sabah - "Land below the Wind"
The officer at the Sabah inter-provincial customs booth looks at us with a broad smile, as
we stop and hand him over our passports. While he puts a red stamp on the entry form, he
already wishes us happy travels in our new, semi-autonomous province of Malaysia. Right at
the next corner, a huge billboard showing a cloudless Mt. Kinabalu with 13'435 ft.
the highest mountain in Southeast Asia, exactly between the Himalayas and the island of
New Guinea is greeting us promisingly with Selamat Datang
Welcome to Sabah. We are looking forward to the Northern tip of Borneo to the
mountains we have been missing for so long, but also to the still pristine rainforest with
the Rafflesia flower, the biggest in the world. However what we are especially looking
forward is our first close encounter with the endangered Orang Utan and the Proboscis
monkeys with their pendulous nose, which still can survive here in protected areas, but
have been and are still being squeezed into a tiny and constantly further disappearing
part of their natural habitat. We wonder how many of our great expectations of Sabah might
become true. Highly motivated, we drive towards the capital Kota Kinabalu (called simply
KK). Without air-conditioning, it is extremely hot in our car and we need at least a tree
giving us some shade during our lunch break. But trees are rare here, at least in the
vicinity of the road, and from the only South-North connection there is no escape.
Therefore, we just have a delayed, short and hasty picnic alongside the busy road and the
question of a suitable place to camp the coming night crosses soon our mind, when we
realize that the density of the population is increasing constantly. Arriving in Kinarut,
about 11 miles before KK, and seeing the sign of the Seaside Travellers Inn,
lying directly at the South China Sea, we cannot resist. Despite that the price of RM 66
(approx. US$20) including breakfast though is high for our humble budget,
the thought of being able to cool down is really too tempting. The room is
air-conditioned, airy with toilet and hot showers. While Emil is settling down immediately
with his laptop, I stroll along the beach, but I am disappointed for two reasons: There
are no shells at all, but garbage is all over instead.



- From Signal Hill, we enjoy a beautiful
- view over the roofs of Kota Kinabalu,
- the capital of Sabah
- This 51½ ft. high wooden Atkinson
- Clock Tower in Kota Kinabalu is
- the only structure which survived the
- bombings of the allies in 1945 of the
- by then called town of Jesselton
- The state mosque with its
- beautifully decorated dome
- is eye catching
Thunder and lightening and
lightening and thunder keep us awake the whole night. We hear the tropical rain pouring
down on our corrugated iron roof. The strong swell of the sea is increasing hourly and
soon it cannot be overheard anymore, when the high waves are breaking with a rumbling
noise at the water edge hopefully not a Tsunami? It is good to know that at least
our faithful LandCruiser, whose windscreen is leaking considerably since its recent rejuvenation, is save this night under a well
protecting roof. Were we still able to catch a glimpse of the small off shore islands last
evening, today morning everything is hidden in an impenetrable grey wall of fog. Towards
noon, when the sight improves a little bit, we continue our journey. But already reaching
the first supermarket near town, a new violent tropical storm sweeps over the place,
forcing us to look for shelter until the weather situation improves again. As it has
happened many times before during our epic journey, we seek refuge at Mc
Donalds present also here in different city corners where a cheese
burger is always enjoyable and where we spend some dry hours. Right opposite is a huge
shopping mall with a cyber cafe, where we kill more precious time until towards the
evening, the skies start to clear a little. Then, we stroll to the nearby water front,
just in time to watch the beginning set-up of the colorful night market. Vegetables,
fruits, fish, chicken everything is carefully displayed and everything is available
in excess. From the many arrays of lovely looking fruit pyramids, we buy the red fleshy
mango that beside the papaya is our favorite tropical fruit. A big crowd of
people gather around a small table with fish, where a huge specimen is hanging on a strong
hook and where slice after slice is cut and sold. It must be either good value or a real
delicacy. Knowing not much about fish, we cannot judge. In one corner, children sit on a
huge, light blue tray, concentrating on a game with coins. Being an enthusiast of lively
markets, I get never bored.



