- Ukraine Map
Eastern Europe Map
- click a picture to see details
2a latest picture
part 2a: August 21, 2013



- 001
The weather is mild, the Black Sea is
- calm. Emil talks with two German back-
- packers on deck of the "Vilnius Seaways"
- Ferry that brings us in 55 hours from Poti
- in Georgia to Ilyichevsk in the
- 002
Liliana chooses a seat close to the
- window at breakfast on the "Vilnius Seaways"
- Ferry. Food is already arranged when the
- door to the dining room opens. This time
- there are sausages, eggs, porridge and curd
- 003
Land in sight! The sun is setting over
- the port of Ilyichevsk in the Ukraine.
- What a welcome to Europe after 14½
- of absence! It is 8/17/2013 – on 1/28/1999
- we left the continent at Gelibolu in



The lights of the port of Ilyichevsk
- come closer. Ilyichevsk’s harbor is bigger
- than the one of Ukraine’s third biggest
- city Odessa, 12 miles to the east
Camping life at the clean TIR Park
- in Ilyichevsk with toilet and hot showers.
- Price Hryvnia (UAH) 30 (= US$3.75).
- We stay ten days. TIR parks are usually
- used by trucks as night places, here
- e.g. during ferry loadings/unloadings
What means the number 700'436.4
- on our odometer? It is the “replacement”
- (made with an emergency camera bought
- in Georgia) of the 700'000.0th km
- (=434’960 miles) that we were able to
- celebrate in Abkhazia on August 9th,
- but which went lost when both of our
- Panasonic cameras were stolen



Behind this impressive building
- hides the Railway Station of Odessa,
- a city of over 1 million people. It belongs
- to the most beautiful old structures
The jewel in Odessa is the Opera,
- built in 1887 by the architects who also
- designed the famous Vienna State Opera:
- Ferdinand Fellner and Herman Helmer
This building (#58 Panteleymonov-
- skaya Street) was actually before the
- revolution 1917 the St. Andrew’s Church
- and was a transit point for pilgrimage from
- Russia to Novy Afon in Abkhazia.
- that it was turned into a culture palace
- and 1996 it was returned to the clergy



In the city center of Odessa along
- the Pushkinskaya Street in front of the
- St. Elias Monastery (Svyato-Ilinskiy
- Monastery) a babushka winds another
- bouquet from dried flowers
At this souvenir stand we
- especially admire the dolls made
- from ears (is it Mary and Joseph
- or some angels?)
On August 29th, fruits are also
- blessed among others – the Russian Ortho-
- dox Church, to which also the St. Elias
- Monastery belongs, celebrates from Aug.
- 14th to 28th, the festivities of “Dormition”



The church tower of the
- St. Elias Monastery – also called
- Svyato-Ilinskiy Monastery – along
- the Pushkinskaya-Street in the
- center of Odessa
The arched door of St. Elias
- Monastery bears a fine icon mosaic
- of St. Gabriel of Athos (on 3/19/2012
- there still might have been
Madonna with Child)
The Spaso-Preobrazhensky
- Cathedral at Soboma Square is
- said to be the largest orthodox
- church in Odessa



People are queuing up in front
- of the St. Elias Monastery in Odessa
- for receiving the priest's blessing.
- They also carry flowers, fruits or
- other things to be consecrated
The orthodox priest uses
- a white aspergillum for sprinkling
- the holy water. It can easily
- happen that afterwards people
- have to dry their face!
Locals and tourists alike are flocking
- into the magnificently gilded interior of the
- St. Elias Monastery, where 1994 a coffin
- with relicts of St. Gabriel of Athos
- (Greece) was found



The colonnaded Odessa City Hall
- was originally the stock exchange and
- later the Regional Soviet Headquarters.
- It was built 1834
A snap shot: Six beauties at
- a photo shooting in front of the
- City Hall in Odessa
"Primorskiy Boulevard", the tree-
- lined pedestrian zone in Odessa with its
- park benches is a shady place to relax.
- It runs above Odessa's cabotage harbor



The famous Potemkin Stairs
- sweep down to the Black Sea and
- Odessa's biggest port. The 466 ft. long
- stairs, initially consisting of 200 sand-
- stone steps on 10 levels, were reduced
- to 192 granite stairs in 1933
The stunning facade of the (former)
- Hotel Moscow (in construction) charms
- not only by its sculptures of humans,
- animals and flowers, but especially also
- by the gleaming of the blue windows
Even in the smallest village there
- is a church with a golden dome. Here
- at Roksolany along the Dniestr-Liman



A world away from the cities:
- seagulls, egrets and coots are gathering
- at a narrow sandbank along the
- Dnistrowskyj-Liman estuary .....
..... during our picnic even a dark
- brown-black snake glides past our table
"Hopefully I will soon have
- a fish at the rod!"



