- Papua New Guinea Map
- Map of the Pacific
- latest picture: August 15, 2010



- 01
One of the most stunning sights:
- The face painting and headdress of a
- Huli Wigman from Tari in the
- Southern Highlands. The tribe of the
- Hulis numbers about 150000 people
- 02
Banner welcoming visitors to the
- Mount Hagen Cultural Show 2010,
- which takes place near the airport
- 03
Chanting man from Pimaga
- that lies in the Southern Highlands
- province, moves forward



- 04
Participants from Mt. Hagen in
- the Western Highlands and from the
- Enga and Chimbu Provinces. Each
- tribe shows a specific type of dance
- 05
The Kagamuga Show Ground
- near the airport of Mt. Hagen is filling up
- the huge singsing is in full swing
- 06
Women from the Mt. Hagen
- region are dressing up in
- the outer show grounds
- Pre- or mini-show one day: Entry fee Kina 150 p.p. (= US$ 56)
It is Friday, August 13th, 2010. The sky is cloudy, dense fog hides away everything, rain
pours down. Therefore we are more than surprised when at 7am a bus of the Trans
Niugini Tours arrives to take us to the pre- or mini-show of the famous Mount
Hagen Cultural Show, which takes place at the traditional ceremonial ground of the
small Paiyagona Village, 12 miles West of Mt. Hagen. Before leaving, Emil grabs his new
Blackberry phone we bought only recently on our way to Papua New
Guinea at the Duty Free Shop in Singapore a
luxury we allowed us only after a lot of consideration in order to have better internet
access in PNG over the mobile net for sending and retrieving emails, where otherwise the
possibilities are very limited. Following the advice of the Trans Niugini
Team, we leave all the other valuables behind, as besides Port Moresby and Lae, Mt.
Hagen belongs to the most unsafe places too.



- 07
How do I look?
- A Huli Wigman dancer is
- starting to put on his makeup
- 08
A Mt. Hagen man is applying
- carefully his war-paints on his face
- 09
A last touch! The beautiful
- makeup of the Huli Wigman
- is almost finished



- 10
Women from the Mt. Hagen
- region are sitting in the grass
- finishing their dress-up
- 11
Not yet finished:
- Mt. Hagen woman fixing
- leaves around her waist
- 12
A Mt. Hagen woman is heating
- stones for a Mumu a traditional
- underground earth oven



- 13
A group of Mt. Hagen women
- in their stunning appearance enter
- the showground dancing,
- singing and drumming
- 14
The Mt. Hagen tribes were great
- warriors. Their body decorations still
- reflect the former glorification of the war
- 15
Stamping and beating their drums:
- The Pimaga men from
- Southern Highlands
- What we want to avoid is that the same incident is happening to us as it did to Azusa
and Kazuto, a Japanese traveler couple, who ignored the warning and whose bag containing
their personal documents and credit cards was snatched only two days ago, while walking
through a sparsely populated area to town. However, it doesnt really surprise us
that they turned up again and could be retrieved for US$ 300. It remembers us very much of
Georgetown in Guyana, where we experienced the same
thing with one of our LandCruisers side mirrors with the only difference that it was
already sold when we wanted to buy it back.



- 16
A Chimbu man poses
- proudly for a picture
- 17
A Huli Wigman from the
- Southern Highlands does not
- yet wear his full traditional attire
- 18
Everything looks outstanding:
- The headdress, the face painting
- and the heavy shell collar
- decorating the Mt. Hagen woman



- 19
The Chimbu man with its
- beautiful headdress consisting
- of different bird of paradise
- feathers is an eye-catching sight
- 20
A man from Mt. Hagen wearing
- his war paint and a young woman
- from the Enga Province
- are standing side-by-side
- 21
The Pimaga man from the
- Southern Highlands, painted in
- black, looks rather wild with
- his unusual headdress sidewards
- Rain still continues to drizzle when after a 20 minutes drive we reach the village of
Paiyaguanda and walk through a muddy path to the show ground. It is only when we arrive
and both, guide and driver, have already left for the airport to fetch new customers that
Emil notices that his Blackberry is missing. It must have fallen out of his trousers
pocket onto the bus seat. To make the story short: Nobody wants to have seen it. What a
shame; we could enjoy it only for a couple of days!