- The night market at the riverfront
- of Kota Kinabalu offers everything
- imaginable: Tropical fruits .....
- ..... fresh fish .....
- ..... and chicken
But at a certain moment, Emil
pushes to change the scenario. We drive to the Signal Hill, enjoying from there a lovely
view over the colorful roofs of KK in the evening light and visit afterwards the beautiful
state mosque with its gold patterned dome, thus having already seen all the interesting
sights of KK, Sabahs capital and main city. For the night, we return to the
Seaside Travellers Inn. Next morning, apart from the usual breakfast
consisting of toast, butter and marmalade, there is additionally scrambled eggs and ham to
choose. We find out that the reason is an Australian tourist group dressed adventurously
in khaki outfit, which arrived late last night. This morning, the panorama
from our veranda table is simply beautiful: The sun is out again and embraces the small
off-shore islands, the sea is blue and quiet, and the wave splash softly on the shore. It
is low tide. White egrets are searching motionless for food and reflect wonderfully in the
shallow water a wonderful sight, disturbed only by the loud conversations of the
tour group that does not seem to have the same enthusiasm for this enchanting moment as we
do. After Emils fourth coffee (usually he is happy with three!) he is ready to move
on. We feel really sorry to bother the two sweet cats that chose to sleep already the
second night on our LandCruisers jerry cans on the roof rack. The red one does not
understand the world anymore as the car starts moving and it keeps its position for quite
some time before realizing what happens. A hastily jump to safety brings it back to earth.



- We enjoy the peace and
- stillness of the
- remaining rain forest
- Mt. Kinabalu, with 13'435 ft. the
- highest mountain in Southeast Asia,
- allows us only a glimpse of its peaks
- through the mist and the clouds
- Straight as an arrow, this
- ball tree is growing
- towards the sky
Before we leave the always
congested KK, we investigate at the tourist office, the Nationalpark-Service and the
forestry if a rare Rafflesia flower the biggest in the world is currently
blooming. The answer is a real knock down. The flowering season here just finished at the
end of September, we are told. Come again next April! Actually, this
information is totally contrarily to all previous ones, which says that this wonderful,
amazing flower can be seen all year round. But having no other reliable source left to
inquire, we have to believe them. Not without frustration, we therefore erase already our
first expectation of our Sabah trip. Afterwards we take a turn into the mountains. The
road snakes its way nicely through jungle covered hills, giving now and then a glimpse of
the hilly panorama, which unfortunately can be seen only partly, as the enormous clouds of
smoke of the illegal slash-and-burn forest clearing, not only predominantly in neighboring
Indonesia, have covered the sky. It happens every year, and every year nobody cares and
does anything against it. October is said to be the worst month in this respect, and today
we write October 5th! From the promising Mt. Kinabalu, there is no trace at all! It hides
persistently behind a compact cap of clouds. Emil is really frustrated: The call of the
mountains means so much more to him than a colorful market scene. To improve our kind of a
downhill mood, we follow a small stony track leading uphill for a peaceful lunch, and we
set up our camping gear. Soon, our newly discovered aperitif a gin tonic ,
followed by boiled eggs, cucumber and tomato salad and of course plenty of cheese
makes us feel much more relaxed, rounded up by dates and banana cake as desert, and
certainly some beers are not to be missed. At first, we see only long, black ears, then a
shy female dog lying down in a safe distance from us, but watching every of our movements
attentively. It is always surprising how these visitors appear suddenly from out of
nowhere. As soon as we get up and want to give her some food, she disappears as sudden as
she appeared.



- In the green Ranau valley rice is growing .....
- ..... water buffalos are grazing .....
- ..... and vegetables are being cultivated
It is drizzling when we reach the
Mt. Kinabalu-Nationalpark. As soon as we step out of our car, a stiff chilly wind blows
into our face and we feel the cold penetrating right to our bones. It takes just minutes
that our bare feet are hidden in warm socks and we look desperately for a warm jumper.
What we are now longing for is a cup of hot, steaming coffee, while only a few hours
earlier we were craving for an ice cold Coke. Writing my diary in the hotel, I have to
cover my legs with the thin bed blanket. Yes, despite our firm desire to set up a camp
under a clear sky at the foot of the mighty Mt. Kinabalu, we dismissed this idea rapidly
and escaped into the Kinabalu Rose Cabin Lodge. Our room faces the mountain
and has a small wooden porch. It does not last long before a violent storm howls across
the place, rattling on doors and roofs. How very glad we are to be surrounded by four
protective walls. We both sleep in the same narrow bed under two covers to keep each other
warm. When I have to visit the bathroom, I automatically peek out of the window. But there
is no change in the weather pattern. The thick mist still enters right our window. Not to
miss any precious moment, we take our breakfast in front of the open veranda door next
morning and trace the dark clouds drifting with great speed across the famous mountain. We
feel like a cat sitting in front of a mouse hole. But the mouse shows its
pointed ears only for seconds when the fog raises for an instant. Veils of mist start to
rise everywhere from the densely forested mountain slopes, forming bizarre towers heading
skywards. It is a constantly changing natural spectacle. When a new compact wall of fog
approaches, we know that this was it! Additionally, it starts to rain, most heavily at
11am when we have to check out. The friendly owners of the lodge give us a full box of
mineral water, two key hooks and a Mt. Kinabalu sticker a lovely gesture for a few
pictures shot hurriedly in the rain with our car in front of their mountain lodge. How
many times did we already pose for pictures? We cannot remember, but certainly we would
already have a nice figure if we got only a few coins each time. Therefore, we really
appreciate the lovely gesture of the Kinabalu Rose Cabin Lodge.



