- Sarawak Map
- Map of Southeast Asia
- Indonesia
- latest picture:
February 15, 2018



1067 At the port of Sorong ‘Usahamina’ on the
- Bird’s Head Peninsula adventurous looking boats
- and most
ferries run to different islands
1068 The Alpha Omega Church in the classic
- architecture in the city of Sorong. The people
- of West Papua are mainly Christians; there
- are all kinds of congregations
1069 The pastel colored
row of houses
- on Ahmad Yani street stands out from the
- otherwise monotonous Sorong’s city scenery



1070 The At Taqwa Mosque in its
- striking green paint is a dash of color
- in Sorong’s city center
1071 Remu creek is criss-crossing the
- city of Sorong: Its romance however gets
- lost by the floating garbage
1072 Sunset at the
‘Kasuari Valley Beach
- Resort’ 8 miles [13km] north of Sorong, which
- we enjoyed together with members of the
- Toyota LandCruiser Indonesia Club



1073 Christmas 2017 in Sorong: The lovely
- crib along a road spreads some spirit of
- Christmas despite of the tropical heat
1074 ….. also the
colorfully decorated
- Christmas trees are announcing
- Christmas …..
1075 ….. and the bakery at
the Saga
- Supermarket contributes with its own
- sweet creation to the Christmas mood



1076 At the Christmas decorations
- shop girls happily pose for a picture
1077 The ladies at the Saga Supermarket
- entry hope to sell some of their fruit
1078 Emil at the cashier
of the Saga Super-
- market. Yes, he is buying water not beer!
- (though it would be available here,
but expensive:
- 1 case = 24x16.9oz [500ml] = US$2.50/can!)



1079 Emil with Ezra (next to him), his father
- and brother of the Toyota LandCruiser Indonesia
- Club at the ‘Kasuari Valley Beach Resort’
- outside of Sorong
1080 The Mayor of Sorong-South
- surprises Emil with a big donation with
- the words “You are my heroes!”
1081 Picture with the nice
young officer at
- Sorong’s main customs office who transferred
- the Indonesian entry stamp from the old
- ‘Carnet de Passages’ into our new one



- At the Boswesen market in Sorong, approx. 4½ miles [7km] east of
town at the seashore
1082 Chicken and quail eggs are piled up.
- Quail eggs are considered a delicacy
- in many parts of the world
1083 Display of root vegetables, cooking
- bananas, papayas, pineapples; also the red
- chili peppers are not missing
1084 Apart from plucked
- fish is the only fresh meat sold at the market



- At the Boswesen market in Sorong, approx. 4½ miles [7km] east of
town at the seashore
1085 A stall with betel nuts. Mixed with
- a green mustard stick and crushed coral lime
- they generate a mild stimulant – similar to
- the qat leaves in Yemen
1086 Meticulously arranged vegetables of
- every kind at a market stall. The Muslim
- vendor points to the spicy red chili peppers
1087 A vendor arranges
betel nuts. The red
- tinted saliva that is produced through constant
- chewing und then spitted out, leaves red marks on
- the ground. It reminds us to Papua
New Guinea



- At the Boswesen market in Sorong, approx. 4½ miles [7km] east of
town at the seashore
1088 The girl on a market stall does
- not hesitate to look into the camera.
- Then she wants to see her picture
1089 Little boys have always
- fun when their picture is taken
1090 “Do I not look cool
with this sunglasses?”