And again golden church domes
- attract our attention. Here in the city of
- Bilhorod-Dnistrovsky the “Holy Ascension”
- Cathedral (Svyato-Voznesensky)
The wooden cross on the hill
- at the “Alexander Barracks” at
- Bilhorod-Dnistrovsky has survived
- the passage of time
The eye-catching feature of the
- church of Brytivka along the outward
- road of
Bilhorod-Dnistrovsky to the west
- is the numerous niches with images of
- Saints.
Religion is pivotal in the Ukraine.
- It has provided comfort during many
- hard soviet times



Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi’s main
- attraction is primarily its huge fortress,
- the “Akkermann Fortress”, built 1454
- with 14 turrets, 4 gates and a citadel
- that has walls of 1¼ miles length
Right the walls, left the moat. The
- history of Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi goes back
- to 600 BC. It has seen “rough” times –
- among others the Phoenicians, Greeks,
- Romans, the tribes of the Tivertsians and
- Ulychians, Genoese, Moldavians, Turks,
- Russians, Romanians, Tatars
The “Akkerman Fortress”, situated
- in the northeastern corner of the 50’000-
- people city of Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi, lies
- directly at the water – at the Dnistrowskyj-
- Liman estuary
- On August 17th, 2013, four days after
the entry of our first visit to the Ukraine by ferry from
Georgia to Ilyichevsk,
- we leave the country at Starokozache to explore
Moldova and
Transnistria. On September 4th, we return at Mayaky
- to the Ukraine. It is our 500th border crossing
during our worldtrip (due
to a corruption attempt a bit unpleasant)
- Part 2b
latest picture
part 2b:
September 20, 2013



Fishing camp near Mayaky on
- the northern end of the Dnistrowskyj-
- Liman estuary where the Dniester River
- flows in coming from Moldova
- and Transnistria
Without GPS it is preferable to
- have some knowledge of the Cyrillic
- alphabet in order to arrive
- there where it's planned
The river mouth of the Dniester
- River at the Dnistrowskyj-Liman
- estuary close to Mayaky



The church of St. Victor in
- Avanhard about 8 miles west of Odessa
The bell tower of the church of
- St. Victor in Avanhard along the Obizna
- Road (outer ring road of Odessa)
We are grateful to them! The
- friendly and helpful crew at the Odessa
- port when containerizing our LandCruiser
- on September 19th, 2013. Thanks to
- Mr. Pavel of MSC (Mediterranean
- Shipping Company) and the stevedores of
- Tiburon the stuffing went very smoothly



"Does it really fit in?" Mr. Pavel
- of the MSC (Mediterranean Shipping
- Company) looks a bit skeptical. After
- 26 container shipments before we
- definitely know that our LandCruiser
- does fit into a 20 feet container
At the airport of Odessa:
- Liliana is thoughtful and also sad, like
- always when another interesting leg
- of our journey comes to an end. It was
- a short stay in Europe – only five
20.9.2013: Air Arabia is waiting.
- The aircraft will bring us firstly to Sharjah
- in the United Arab Emirates – the
first leg
- to our new travel destination: Cape
- the islands in the Atlantic Ocean
On September 19, 2013, we leave the country
again at Odessa to fly with Air Arabia firstly to
on October 6th
onwards to Casablanca/Maroc and then with Air Maroc
to Praia on the Island of
Santiago on Cape Verde.
The car leaves Odessa on September 22nd,
with MSC Shipping via Gioia
Tauro/Italy, Sines/Portugal and
Palmas/Canary Islands to arrive on October 27th, in the port of
Praia/Santiago/Cape Verde.
- Part
latest picture
part 3: December
6, 2016