- We admire unique orchids and flowers in the Rainforest Discovery Center in
Sepilok near Sandakan
Driving down to the green Ranau
valley in the heavy rain and omnipresent mist, we are not happy with the weather
god at all, who deprived us of the so much hoped experience to camp in the nature
and be greeted in the morning by a beautiful mountain scenery. Thus, within the first
days, we already have to bury our second expectation put into Sabah. At least, we can book
one success as we drive slowly through rainy Ranau: We discover a big Shell Station with a
roofed lift, which even can raise our heavy LandCruiser what does not happen often. The
timing is just right. After 600 miles since our first engine overhaul, we need to make an
oil change and up to now, we already drove 700 miles, because Emil is
understandably not in a mood to crawl in the rain and mud under the car. In this country,
it does not make sense anyway when the work costs merely RM8 = US$2. With this oil change,
also our confidence into our LandCruisers robustness returns slowly again. The
scenery gets more rural, as we drive up and down the hills towards the Eastern plains.
Humble dwellings on stilts appear, with arrays of colorful clothes hung up to dry and
exotic well-maintained flower-pots everywhere. Rice fields spread out below us in a lush
green color. Now and then, we see local women pondering rice in front of their homes or
walking with baskets strapped to their backs beside the street. A mighty jungle river
snakes its way through a remaining part of the rainforest, before we reach the plains. It
is the mighty river Sungai Liwagu that we follow for some time near Telupid. What comes
after, destroys harshly another of our visions already our third in Sabah: Palmoil
plantations are reaching out infinitely ahead and beside us for more than 70 miles.
This robs us our very last illusion to still find some considerable stretches of an
untouched jungle paradise. Since the price for a barrel of oil increased to about US$80,
it is profitable to wipe out the existing rainforest to grow cheaper palm oil, which can
be added to the fuel a lucrative process with disastrous consequences. In Sepilok
near Sandakan, only 15½ sq. miles could be protected to give the highly endangered ape,
the Orang Utan, a chance to survive in a tiny sanctuary in some natural habitat
their own rainforest.



- Sandakans harbor hides many
- nostalgic corners. Until recently, a
- car ferry has been running from here
- to Mindanao in the Philippines
- Children are playing with coins
- A reminder of the forced marches
- from Sandakan towards Ranau,
- where around 500 prisoners of
- war died in 1945
Next morning at 8.45am, when we
arrive at the parking of the Rehabilitation Center, the place is already run over by buses
and minibuses. In front of the ticketing office, visitors, who are willing to pay the
relatively high entry fee of US$10, are already queuing up. This time, we do not regret
one cent hoping that the money will help the Sanctuary to continue. The video being shown
at 9am is very touching and it is impossible not to get involved emotionally, seeing the
terrible destruction the human is capable to do in his aim to make still more profit. If
the deforestation will not stop soon, these adorable human-like primates will have no
chance to survive in the longer run. Some pessimists even prognostic that they might be
extinct already in 15 to 20 years, because the palm oil barons will own by then also the
last square feet of jungle. Orphans and Orang Utan that were kept as deplorable chained
domestic animals and could be freed however, find a home in the rehabilitation center. In
the nursery, they are raised and looked after with love around the
clock even if they still need to be fed by the bottle. The goal of this sanctuary is to
learn them the skills to survive in the forest, which can take years. Deprived of their
mothers, these youngsters have to learn everything necessary from the beginning for their
jungle life: How to climb, how to swing across the trees, what fruits, tree barks, seeds
and leafs are edible. Once they have achieved full independence, they become integrated
into the Sepilok wild Orang Utan population. An integrated animal clinic guarantees their
health and well-being. At playing time, the little ones are barreled around having a good
time it is absolutely adorable and heart refreshing.



