- Sarawak Map
- Map of Southeast Asia
- Indonesia
- latest picture:
December 9, 2017



280 Our LandCruiser stands on 11/23/2017
- together
with 12 heavily loaded trucks bumper to
- bumper in the hull of the
aged ferry vessel “KMP
- Baronang” that sails from the island of
- in 1½ hours to Sofifi, the main town of the North
- Moluccas
on Halmahera, our 3rd Moluccan island
281 We glance back to the spice
- islands of
Ternate and Tidore …..
282 ..... and forward to
Halmahera which
- with its 6'860 sq. mi. [17’780km²] is the
- biggest
island of North Moluccas



283 Behind a garbage strewn little coastal
- settlement near the Sofifi ferry terminal, the
- backdrop of the 5'676
ft. [1'730m] high
- Kiematabu volcano of Tidore pops up
284 An attractive catamaran
- is moored at Sofifi
285 View from the roof top
of Hotel Bolote
- in Sofifi to the tropical west coast of
- Halmahera
and the 3'710 ft. [1'130m] high
- volcano Jailolo, about 25 miles [40km]
- away
- 40 mi. [65km]
by road



286 A little spot at Sofifi’s coastal road,
- where locals hang around. Sofifi is with barely
- 40'000 people the
provincial capital of the
- North Moluccas, although neighborly
- Ternate is about 5 times bigger
287 At Sofifi’s main square fresh fruits,
- and soft drinks are sold. The stalls are the only
- attraction at this otherwise unattractive place
288 Emil is sitting a full
hour at Telkomsel
- in Sofifi until our mobile internet access of
- the
laptop works. The language barrier is a
- huge problem, lack of
knowledge is another
- but likewise big one



289 White clouds reflect in a quiet inlet at the
- Guraping mangroves northeast of Sofifi, the
- scattered provincial
capital of the North Moluccas
290 Two colorful boats are inviting to an
- excursion in the Guraping mangrove
- forests of Sofifi
291 The dark volcanic
cones of (left)
- Tidore and
Ternate (right) rise against
- Sofifi’s red colored sunset sky



292 The new 112 miles [180km] long roller
- coaster
ride from Sofifi to Tobelo in the North
- reveals wonderful views into
intense green
- tropical vegetation
293 A quaint typical wooden homestead
- along the
tar road to Tobelo. A big part of
- these homes is made from wood
294 One of the murky brown
jungle rivers
- that criss-cross the tropical scenery



295 Church at the outskirts of Tobelo towards
- Galela to the North. Tobelo is a mostly Christian
- oriented town and
an export hub for copra
- (= dried coconut flesh)
296 Salak fruits (left), also called snake
- and peanuts (right) are waiting to be sold at
- Tobelo’s
297 A banana seller is
waiting with her son
- for customers at a street corner of Tobelo



298 “Garuda Pancasila” Monument in Igobula,
- South Galela with the “Al Istiqomah” Mosque
- in the background
299 Remnant of a church ruin in Galela on the
- south side of Duma Galela Lake, 17 miles [27km]
- north of Tobelo. It
was destroyed by religious
- violence between Muslim and Christian
- communities between 1999 and 2003,
- which caused many fatalities
300 Cheerful encounter
with a local family
- who gathers around our LandCruiser to make
- a selfie. Off the beaten track, our LandCruiser
- belongs always to the
“exotic species”



301 The Duma Galela Lake, 17 miles [27km]
- north
of Tobelo, enchants with its magnificent
- mountain and coconut tree
302 Good-humored ladies are selling
- their catch
of the day at the wayside
303 Pavilions are built on
the shore of Duma
- Galela Lake north of Tobelo. It looks that
- they
will be used for a fish farm



- Mobile salesmen with all kind of household stuff supply the people
in remoter areas



307 Kupakupa Beach, 10 miles [10km] south
- of Tobelo is almost empty during the week, but on
- weekends crowded to
the brim by local tourists
308 Women are tapping and scrubbing laundry
- at a
calm river with a picturesque little waterfall
309 On the almost empty
island road – called
- “Trans Halmahera Highway” – our LandCruiser
- runs leisurely from North to South of the island.
- The fascinating
denseness of this tropical
- landscape accompanies us for many miles