11/11/2016: After the Russian/
- Ukrainian border crossing in Krupets/
- Kyaterinivka we are surprised by a snow-
- storm. We take shelter at the "Hotel 7Ya"
- in Krasnoselskoe for Ukrainian Hryvnia
- 300 (UAH) = US$12.50 …..
….. in the morning Liliana is
- peeking out of the snow covered window
- of our lovely heated room …..
….. to the biting cold wintry
- landscape. The thermometer
- shows 19°F [-7°C]



- Gorgeous moods at sunset in Krasnoselskoe along the M02/E101,
100mi [160km] west of the Russian-Ukrainian border:
- The setting sun puts color and brilliance in all variations
to the somber wintry landscape



The Saint Sophia’s Cathedral in
- Kiev with its 250 ft. [76m] tall wedding-
- cake bell tower belongs to the Unesco
- World Heritage sites. It is named after
- the Hagia Sophia Cathedral in Istanbul
Detail of the 250 ft. [76m]
- tall bell tower of the
- St. Sophia’s Cathedral in Kiev
St. Sophia’s Cathedral in Kiev
- seen from the west side



St. Sophia’s Cathedral in Kiev
- seen from the east side
Another detail of the 250 ft. [76m]
- tall bell tower of the
- St. Sophia’s Cathedral in Kiev
Jesus on the deathbed: Another
- painting in the St. Michael Golden-
- Domed Monastery



The St. Michael Golden-Domed
- Monastery with its nostalgic bell tower is
- one of the most splendid buildings in Kiev,
- rebuilt after independence on 8/24/1991 …..
….. a beautiful wall painting with
- warm colors, which is supposed to depict
- angels in paradise, covers a whole front …..
….. the sky-blue of the façade
- and the gold of the many domes
- enhance its outstanding beauty



Religious paintings of the Ukrainian
- home icons St. Catherine, St. Nicholas and
- St. Paraskeva in St. Michael Monastery
Another beautifully decorated, but
- closed entrance to the huge area of the
- St. Michael Golden-Domed Monastery
The heavenly patron of Kiev:
- Archangel Michael in the St. Michael
- Golden-Domed Monastery



- Oleg Golik (called also Gos) of the "Offroadmaster
4x4 Club" surprises us at our West Park Hotel in Kiev with a
neat fresh
- flower bouquet. He is following enthusiastically our
worldrecordtour already since eight years and is very happy to
meet us personally.
- With some Vodka-Cola drinks we spend some lovely hours
together and are overwhelmed with gifts: with a toolkit,
- a rechargeable torch, a cute camping lamp, a handy, an
"Offroadmaster 4x4 Club" t-shirt and a bottle of whisky
Gos is surprising us with
- a neat flower bouquet
Gos is presenting Emil a very
- useful quality toolkit for our LandCruiser.
- It has since been helpful in many cases
Remembrance picture with Gos
- and Liliana and with all the presents
- he overwhelmed us



- Serge Bulan (Timofeevich), another 4x4 enthusiast in Odessa,
invites us there for a lunch “in style” to the
- Steakhouse at the Derybasivska Road. The meal is delicious,
the atmosphere is perfect and the conversation is relaxed
The waiter is preparing
- our meal in front of our table
The agony of choice:
- Luxurious range of meats to choose
Serge and the two of
- us enjoying our delicious meal



Beautifully illuminated Christmas
- decoration at the Deribasoyskaya pedestrian
- walkway in the heart of Odessa
A remembrance picture
- in the heart of Odessa by night
Municipal Duma in Odessa
- by night. It was built in 1834



Our contact person Alexander (left
- from Emil) and a colleague from the BSA
- Evergreen Shipping Company pose with us
- for a picture in front of our LandCruiser
Farewell picture with the crew of
- the BSA shipping agent, the representative
- of the
Evergreen Line, where
- we enjoyed a favored treatment
Odessa port September 7th, 2016: Emil
- is lashing our LandCruiser in its “Evergreen”
- Container. It will sail to Malaysian
- on the island of
Borneo for its
3rd overhaul