- Faces of three clever vendor ladies at the Boswesen market in



1094 A man is preparing coconuts. Its
- vitamin rich coco water is refreshing and
- its jellylike flesh nutritious
1095 Houses on stilts are lining the eastern
- coast between Boswesen market and
- ‘Kasuari Valley Beach Resort’ near Sorong
1096 This is how it looks
behind the
- Boswesen market in Sorong. The beach
- is covered with inches of garbage



1097 12/24/2017: Our Christmas meal at
- the “Dapur Berkat” Restaurant in Sorong.
- Menue: melon drink with coconut stripes,
- satay sticks with rice and wine
1098 Papua children gather at the “Dapur
- Berkat” Restaurant to receive Christmas presents.
- Eveline, the owner, supports the local nonprofit
- organization “Yayasan Pelangi Negeriku”.
- Priorities: Education, health, orphanage
1099 Eveline greets the
- They are gifted with new clothes,
- shoes and school satchels



The little boy beams at the Christmas
- handing out at the “Dapur Berkat” Restaurant
- in Sorong. He returns again and again to
- shake Liliana’s hand
Also these two girls are outgoing
The curly hair, the broad nose and the
- dark skin are typical for the Indonesian provinces
- of West Papua and Papua (former Irian Jaya),
- and also for the country
Papua New Guinea



1103 Locals feast on durian, the
- tropical fruit with its pungent smell of rotten meat.
- It is banned from places like hotels
1104 “Delicious!”
1105 A family is feasting
on the “king of fruits”.
- This is how the durian fruit is also called in



1106 “Which fish would you like? Which
- color suits today?” It is grilled on the spot and
- the smell of grilled fish fills the air in the evenings!
1107 The elderly lady is sitting each evening,
- when it cools down, in front of her little kiosk
1108 What might this girl
with the lovely
- head dress think?



1109 The 189th flat tire at 104°F [40°] midday
- heat about 25 miles [40km] from Sorong on the
- “Trans Papua Highway” direction Manokwari.
- The steel belt broke
1110 At the tire repair shed in Sorong Emil
- has to assist handling the split rim ring
1111 Our four new
‘BFGoodrich Cross
- Control 7.50R 16 LT’ (= IDR 7'068'000/US$561)
- tires airfreighted (freight IDR
- from Makassar in South
Sulawesi are mounted



- 163 years ago, the first missionaries set foot on Papua on the
Mansinam Island near Manokwari. This is celebrated each year on
February 5th
1112 At the beating of drums, a traditionally
- outfitted dance team initializes in front of the
- portal of the Maranatha church in Sorong
- the festivities of the 163rd anniversary of the
- landing of the first missionaries in Papua
1113 Group picture of the traditionally
- painted dancers in raffia skirts
- and feather headdress
1114 During the church
- also children are among the singers



- 163 years ago, the first missionaries set foot on Papua on the
Mansinam Island near Manokwari. This is celebrated each year on
February 5th
Churchgoers are joining
- in the solemn chant
The priest on the pulpit is also
- wearing the traditional feather headdress
Listening to the long sermon it
- can happen that the eyelids are dropping!



- 163 years ago, the first missionaries set foot on Papua on the
Mansinam Island near Manokwari. This is celebrated each year on
February 5th
The three little boys with their
- sparkling eyes are bored …..
….. whereas the little girl is
- following spellbound the celebration
Closing ceremony against the special
- background of the golden pulpit in form of a
- shell and the Raja Ampat scenery. The cake
- with the number 163 is cut by the priest
- and then distributed



A calm jungle river on the way to Ayamaru
- meandering through thick jungle vegetation
Simple ladder made of bamboo
- that bridges the steep slope
The beauty of moth orchids of the
- genus Phalaenopsis is part of jungle highlights



1124 This density of this forest is testimony
- of the fast growing tropical vegetation
1125 Alone on the “Trans Papua Highway”
- direction Manokwari – about halfway
- between Sorong and Ayamaru
1126 A shed with a
priviledged lookout
- down to the “Trans Papua Highway”



It is hard to miss the big sparkling
- red flowers hanging from the New-Guinea
- creeper (Mucuna bennettii)
This bush produces a wreath of
- white leaves with delicate yellow flowers
- in its middle.We found on
Seram the same
- plant with orange blossoms (pic.# 1191)
This creeper with its pink bells often
- covers entire tree trunks. It looks like a bellflower
- of the genus Lapageria that is native to Chile



