- Sarawak Map
- Map of Southeast Asia
- Indonesia
- Malaysia
- latest picture:
June 7, 2018



1523 Celebration of our 49th Wedding
- Anniversary in Kuala Lumpur’s Chinatown
- during our one-day visa run with AirAsia from
- Makassar in South Sulawesi. Everything is
- perfect, the setting as well as the food
- (“sweet & sour chicken” with plenty of beer)
1524 We are blessed with wonderful rice
- paddies that extend right to the street during
- our 62 miles [100km] long drive from
- Makassar to the
ferry terminal of
- Garongkong, from where the ship to Batulicin
- in South Kalimantan is sailing twice a week
1525 Rice farmers live in
- stilt houses under shady palm trees
- right at the edge of their fields



1526 In densely populated Indonesia it
- is a pleasure being able to drive along
- rice paddies. We encounter them in
- different growing stages
1527 Actually this policeman is regulating
- the traffic on the opposite lane. But the
- adventurous look of our LandCruiser
- attracts him magically. He comes
- over for a chat and a picture
1528 A common sight:
Farmers are
- working on a rice field with broad
- straw hats against the scorching sun



1529 In Garongkong’s ASDP ferry terminal
- we observe the trucks with cows boarding
- the ferry “KMP Awu Awu” to South
- Kalimantan. We count 11 vehicles with
- 12 animals each. Do we still have space?
1530 The cows are squeezed together in such
- a way that they can hardly move. Their helpers
- sleep in hammocks fixed above the open
- trucks in order to watch them during the
- 24 hours lasting sea journey and to soak
- up their urine with sawdust
1531 Ducks belong also to
the living
- freight on our “KMP Awu Awu” to
- Kalimantan. They also are squeezed
- together and gasp for air



- Our neighbors in the air-conditioned “VIP” dormitory of the ASDP
ferry “KMP Awu Awu” from South Sulawesi to South Kalimantan.
- The journey lasts for the 273 miles [439km] nearly 24 hours
and costs rupees 2'157'000 (US$150)
1532 The young mother with her two
- adorable children who not once are
- crying during the whole sea journey
1533 A deeply religious Muslim
- lady who travels alone
1534 Three “mullahs”
traveling in a group
- to Batulicin/Kalimantan to train people
- religiously at mosques. They spend a
- lot of time reading from the Quran



1535 Early morning: A still drowsy Emil
- at our sleeping spot on the “KMP Awu Awu”
- of the
Line. The sleeping mats
- cost 60’000 rupees each = US$4.20
1536 Rice, fish or chicken and some
- vegetables. This is the ferries' standard
- food one gets three times a day –
- breakfast, lunch, dinner
1537 We
reached the coast of South
- Kalimantan. The golden shining mosque
- “Annur” in Kotabaru on the Island Laut is
- an exotic sight behind simple stilt houses



1538 South Kalimantan: River Life in
- Pagatan, 16 miles [26km] southwest
- of Batulicin, on our transit journey
- towards Malaysia
1539 Emil has every reason to smile: He
- steps out of a bottle shop in Kereng Pangi
- near Katingan Hilir with a case of Bintang
- Beer – a real find in the increasingly "drying-
- out" Indonesia (coord. -1.89650/113.29066)
1540 Central Kalimantan:
Our LandCruiser
- in front of the Monument of Dayak Tribe
- and Madura Tribe in Sampit. In the
- background the Islamic Center of Sampit



1541 Between Sampit and Nanga Bulik
- finally some nature for a lunch break. But
- nature has here its pitfalls: As soon as we step
- out of our car, horse flies are attacking us –
- probably due to the blue of our LandCruiser …..
1542 ….. a “mushroom” – one of the
- interesting stone formations 17 miles
- [27km] before Nanga Bulik – that
- spread over the place
1543 Emil is studying the
Kalimantan map:
- Despite GPS (Garmin Nuevi 52) maps still
- are an essential and indispensable part
- for our route planning



- The blooming nature is part of our travel joys
Three little white flowers transform
- a stony inhospitable place into a friendly
- sight. It might be a kind of primroses
- (Primulaceae)
A curled up fern sprout in its
- growing stage. Ferns do not produce
- any seeds nor flowers
The yellow flower and its buds
- are a refreshing dash of color against the
- green of the fern: A Simpoh Ayer-“tree”
- (Dillenia suffruticosa)



Palm oil fields
as far as the eye
- can see – Kalimantan is not any better
- than Malaysia. There are almost only
palm oil plantations for 125 miles
- [200km] between Sampit to Nanga Bulik
How long might this single
- tree still be allowed to grow skywards?
A typical granary in the tropical
- vegetation of Kalimantan –
- short before Nanga Bulik