310 A pretty little village church of the Canaan
- Church Community in Pale, about 5 miles [8km]
- south of Tobelo
311 School kids are moving at a
- smart pace along
the road. A boy
- carries a girl. What happened?
312 Our LandCruiser stops
near the village
- mosque of Tabobo, about 75 miles [120km]
- south of Tobelo. No matter how unattractive
- a village is, the mosque is
always stunning



313 Tropical vegetation pure: View over a part
- of North Halmahera's east coast
in its perfect
- natural beauty
between Tobelo and Sofifi
314 Deforested grassland, sprinkled
- with bushes,
in the interior of the island
315 Idyll pure in
exuberant nature:
- Two fishing boats at the opposing
- shore and a
makeshift shelter



316 Wild long-stemmed moth orchids of
- the genus Phalaenopsis grow wild along road
- slopes and enhance the tropical
317 A lush vegetation that can only
- be found in
the tropics
318 A dash of color to the
- A butterfly feasting on a flower



319 Sweeping view during the descent to
- Sidangoli
over the deeply forested west coast of
- Halmahera. In the background
the 2'070 ft. [630m]
- high volcanic island of Hiri north of Ternate
320 Then road that leads over two
- mountain passes
to Jailolo opens a lovely
- view to the plain and the sea
321 Coconut plantations
extend up to the
- hills – a view that doesn't cease to impress us



322 View towards Jailolo – a former Sultanate –
- at the foot of the same named, 3'710 ft. [1'130m]
- high volcano on
the west coast of Halmahera
323 Arriving by sea, Jailolo is greeting with
- big
letters. This can be seen incidentally at many
- harbors in
northeastern Indonesia
324 A fisherman in Jailolo
is preparing
- his boat for his next fish catch



At our brief encounter, the lovely
- girl is looking shyly to
the ground
A typical coastal village in Halmahera:
- Villages look almost
all the same: Modest
- houses on both sides of the road with
- flowerpots on side ways
Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus)
- hangs heavily from
its tree. They can weigh up
- to 80 lb. [35kg] and are edible. A jack
- tree can produce 100 - 200 fruits a year



328 A shed and a pile of coconuts at a
- coconut
plantation to be processed to dry copra,
- from which coconut oil is
afterwards produced
329 Laundry day at the river: The huge
- boulders
are handy to lay down the clothes
330 A modest home from
wood. This
- building style is common in remote areas



- Simply captivating beautiful: A carpet of blooming lilac water
hyacinths (Eichhornia crassipes)
- in a fairytale forest a few miles
short of Weda at the eastern coast of Central Halmahera



334 Our Landcruiser is driving on the narrow
- island road through a tropical wonderland
335 Four volcano peaks of neighboring
- Moluccan
islands greet from far: (f.l.t.r.)
- Makian, Moti, Tidore and Ternate.
- In the foreground the village of Tobaru
336 Dense jungle and
coconut plantations
- merge seamlessly into one another



337 Just marked by a stone, this road rainwash
- can become dangerous for a distracted driver.
- Liliana wants to have
a closer look
338 A picnic amidst a gigantic tropical scenery.
- How small our LandCruiser looks!
339 Coconut palm trees as
far as the eye reaches.
- Halmahera produces every month hundreds of
- of copra (dried coconut flesh) for export



- Lovely decorated trucks with festively dressed-up people cross us
in cheerful mood



343 Only a few meters away from the coastal
- road and hidden by trees lies this beach with
- view to the Makian
volcano (4'452 ft. [1'357m])
344 A boat is steering towards the
- ferry terminal
of Weda in eastern
- Halmahera to greet arriving friends
345 A father is cruising
with his two kids
- the waters around the ferry terminal of Weda



Jerrycans and barrels filled with fuel,
- ready to be
transported, at the gasoline station
- in Weda. Locals often drain a
gasoline station
- completely to resell afterwards the fuel privately
- at a higher price. B.t.w.: 1 Gallon Regular costs
- here (Borneo/Sulawesi/Moluccas/Papua)
- Rupees 29'145 (=US$2.154) [1lt= €0.48];
- Diesel Rp.19'493 (=US$1.442) [1lt=€0.32]
Emil argues with the gas station
- attendant in Weda. We are
lucky to
- still get 4x4 gallons [4x15 lt.] of gasoline
- from this
nostalgic filling station
Spectators at a car trouble in Weda: The
- starter doesn't work
anymore and the petrol
- pumps ran at idle. Emil needs to shortcut the
- starter with a screw driver and to suck fuel –
- an attraction if done
by a Bule
- (in Indonesian = westerner)