- 22
The huge black wig is the main characteristic of the Sili Muli
- men from Enga. This province
- lies West of (Mt. Hagen)
- in the Western Highlands
- 23
A Sili Muli men (Enga)
- performance in full action. In an
- amazing precision, their long aprons
- flip out rhythmically in the front
- 24
A close up of an "Sili Muli
- man from the Enga province



- 25
A warrior from Mt. Hagen
- holding his spear
- 26
The woman from Pimaga
- in the Southern Highlands stands
- out with her modest outfit
- 27
Huli Wigmen in full
- traditional dress-up; but
- their faces are not painted yet



- 28
Chimbu Skeleton Dancers
- painted half black and half white
- advance with very slow movements
- and awkwardly bent positions. The
- dance is a re-enactment of a myth,
- recounted by a small boy who
- had the apparition of those men
- 29
Black painted Chimbu dancers
- perform in a snake line. In the back,
- Sili Muli women and men
- from Enga province form a line
- 30
Are the Jimmi dancers from
- Ambullua not looking like
- a conspiracy plot?
- The mist finally rises slowly and reveals the green rolling hills that surround the
festive grounds. It is an atmosphere of mystical beauty. Different ethnic groups appear
and the performers start with their traditional dress-up and decorative paintings.
Occasionally, they apply their makeup themselves with a tiny mirror, but mostly they help
each other doing so. We cannot stop admiring the stunning work of ornamental art of the
designs they produce, using mostly bright colors: Red, yellow, black and white, made from
natural materials: Fruits, leaves, coal and coral powder.



- 31
Dance of a Mt. Hagen
- group is in full action
- 32
The Asaro Mudmen are smeared
- with grey clay all over their body and wear
- a fearful looking mask. It revives the
- legend of the small clan which defeated
- its enemy in this ghostly appearance
- 33
Chimbu women wear their mourning



- 34
The most decorative part
- of the Mt. Hagen woman is the
- huge bundle of shell collars
- that covers her whole chest
- 35
A beautiful example of
- perfection: A fully dressed-up
- and face-painted Mt. Hagen man
- 36
A Huli Wigman boy is wearing the
- traditional headdress of his clan made of
- bird of paradise feathers. These head-
- dresses are very valuable and passed
- on from generation to generation
- Many costumes, especially the head dresses, are adorned with feathers of paradise and
other birds. When we express some concern about the birds killed for their feathers, we
learn that the plumages are passed down from generation to generation and carefully
preserved a sudden rain would be disastrous for both, the feathers and the
paintings. Also cowry shells, bead-strings, animal bones, leather and leaves add to the
wild-looking appearance. Alone to be able to be part of these exotic
preparations is a unique experience, all the more that the performers are extremely
friendly and always ready to pose for a picture.



- 37
A performer from the Madang
- province in his full traditional regalia
- 38
A group of the yellow-faced Huli
- Wigmen tribe people gazing around
- 39
Chimbu woman getting dressed



- 40
Pimaga men from the Southern
- Highlands, dancing, singing and
- beating the Kundu drums
- 41
A group of women from the coastal
- region of Bogia in the Madang province
- are closing in while singing and dancing
- 42
Sili Muli women from the Enga
- province holding each one a kundu
- drum, dance on the spot. They move their
- legs constantly up and down and bow
- at the same time forward and backward



- 43
Mt. Hagen women and children
- always attract plenty of photographers
- with their gorgeous appearance
- 44
Mt. Hagen women are
- displaying their backs, decorated
- with shells and leaves
- 45
Men and boys of the
- Huli Wigmen group
- are taking a rest
- When at noon the eleven participating groups finally file into the show ground singing,
drumming, stamping and dancing, the air is loaded with excitement. The rhythms of the
drums are thundering, feathers are swaying and the dancing bodies are glistening with
paints, oils, pig grease and sweat a spectacle like out of another world.



- 46
A youngster from Mt. Hagen
- in his full singsing attire
- 47
The beautifully elaborated huge
- headdress of this Jiwaka man
- (formerly part of the Chimbu province)
- makes him look like a king
- 48
A Mt. Hagen man
- creates furor with his peculiar
- nose ornament from a feather
- of a bird of paradise



- 49
Mt. Hagen mother and
- daughter in the same
- traditional face decor
- 50
The Mt. Hagen woman
- with her face covered with
- leaves is set up for a drama
- 51
The color of the headdress of
- this Chimbu man is sticking out from
- all the others. Interesting is his helmet
- Main show two days: Entry fee Kina 300 p.p. (= US$ 113)
Next day is the official opening. The first Sing-Sing a Sing-Sing is a
group of tribesmen who dress in traditional clothing and display their local dance styles,
passed down from generation to generation was founded 1961 by a colonial
administrator who came up with the idea to bring warring tribes together for
reconciliation during a mega-cultural-show. In the meantime, it gained iconic status and
attracts around 100000 visitors a year, but only about 500 are foreign tourists.