1130 This peculiar squarish white
- flower belongs probably to the
- moonflower family (Ipomoea alba?)
1131 The attraction of the high growing tree
- with its fleshy leaves is its blooming crown of
- red “berry bundles”: Umbrella tree
- (Schefflera actinophylla)
1132 Bundles of green
edible fruits of the New
- Guinea walnut tree (Dracontomelon dao) are
- hanging from the branches. It can be compared
- with the American eastern black walnut tree



The modest hut along the
- “Trans Papua Highway” short of
- Ayamaru is built with wooden slats and
- the roof still covered with straw mats
Our LandCruiser takes the
- next bend on the finished part of the
- “Trans Papua Highway”
Short but steep section of the still
- partially unsurfaced “Trans Papua Highway”,
- which by rain transforms into a real sliding area.
- Upwards there is just spinning without differential
- lock, and downwards there is just sledding –
- for our 4 tons no chance



1136 View from Hotel Alvira
across the
- football ground of Ayamaru on the “Trans
- Highway”, about 100 miles [160km] from Sorong
1137 Soft evening light spreads
- over Lake Ayamaru
1138 A white tower of
clouds in Ayamaru,
- floodlighted by the evening sun



1139 Early morning fog clings to the valleys
- and hills at Lake Ayamaru, because Lake Hai
- that is about 6 miles [10km] farther contains
- 100°F [38°C] warm water …..
1140 ….. nothing mars the absolute
- tranquility of the new day …..
1141 ….. the mist is
clearing and
- reveals the full beauty of the scenery
- surrounding Ayamaru



1142 The course of the new
- “Trans Papua Highway” leads partly
- still through (nearly) untouched jungle
1143 Our LandCruiser spirals upwards
- on partly breathtaking steep climbs
- towards the Petik Bintang Pass …..
1144 ….. flanked by walls
- of impenetrable jungle



1145 Sweeping view from the Petik Bintang
- Pass to the East
1146 The last, steepest and longest climb
- on the (yet) unsurfaced road to the 3'284 ft.
- [1'001m] high Petik Bintang Pass, by rain
- a very dangerous sliding area
1147 U-turn on the Petik
Pintang Pass:
- We have no desire for mud games on the
- still unfinished “Trans Papua Highway”
- beyond the mountain pass



1148 A depressed glimpse back to Petik Bintang
- Pass (at the very back), where we had unfortunately
- to abandon our “Manokwari undertaking”
1149 Smoke rises from a primitive bush hut,
- a woman waves with both arms. Should we
- envy or feel sorry for her?
1150 A man is sitting on
the floor of his make-
- shift shed. Nothing else than forest around him.
- What did push him to this solitary life? (resembles
- a Korowai Tree House in the southeast of Papua)



Between Sorong and Ayamaru the crystal
- clear Karabra River is meandering through the
- valley and flows finally into the Seram Sea
Delicate white long-stemmed
- orchids bloom at the side of the road
Two motorbikers join us at the
- lovely Karabra River. One wears a
- colorful Bob Marley T-shirt



Selfie hysteria: This family
- backtracked quite a bit in order
- to take a selfie with us!
A picture that often stands out in the
- jungle: A lonely tree raising into the blue sky
On villages of the “Trans Papua Highway”
- we come across of several such neat small huts,
- but could not find out their significance, all the
- more as this one carries the Israeli Star of David



1157 Posing for a picture with Eveline, our
- attractive visa sponsor, in front of her restaurant
- “Dapur Berkat” (along Basuki Rachmat km 8,
- before Fave-Hotel, Coord.
- in Sorong, where we often had lunch
1158 Farewell picture with the crew of our
- Guardian Hotel (along Basuki Rachmat km 7.5,
- Coord. -0.88964/131.29445)
in Sorong. Julia (far
- left) was a great help at our online-purchase
- of new tires in the Indonesian Bahasa language
1159 The hearty smile of
this family in their
- passing car in Sorong symbolizes how we will
- always remember the people of West-Papua.
- (Appendix March 2018: Much friendlier
- than the people in Ambon)