1550 A Catholic Church of Saint Francis
- in its immaculate white along the “Trans
- Kalimantan Highway” (shortly before the
- provincial border of Central and
- West Kalimantan)
1551 Liliana among three girls in
- their traditional Kalimantan costumes.
- It is a nice good-bye to our 8 months’
- island hopping in Indonesia before
- we cross into Malaysia
1552 5/18/2018: Back in
- East-Malaysia (Borneo). Shortly
- crossing the Entikong/Tebedu border posts
- we find a lovely spot to celebrate our smooth
- reentry to "familiar ground" with a drink



1553 Kuching, Sarawak’s capital: Mr. Wong
- Hieng Kee exchanges the broken tailgate lock
- since Seram of our LandCruiser
for free. Later
- he is also our savior in finding a new cylinder
- head gasket for our
cylinder head overhaul
1554 Social evening in Kuching,
- Sarawak’s capital: We gather with some
- members of the 4x4 Travel & Adventure
- Club Sarawak over some cans of beer …..
1555 ….. and are gifted
with club T-shirts
- and Jamboree cups as farewell presents



1556 Our LandCruiser on the second of the
- three river ferries from Samarahan via Sebuyau
- to Pusa that connect the coastal road Kuching-
- Sibu-Miri. Price for crossing: each 1 Ringgit =
- US$0.25! (shortly after our first crossing at
- Samarahan a new bridge was opened there)
1557 View from the second river
- ferry at Sebuyau: Beautiful billowing
- clouds hover over a strip of land
1558 Our LandCruiser is
freaking Emil
- out with its well-known overheating problem:
- Bubbles have generated within the fuel pipe
- and the carburetor. He needs to suck in
- fuel to be able to continue



1559 A traditional longhouse of the Dayak
- in Selangau. Up to 100 families live together
- in a longhouse. Each family has its separate
- entrance from the communal terrace
1560 The village of Selangau along the
- Batang Mukah river with stilt houses and
- the fishermen’s canoes at the doorstep
1561 A simple life away
from the city hustle
- and bustle: The settlement Tatau at the east
- bank of the slow flowing river Batang Tatau
- with a beautiful forest backdrop



- At Tusan Cliff Beach, 23 miles [37km] south of Miri along the
coastal road from Bintulu
1562 The uniqueness of the bizarre
- brownish cliffs at the eroded sandy Tusan Cliff
- Beach is its “natural bridge” at the far end
1563 A fishing boat is returning
- from its fishing trip to safe land
1564 Still lovely and a
tourist attraction
- despite of having been heavily eroded at begin
- of January 2018: The Tusan Cliff Beach



1565 Emil is bending over Indonesian maps
- with Anja and Chris – German overlanders in
- a Landrover Forward Control. He gives them
- tips, as we are just coming from there and
- they are just heading towards it
1566 Having a lovely time with our new
- traveler friends Anja and Chris at Miri’s
- Luak Esplanade. Having traveled for months
- off the beaten track, we really enjoy spending
- time with like-minded people
1567 We are really
touched: Anja
- and Chris surprise us with a home-
- baked bread and their own book in
- “Vier
Quadratmeter Freiheit” (Chris Ebener)
- – “Four square meters of freedom”



1568 View from the bridge at Lutong over
- the Baong river, 4 miles [7km] north of Miri,
- to the An-Naim mosque that is reflecting
- wonderfully in the motionless waters
1569 Back in Miri at the Luak Esplanade
- – a remembrance picture
1570 A glowing red sunset
at Miri’s
- Luak Esplanade marks the end of our
- 8 months long “Borneo-Sulawesi-Moluccas-
- Papua Trip” through 16 different islands
More websites from the
"Borneo-Sulawesi-Moluccas-Papua" trip:
Part 1: Pictures from Sarawak-Kalimantan-North Sulawesi – Miri/Malaysia
Kuching and Balikpapan to
North Sulawesi from Aug. to Oct. 2017
- Part 2: Pictures
from the second part of North Sulawesi
– Tomohon and surroundings, Tangkoko NP
in October 2017
- Part 3: Pictures
from the North Moluccas Part 1 – Ternate and Tidore in
November/December 2017
- Part 4: Pictures
from the North Moluccas Part 2 – Halmahera in November/December
- Part 5: Pictures
from West Papua Part 1 (Irian Jaya) – Sorong and westerly ‘Trans Papua Road’
in December 2017-February 2018
- Part 6: Pictures from
the Moluccas Part 1 (Central) – Seram in February 2018
- Part 7: Pictures from
the Moluccas Part 2 (Central) – Ambon in February/March 2018
- Part 8: Pictures from
Papua Part 1 – Yapen in March 2018
- Part 9: Pictures from
Papua Part 2 – Biak in April 2018
- Part 10: Pictures
from West Papua Part 2 (Irian Jaya) – Manokwari and easterly ‘Trans Papua Road’
in April 2018
- More websites from Indonesia and
More websites from East Malaysia und