- 52
Chimbu women with boar tooth
- collars hanging down to their bare
- breasts in a relaxing moment
- 53
Chimbu men are dancing in a circle
- 54
Chimbu women show the same hair-
- dress and face painting as Chimbu men,
- wear however no helmets (> photo 51)



- 55
Chimbu group performing
- a skillful stick jumping game
- 56
Male dancers from the Mt. Hagen
- tribe form in a single line and perform
- a dance with rhythmic movements,
- beating their drums
- 57
The plumes of the headdresses
- of the Chimbu women from Kuka
- are flying backward and forward at
- their dance movements, but also the
- wind is helping at the same time



- 58
Old man from Chimbu lightening
- a cigarette please note his jacket
- 59
Portrait of a Chimbu Skeleton
- Dancer in his awkward movements
- 60
Liliana is posing with elaborately
- decorated Mt. Hagen women
- outside of the showground
- We are already at the show ground at 8am under a blue sky with scattered white towering
clouds. Souvenir vendors are just starting to display their arts and crafts masks,
bows and arrows, canvas with highland motifs, shell and bead jewelry and brightly colored
traditional string bags, called Bilum. The preparation of the stunningly
beautiful and interesting self-decoration is already in full swing outside of the
showground, which we enjoy once more.



- 61
Small boy from Mt. Hagen
- with his lovely feather headdress
- 62
Local people are following
- and enjoying the Mt. Hagen show
- with the same enthusiasm as we do
- 63
The feathers of the bird of paradise
- on the headdress of this Mt. Hagen
- man are especially beautifully
- arranged. The bamboo rods on his
- chest represent wealth, each one
- standing for ten pigs given away



- 64
The old woman from Mt. Hagen
- is holding a sweet potato in each hand,
- which will be cooked in the Mumu,
- the traditional underground earth oven
- 65
An old spectator from Mt. Hagen
- is enjoying a cigarette during the show
- 66
I need to have a cigarette too!
- a Mt. Hagen participant in
- the stage of dressing up
- The show itself starts only at 11am, but when it starts what a show it is! The
cameras go wild when the performers are marching in, displaying their magnificent
headdresses and body decorations: Warriors with bow-and-arrow, groups beating drums, the
Asaro Mudmen with their ghostly masks, the snake dancers, and tribe people
covered with leaves and moss each of the 80 performing groups is unique in its



- 67
Dancers from the Morobe
- Province form a circle
- 68
A Huli Wigman displaying
- his beautiful headdress
- 69
Leaves, fur and shells are the main
- components of the outfit of the Mt. Hagen
- women when performing a drama



- 70
A group of Chimbu women
- make their appearance
- 71
A Chimbu woman in her
- glorious ceremonial outfit
- 72
Richly decorated Mt. Hagen
- women have a walk around,
- each one holding a Kundu drum



- 73
A small group of show
- spectators settled down at
- the edge of the show ground
- 74
Arts and crafts sellers are
- displaying their works
- at the show ground
- 75
The elderly participant from Mt. Hagen
- joins us at the tourist grandstand. He asks
- us to buy him a coke, which we do to
- make him happy. It was except of the
- entry fee the only expense while we
- could shoot freely more than 800 pictures
- After one hour, the whole arena is in motion and the atmosphere vibrates of liveliness.
The sight is so spectacular, so wild, exotic and emotional, that at the end of the
Sing-Sing, we shot 800 pictures. It is very hard to make a selection for our
website! Nowhere else in the world is the diversity of the cultures and traditions
even the languages more unique than in PNG. We are very happy that we could include
this highlight in our journey around the world!
- More websites from Papua New Guinea:
- Articles in newspapers about us in Papua New Guinea:
- Article: "26-year journey
around the world", Daily Newspaper "The National"
- August 20, 2010
- Article: "Travelling
the world none-stop for 26 years", Daily Newspaper "The
National" - October 21, 2010