1160 2/14/2018: The “KMP Kalabia” sails with
- us in 33 hours from Sorong/West Papua via Fakfak
- to Wahei on the island of Seram in the Moluccas.
- Strangely it doesn't depart from
- (Coord. -0.87739/131.25122),
but from Arar-Aimas,
- 20 mi.[35km] more to the south (-1.02310/131.24213)
1161 The crew of “KMP Kalabia” gathers
- for a picture, which only happens thanks to the
- selfless escort (third from right). He guided us
- from the city port to the 20 miles [35km]
- out-of-town located departure terminal
1162 A group of family
members makes
- themselves comfortable beside our LandCruiser
- for the long sea journey. Here they have
- enough space to stretch down



1163 We sail between uninhabited, often
- circular islands, which protect us from the swell
- of the open sea. It's about a 44 miles [70km]
- long narrow strait between the islands of
- New Guinea and Salati
1164 As night approaches – already in the
- Seram Sea – our “KMP Kalabia” sails towards
- a pitch-black bad weather front
1165 Sunrise on high sea
on our way to Fakfak.
- This big city of about 100'000 people, still in the
- province of West Papua, lies behind the two low
- islands of Ega and Panjang (right) that are just
- offshore. The first part is ending after 16 hours –
- Ø-speed 12½ miles/h [20kmh] = 10.8 knots



1166 Fakfak on the Bomberai Peninsula is
- greeting us with a lovely scenery. The yellow
- dome is the mosque ‘Agung Baitul Makmur’;
- the little green mosque to the right is called
- ‘Nurul Taqwa’
1167 On the hill glows the monumental
- catholic church ‘Saint Yosef’ in the morning
- sun. Below is the small mosque ‘Jami Fakfak’
1168 Also on the east side
of the port mosques
- dominate. Their golden domes emerge beautifully
- from the green environment: The onion
dome is
- ‘Al-Akbar’ and the round one behind
- to the right at the seashore ‘An-Nur Merapi’



1169 Emil on the upper deck of our ferry in
- front of the Port of Fakfak building. Here there
- is no structure for discharging vehicles
1170 After an 8-hourly stopover in Fakfak we
- sail for another 17 hours towards the Moluccas
- islands again. Due to the lack of a ramp in this port
- this is so far the only place where we wouldn't
- have been able to disembark with our LandCruiser
1171 We are sailing
towards the islands of
- the Central Moluccas, which form together with
- those from the South Moluccas the province of
- “Moluccas”. In between we cross the provincial
- border and say here goodbye to West
More websites from the
"Borneo-Sulawesi-Moluccas-Papua" trip:
Part 1: Pictures from Sarawak-Kalimantan-North Sulawesi – Miri/Malaysia
Kuching and Balikpapan to
North Sulawesi from Aug. to Oct. 2017
- Part 2: Pictures
from the second part of North Sulawesi
– Tomohon and surroundings, Tangkoko NP
in October 2017
- Part 3: Pictures
from the North Moluccas Part 1 – Ternate and Tidore in
November/December 2017
- Part 4: Pictures
from the North Moluccas Part 2 – Halmahera in November/December
- Part 6: Pictures from
the Moluccas Part 1 (Central) – Seram in February 2018
- Part 7: Pictures from
the Moluccas Part 2 (Central) – Ambon in February/March 2018
- Part 8: Pictures from
Papua Part 1 – Yapen in March 2018
- Part 9: Pictures from
Papua Part 2 – Biak in April 2018
- Part 10: Pictures
from West Papua Part 2 (Irian
Jaya) – Manokwari and easterly ‘Trans Papua Road’
in April 2018
- Part 11: Pictures from South Sulawesi-Kalimantan-Sarawak
Part 2 –
South Sulawesi via Kalimantan to Kuching and Miri/Malaysia from May to
July 2018
- More websites from Indonesia and
More websites from East Malaysia und