A gasp of relief: Our LandCruiser
- is now ready for its next sea journey
- to Malaysia in its
29th container
A cute Santa Claus, a box of
- chocolates for Christmas and a bottle
- of champagne for New Year are the
- farewell gifts of Serge (Timofeevich)
- of the "Offroadmaster 4x4 Club"
December 8th, 2016: With “FlyDubai”
- we escape Odessa’s winter cold of
- 19°F [-7°C] to
Dubai and from
there with
- an "Emirates" Airbus A380 to
- where after 24 hours we are greeted with
- a pleasant temperature of 88°F [31°C]
On December 8, 2016, we leave the country
again at Odess to fly with FlyDubai firstly to
Dubai/UAE, to
continue directly
with Emirates Airlines to
Bangkok/Thailand and then on
12/17/2016 with Air Asia to Kuala Lumpur
in West-Malaysia.
The car left Odessa on 12/5/2016 with
Evergreen Shipping to arrive via
Piraeus/Greece and Tanjung Pelepas/West Malaysia
on 1/22/2017
in the port of Bintulu/Sarawak/East
Malaysia. Because the container got stuck due to docker strike at
for three
weeks, we used the time between 12/26/2016 and 1/21/2017 for a round
trip without the car in Myanmar,
before the
3rd Rejuvenation of our
LandCruiser in
Miri/Sarawak started
- The "Greater"-Middle East trip 2012/13:
- Sharjah/Dubai/1st Traveler's Festival/Emirates
National Auto Museum - UAE with
car Nov. 2012 to Jan. 2013 - part 1
- Western UAE - Liwa - United Arab Emirates with car in January 2013 - part 2
- Oman 2013 - Part 1 - February
2013: Musandam Peninsula
- Oman 2013 - Part 2 - February
2013: Sohar - Muscat - Rustaq - Nizwa
- Oman 2013 - Part 3 - March
2013: Sur - East Coast - Island of Masirah - Dhofar
- Oman 2013 - Part 4 - March
2013: Salalah & Surroundings (Dhofar) - Nizwa
- Oman 2013 - Part 5 - March 2013: Western Hajar
- Al Ain, Eastcoast & Ras al Khaima - United
Arab Emirates with our car in April 2013 -
part 3
- Iran -
Part 1: Ferry Port Bandar Abbas-Shiraz-Persepolis-Pasargad (between Persepolis and Yazd)
May 2013
- Iran -
Part 2: Pasargad
(excl.)-Yazd-Esfahan May 2013
- Iran -
Part 3: Esfahan
(excl.)-Chelgerd-Hamadan-Sanandaj-Orumiyeh-Turkey Border
May 2013
- Turkey: Iran Border-Esendere-Hakkari-Van-Doğubayazıt-Kars-Ardahan-Hopa-Georgia
Border May/June 2013
- Georgia -
Part 1: Turkey Border-Ajaria-Gori-Tbilisi-Kakheti-Azerbaijan
Border June 2013
- Azerbaijan: Georgia Border-Balakən-Şəki-Lahıç-Baku-Xınalıq-Quba-Laza-Baku-Gəncə-Georgia Border June 2013
Georgia - Part 2a: Azerbaijan Border-Tbilisi-Armenia
June/July 2013
- Armenia -
Part 1: Georgia Border-Haghpat-Dilijan-Sevan-Tatev-Goris-Nagorno Karabakh July 2013
- Nagorno-Karabakh:
Armenia-Stepanakert-Gandzasar-Martakert-Tigranakert-Tnjri-Shoushi-Armenia July
- Armenia -
Part 2:
Nagorno Karabakh-Goris-Tatev-Noravank-Khor Virap-Echmiadzin-Yerewan-Geghard-Gyumri-Georgia Border July 2013
- Georgia -
Part 2b: Armenia Border-Ninotsminda-Tbilisi-Mtskheta-Kazbegi-Kutaisi-Zugdidi
July 2013
- Georgia -
Part 3a:
Zugdidi-Swaneti-Zugdidi-Abkhazia Border – July/August 2013
- Abkhazia: Georgia-Sukhumi-Tsebelda-Novyy Aton-Lake
Ritsa-Gagra-Pitsunda-Georgia August
- Georgia - Part 3b: Abkhazia Border-Poti-Ferry to Ilyichevsk/Ukraine
– August 2013
- Moldova - Part a:
Border – August 2013
- Transnistria: Moldova Border-Tiraspol-Chiţcani-Bendery-Moldova Border
– August/September 2013
- Moldova - Part b:
Border-Chişinǎu-Orheiul Vechi-Ukraine
Border – September 2013