- New Zealand Map
- Map of
- the Pacific
- latest picture: March 14, 2008
- click a picture to see details



- 01
On February 19, 2008, we are
- unloading the whole content of our
- LandCruiser in a shed inside of the
- harbor of Port Chalmers near Dunedin
- to be inspected by the MAF
- (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry)
- 02
Sheep is grazing peacefully
- everywhere. This definitively gives
- us the sensation of being in
- New Zealand
- 03
The sun is rising over Otago
- Harbour. We are able to enjoy this
- beautiful view from our room at
- Billy Browns Backpackers Hostel
- in Port Chalmers



- 04
We are driving up the steep hill to
- Billy Browns Backpackers Hostel,
- from where we enjoy a beautiful
- panorama and the quietness we so
- long missed in Southeast Asia
- 05
The Dunedin Railway Station
- is a master piece of this Southerly
- town and unique in its elaborate
- architecture
- 06
Farms protect themselves with
- all kind of fences against the forces
- of nature. We took this picture
- from the Highcliff Road on the
- Otago Peninsula



- 07
We are looking from the Highcliff
- Road on the Otago Peninsula to
- Otago Harbour and its settlements
- 08
The Taiaroa Lighthouse is
- greeting from the Northern cliff
- of the Otago Peninsula
- 09
This fur seal at the mole of Aramoana,
- 12 miles North of Dunedin, just spotted
- us. We saw eight in one evening



- 10
Meeting with same minded
- world travelers: In Dunedin, we
- spend a lovely afternoon together
- with Doro, Jupp and their Monster
- 11
No, we did not change our vehicle!
- But we had a lot of fun with Paul, Michelle
- and Tates Trike, driven by a Lexus
- engine (4000cc/300 hp) on their farm
- in Abbotsford, where they kindly
- welcomed us into their family
- 12
We enjoy the great hospitality
- of Michelle, Paul and their son Tate on
- their farm in Abbotsford near Dunedin



- 13
Once more we have to change
- an axle shaft. Luckily the damage
- happened on the private driveway to
- Paul and Michelles farm in Abbotsford
- 14
After the successful repair,
- our LandCruiser climbs up
- Baldwin Street in Dunedin,
- The Worlds Steepest Street (?!)
- 15
A touch of home country
- (Switzerland) feeling on the farm



- 16
The Southern Scenic Road
- South of Dunedin surprises us constantly
- with new and more beautiful scenery
- 17
Oyster Catchers along the
- sea shore are always a lovely sight
- 18
Now and then we are passing
- a farm; otherwise we experience
- nature and loneliness in its truest



- 19
A meadow of blooming flowers
- that recalls memories of Switzerland
- 20
An Emu is walking peacefully
- through dry grassland
- 21
A wonderful and rare sight: An
- incredible variety of wild growing and
- blooming flowers along the road



- 22
Screaming seagulls
- gather on a meadow
- 23
Rural New Zealand: Bales
- of hay ready to be stored in
- the barn for the winter
- 24
Sheep are grazing peacefully
- on a meadow. Apparently, New
- Zealand counts more than 40 millions



- 25
A group of cows is caught
- with the first rays of the sun
- 26
Apart from sheep and beef,
- deer meat is another source of
- income. Apparently, it is sold mainly
- to Germany and Switzerland
- 27
Even a group of young Alpacas
- are looking curiously towards us



- 28
The afternoon sun is lightening
- Nugget Point (about 5 miles
- South of Kaka Point), which is
- battered by roaring waves
- 29
On Roaring Bay near Nugget
- Point, a single yellow eyed
- penguin emerged from the sea
- and hops towards its nest
- 30
Hit by the exact sunlight,
- these rocky outcrops shine like
- gold nuggets. They gave
- Nugget Point its name



- 31
A cute little bird is sitting
- contently on a tree branch
- 32
The descend to the untamed,
- lonely and wind swept Tautuku Bay
- on the Chaslands Highway ("Southern
- Scenic Route"), about 28 miles
- Southwest of Owaka. The weather
- forecast looks for a stormy cold front
- 33
Another view over another
- lonely bay in the South (Tahakapa
- Bay, not far from Tautuku Bay),
- where stormy weather, rain and
- wind are never far away



- 34
Rolling hills, ponds and Toe Toe
- -plants are a common sight along the
- Southern Scenic Route in the
- South of the South Island
- 35
Another peaceful scene in the
- Catlins, the region between Dunedin
- and Invercargill: Ducks at sunrise in
- Waikawa (Southern Scenic Route)
- 36
The sea is in uproar at Curio
- Bay in Waikawa. Without warning, our
- LandCruiser got its full salty shower