349 The town of Weda is celebrating
- “Maulid Nabi”,
birthday of Prophet Muhammad,
- with self-made masks. It's one of the
- Islamic celebrations in Indonesia
350 A typical Indonesian kiosk with non-
- alcoholic
drinks, cigarettes and sweets
351 Fruits are sold at the
ferry terminal
- in Weda, like the sweet-sour Salak -
- a palm fruit
(left), dragonfruit (middle)
- and mandarins (right)



352 Our LandCruiser drives through the
- harbor
gate of Weda – its last yards on
- North Maluku soil
353 Our ferry “KMP Arar” arrives, which will
- carry us from Weda in the North Moluccas with
- stopovers at Patani
and the islands of Gebe and
- Gag in 30 hours to Sorong in West Papua
354 ….. the ferry is
mooring just at the
- embankment and passengers are
- waiting to



355 The quaint little coastal fishermen
- settlement right beside Weda’s
- landing ferry point
356 Calves are trucked into the ferry. At the
- end
there are one dozen of them, which will
- start their long sea journey
to Patani and
- Gebe together with about 40 goats
357 The skies at the ferry
landing in
- Weda surprise us with a beautiful cloud
- formation before
embarking to West Papua



358 Our LandCruiser is waiting at Weda’s
- ferry
terminal for the order to embark.
- A crowd of locals is bidding good
359 Our LandCruiser is finally also
- in the hull
of the ferry. There it's busy
- like in a bee house …..
360 ….. it is good not to
suffer from claustro-
- phobia – that's now for two nights – we got
- also some entertainment offered for our ticket
- money of Rp. 6'044'000
(=US$447 all-in)



361 Lit by the ferry floodlights, activities
- outside of the ferry still continue until our
- departure at 1am
362 If one manages to grab one of the few
- sleeping mats one belongs to the lucky ones.
- On the floor there is
room only for 12, the
- others have to sit or have to sleep elsewhere
363 We dock in Patani in
the eastern tip of
- Halmahera, where a big crowd is disembarking
- and boarding. Due to the lack of a
road, the ferry
- is the only connection to the outside world



364 Little stalls under mango trees in the nickel
- mining island of Gebe, where ferry passengers
- can get some food
during the stopover. We buy
- boiled eggs and fried bananas. Shortly
- berthing at Gebe, we crossed the equator for
- the 23rd time from North to South
365 Two small boats are moored in the
- sheltered
waters of the Gebe bay.
- islands that belong already to the Raja Ampat
- group have a lot
of mangroves. It is our
- last view of the North Maluku province –
- next is the province of West Papua
366 Flaming red sunset on
high sea between
- the islands of Gebe and Gag. On this leg we
- cross
the provincial border between
- North Moluccas and West-Papua,
- our
23rd province in Indonesia (out of 34)
More websites from the
"Borneo-Sulawesi-Moluccas-Papua" trip:
Part 1: Pictures from Sarawak-Kalimantan-North Sulawesi – Miri/Malaysia
Kuching and Balikpapan to
North Sulawesi from Aug. to Oct. 2017
- Part 2: Pictures
from the second part of North Sulawesi
– Tomohon and surroundings, Tangkoko NP
in October 2017
- Part 3: Pictures
from the North Moluccas Part 1 – Ternate and Tidore in
November/December 2017
- Part 5: Pictures
from West Papua Part 1 (Irian Jaya) – Sorong and westerly ‘Trans Papua Road’
in December 2017-February 2018
- Part 6: Pictures from
the Moluccas Part 1 (Central) – Seram in February 2018
- Part 7: Pictures from
the Moluccas Part 2 (Central) – Ambon in February/March 2018
- Part 8: Pictures from
Papua Part 1 – Yapen in March 2018
- Part 9: Pictures from
Papua Part 2 – Biak in April 2018
- Part 10: Pictures
from West Papua Part 2 (Irian
Jaya) – Manokwari and easterly ‘Trans Papua Road’
in April 2018
- Part 11: Pictures from South Sulawesi-Kalimantan-Sarawak
Part 2 –
South Sulawesi via Kalimantan to Kuching and Miri/Malaysia from May to
July 2018
- More websites from Indonesia and
More websites from East Malaysia und