- The feeding time at the visitors platform
- of the Orang Utan Rehabilitation Center
- in Sepilok offers much entertainment
- I do not want to share; the
- best is to move away!
- Shall we show another performance?
A male reaches sexual maturity
with 15, a female with 7 years. 60% of their daily activity is spent in searching for
food. To be able to rest, they build a bed out of leafs high in the trees each day
a new one, preferably in branch forks. Time invested: A few minutes up to 20 minutes. All
this information is obtainable from the richly illustrated and informative museum. A
totally new and fascinating experience however is to be face to face with these
intelligent primates in their natural habitat, the rainforest for us our first
impressive encounter. Their big brothers however the African gorillas are
not anymore unknown to us. We tracked them down in Zaire, now named Democratic
Republic of Congo, in August 1991 with a trekker, after many hours of an exhausting
walk through deep jungle. Still we recall very well the moment when a big male suddenly
made a frightening trick attack on Emil, who then rolled with his camera downhill, but
luckily remained unhurt and the camera still working. At that time, it was definitely more
adventure than today where we follow for 15 minutes a ranger with a crowd of other excited
visitors to the feeding platform. But today, it is definitely more entertaining. We
witness how more and more Orang Utan appear from the rainforest at the end we count
10. They swing themselves with great agility and grace across the ropes leading to the
feeding platform, where two rangers already are ready with a huge bowl of milk and plenty
of bananas two valuable supplements to their natural forest diet. Immediately
catch as catch can starts. The first one to take its share is a strong male,
who grabs three banana bunches at once, stuffing one in his mouth and pinching two more
between his toes. Then he swings himself with great mobility to another tree, starts
pealing bananas and demonstrates that he does not want to be disturbed anymore. He even
turns demonstratively his back towards the spectators. In the meantime, also the shyer
females and youngsters venture to get their portion. And below the platform and on an
opposite tree grey long tail macaques wait for their appropriate moments as well. They are
not so capable in balancing across the big rope as the Orang Utan with their extremely
long arms and often lose their balance. It is heart-moving and we enjoy it fully, until
also the last wild man of Borneo retreats into the forest. Only then, we walk
back to the car park, already knowing that this encounter will always be something special
to remember.



- Small gossip high up in the tree
- Who is having more fun?
- Pasha is having a good time
In front of our LandCruiser, a
young couple is waiting for us. They introduce themselves as Sid and
Junky, living in the United Arab Emirates and being on vacation here. Their
enthusiasm can not be overlooked as they tell us that they know us already for quite a
while from the website of the Dubai 4x4 Club, but they never would have expected to meet
us one day somewhere personally. We have much to talk about and it does not last long that
memories come up from lonely desert tours and traditional camel racing. Dubai has
grown a lot since and it became unfortunately very expensive too they try to damp
our inflamed enthusiasm a little. Nevertheless: We would not mind to visit this area
anytime also for a fourth time, because the Arabian Peninsula still belongs to the regions
we like the most. Long after we said good-bye to these two lovely young people, Arabia
still continues to cross our mind. But after a while, we push aside our dreams and return
to the present. Even if the final car papers for the Philippines are not ready yet, we
decide to drive the 16 miles to Sandakan Sabahs port on the Sulu-Sea, where
the car ferry is supposed to take us to Mindanao in the Southern Philippines for
the last necessary inquiries. In the early afternoon, we park right in front of the
agents office Timmarine at Jalan Leila 112. Already as we enter the office,
people shake their heads. What does that mean? To our great surprise, we have to learn
very soon that this car ferry does not run anymore, only a passenger ferry remains. This
very moment, our whole house of cards collapses and somehow we are even a kind of
thankful to the Philippine authorities who still delay our entry procedure.
Otherwise we would now be confronted with a real problem. This is already our fourth dream
we lay to rest in Sabah.