- 37
An antarctic storm is
- approaching, dropping the
- temperature to freezing point
- 38
Across farm land, we walk to
- Slope Point, New Zealands
- Southernmost point on the South
- Island, and pose for a picture
- 39
Macrocarpa trees bent from
- years of beating by fierce winds at
- Slope Point. They tangle their
- branches to survive and not to topple



- 40
A male sea lion is emerging
- from the sea at Waipapa Point
- Southeast of Invercargill,
- followed by its female
- 41
Fresh Kelp is swept in great
- quantities to the beach at
- Waipapa Point
- 42
The sea lion couple crawls up
- the grass covered sand dune. It
- plays for a while, then lies
- down and falls asleep



- 43
We approach the mountains in
- the East of the South Island towards
- Milford Sound, situated in the
- Fjordland National Park one of New
- Zealands biggest tourist attractions
- 44
Lake Gunn North of Te Anau
- is one of the pristine lakes on
- our route to Milford Sound
- 45
Eglinton Valley is spreading
- out in front of us with the mountains
- of the Milford Bay area already
- greeting in the back



46 |
47 |
48 |
- Impressive alpine sceneries on the Eastern side of the ¾ mile long Homer tunnel to
Milford Sound,
- drilled through solid rock between 1935 and 1953



- 49
Morning atmosphere at low
- tide at Milford Sound one of New
- Zealands biggest tourist attractions
- with mountains rising vertically
- 4000 ft. from sea level .....
- 50
..... and waterfalls that
- tumble from steep slopes
- into the sound far below
- 51
Evening atmosphere at
- high tide at Milford Sound



- 52
The stones and rocks in many
- of the wild mountain rivers are
- covered with deep red lichens
- 53
In the wet climate of
- the South Island, mushrooms
- grow in abundance
- 54
Camping life pure in the
- mountains around Milford Sound



- 55
The mighty Cleddau River at
- Milford Sound pushes itself down a
- narrow gorge, called The Chasm
- 56
From Te Anau to Queenstown,
- we first drive through dry grassland
- 57
We are always tempted to take
- pictures of grazing sheep, so
- typically for New Zealand



- 58
The heritage steam train in Kingston
- called Kingston Flyer on the Southern
- end of Lake Wakatipu, 30 miles South of
- Queenstown, is a tourist attraction and
- steams 11 miles South to Fairlight
- 59
Barren cliffs, a deep blue fjord,
- pandanus trees and distant mountain
- peaks this is our panorama at
- lunch time at Lake Wakatipu
- 60
The road to Queenstown is
- winding along Lake Wakatipu and
- offers an outstanding scenery



- 61
Queenstown on Lake Wakatipu
- also know as New Zealands adrenaline-
- activity-capital is an elegant and popular
- tourist destination. It is often compared
- (a little exaggerated?) with St. Moritz in
- Switzerland .....
- 62
..... Jetboating in rivers is
- just one of the numerous
- crazy outdoor sports .....
- 63
..... Get your own idea, how
- easily and fast you can get
- rid of your money!



- 64
Another beautiful view:
- Kelvin Heights, rather a residential
- area opposite of Queenstown
- 65
The trees along Lake Wakatipu
- between Queenstown and the 30 miles
- Northwest situated village of Glenorchy
- are starting to change to autumn colors
- 66
A beautiful sight: The panorama
- near Glenorchy is reflecting in Lake
- Wakatipu once more a fantastic
- stretch to drive



- 67
The rising sun is touching the
- Humboldt Mountains near Glenorchy
- a scene we unfortunately could enjoy only
- from within the car with closed windows
- due to the swarms of attacking sand flies
- (New Zealands pest of the West)
- 68
On our way to Paradise, 10 miles
- from Glenorchy, we cross the Rees
- River, another of the many mighty New
- Zealand rivers. In this region besides
- some others the movie Lord of the Rings
- was shot and now X-Men again
- 69
View towards Paradise,
- where the gravel road
- ends at the Dart River
- Continuations:
- Articles in newspapers about us in New Zealand:
- Article: "Still
cruising after 628,000km", Otago Daily Times - February 27, 2008
- Article: "Trip into
the record books", Hokitika Guardian - April 3, 2008
- Article: "Around the world in 23 years", Bay of Plenty Times - July 12,