- We cannot stop admiring the beauties, which nature is producing here in the
Rainforest Discovery Center in Sepilok near Sandakan
And the fifth one follows
straight away: We are told by the Office of Tourism, that our planned trip to Sukau
(Kinabatangan river trip with a rich wild life like Proboscis monkeys) and Danum-Valley
(with the almost last primary rainforest) is currently not possible due to blocked and
flooded roads. The heavy tropical storms and rainfalls during the night, which also
destroyed the viewing platform at the Orang Utan Rehabilitation Center, apparently
affected the earth roads in such an extent that momentarily tourist- and 4x4-vehicles are
still stuck and wait to be rescued. Sabah seems to shine under an unlucky star for us. And
our next destination does not help to raise our spirit neither: We visit North
Borneos Sandakan Memorial Park, built in honor of the Australian and
English prisoners of war (POW) who lost their lives there in the Second World War. In a
very painful way that touches us greatly, we read about the Japanese atrocities, which
erased 2700 people. Most POWs were captured in Singapore and transferred to
Sandakan after the capitulation of the Allied Forces and used as labor force to build a
military airstrip. When this airstrip was bombed and destroyed by the Allied Forces in
late 1944 while advancing in the Pacific, in early 1945 the Japanese decided to move the
POWs 165 miles west into the mountains to the small settlement of Ranau. On three
forced marches between January and June approx. 500 prisoners died. The remainder died at
the Ranau and Sandakan camps. Only six Australians escaped, assisted by local people.
Illnesses, malnutrition, starvation, beating, punishment and overwork were the main causes
of this tragedy. If somebody was too weak to follow, he got shot.



- Before Telupid, we follow the wide
- Sungai Liwagu jungle river on our way
- to Sandakan in Northeastern Sabah
- The road is broken up
- we have to wait!
- A butterfly displays its beautiful
- colors in front of us
Today a beautiful green park with
a lovely lily pond is on the site of the original PWO camp. A few remains of the earlier
installations and war relicts used by the prisoners are still scattered around the place.
Mid afternoon, we are glad to be back at our peaceful bungalow at the Sepilok
B&B Lodge, where we booked for two nights a very newly built cabin, as the
camping ground is still under construction and will probably be so for some more months to
come. There are no other guests besides us. What we appreciate the most is to be
surrounded by lush greenery and the quietness, especially in the morning at breakfast in
the cozy restaurant of the lodge, accommodating only four tables. Besides coffee, toast,
margarine, marmalade we also enjoy freshly picked bananas and papayas from their own
garden. To our delight, the second morning about one dozen of the majestic hornbills make
a short stop on a nearby high tree before flying away again one after the other.
The only person we encounter is Julia, a young Swiss lady, who is making her dissertation
of Borneos rainforest. She plants trees and studies them under different conditions,
speaking of generalists and specialists. She has to find out why the specialists are not
able to thrust aside the generalists. We have an interesting conversation and admire the
will of this young lady, who walks during any weather condition every morning into the
deep jungle with her local helpers and accepts the hardship of unbearable heat, humidity
and all kind of crawling and flying insects.



- A storm sweeps over the land.
- We find shelter in the
- Sepilok B&B Lodge
- These two sweet cats make
- themselves at home on our jerry cans
- The tranquillity of an early morning from the
- Seaside Travellers Inn in Kinarut
It is also Julia, who recommends
us the Rainforest Discovery Center, which is very close to our Sepilok
B&B Lodge. What we see exceeds by far our expectations. In a beautifully park
setting with winding paths, small ponds and romantic bridges, we find a wonderful
collection of exotic flowers, plants, trees and bushes. Especially striking is the variety
of distinctive orchids in full bloom. Each one gives its special color, form and grace to
this place. Special are also the dark green, fleshy lily stems, which can reach a proud
diameter of a yard a very impressive size. Again and again we are amazed about the
beauty nature is able to produce! This luxury tropical garden is our last discovery in
Sabah. Next morning, we backtrack to Sarawak leaving behind us a Mt. Kinabalu still
heavily shrouded in clouds and the disturbing endless palm oil plantations. Have our Sabah
expectations been fulfilled? Unfortunately, we have to answer with a clear No
partly also due to ongoing bad weather conditions. But our biggest disappointment
is that all our hopes and illusions to find still some sizeable remnants of virgin jungle
in this Northern corner of Borneo, have been destroyed. When we say good-bye to Sabah
after only ten days, we cannot help to recall a sign along the road, which we saw in the
year 2000 during our second West-East-crossing of the United States: Our
power to destroy surpasses the earths power to restore!



- In the tropical flower garden of the Rainforest Discovery Center in Sepilok
near Sandakan
- More websites from Indonesia and
More websites from East Malaysia and