- Sarawak Map
- Map of Southeast Asia
- Indonesia
- latest picture:
February 22, 2018



1172 2/14/2018: Emil leaves in the port of Wahai
- in the North of the island of Seram after a totally
- 34 hours' boat trip with our LandCruiser the
- “KMP Kalabia” ferry. The 400 miles [640km]
- long ride from Sorong via Fakfak in West-Papua
- to Seram in the Central Moluccas cost
- 6’139’000 Rupias (US$489)
1173 The first yards on Seram’s narrow
- island streets already evoke a kind
- of jungle feeling
1174 Houses on stilts
(here at low tide) line
- the harbor shore of the sleepy coastal village
- of Wahai in the North of the island
- along the Seram Sea



1175 At the small market at Wahai’s seashore
- fresh vegetables of every kind are sold
1176 The aroma of grilled fish is filling the
- Fish, rice, vegetables and bananas are the
- main diet in Indonesia
1177 T-break for the
- at the market of Wahai



Our LandCruiser and a little dog are
- the only users of Wahai’s village road
Also in the little village of Wahai there
- is a Pancasila monument (the 5 principles of
- the Indonesian national philosophy and
- constitution)
As in many places, the mosque Al-
- Muhajirin in Wahai is also a showpiece of
- the village. Slightly more than half of Seram's
- population of 450'000 is Moslem



1181 Like in the good old days: The (currently)
- traffic free main street of Wahai. Where else
- can this still be found today?
1182 In company it makes more fun.
- Three village ladies return home from work
1183 Boat racks made of
simple wooden poles
- line the West coast. Is it also a boat builders site?



The small island road along the northwest
- coast leads through one of the many impressive
- jungle appearances
This red ginger flower (Alpinia
- purpurata) with its white blossom
- grows abundantly in the tropics
The mystical brown jungle river
- emerges from the thickness of the forest



1187 An easy passage for our LandCruiser:
- A broken branch from the recent storm
- barred the street
1188 A modest fisher’s hut made from
- wooden laths and straw roof. The fishing
- net is resting at the colorful washing line
1189 Reflecting palm ponds
in calm
- waters make for a special tropical picture



The wild growing delicate lilac flower
- belongs to the aster family and is called
- "Ironweed" (Vernonia gigantea)
What especially attracts the attention
- of this strange tropical flower are its snow-
- white leaves. It's interesting that we found
- already in West
Papua the same plant but
- with yellow blossoms (Pic. #1128)
A delicate white terrestrial orchid
- (Spathoglottis plicata) grows
- between ferns and scrub



1193 Our LandCruiser winds itself through the
- thickly forested Manusela National Park to the
- 4'183 ft. [1275m] high pass. Due to the still
- unsolved overheating and pressure problem
- in the carburetor, it comes to a standstill.
- Emil must suck in fuel once more
1194 A short lunch break amidst the refreshing
- green of the Manusela National Park. It consists
- of crackers, cheese and an ice cold Bintang
- beer from our Engel refrigerator
1195 A crystal clear
little mountain
- creek is hiding behind the undergrowth
- of the Manusela National Park



1196 Surrounded by the lush jungle green
- of the Manusela National Park, the flowering
- yellow trees are standing out particularly
- beautiful (see below pic. # 1247 in red)
1197 An impressive Blyth's hornbill (Rhyticeros
- plicatus), also called Papuan hornbill, makes a
- short rest on a tree branch and gives us the
- opportunity to admire and to picture it
1198 After the descent of
the Manusela
- National Park pass, estuaries surrounded
- by untouched nature come into view;
- here south of the Campedak Island



1199 The pier across the village of Wailulu
- on the island of Campedak, about 15 miles
- [24km] north of Saleman in the Sawai Bay, is
- the playground for people, goats and chicken
1200 The blue “Nural Iman” mosque in
- Wailulu on Campedak dominates in front of the
- impressive ridges of the Manusela National Park
1201 A couple of houses
are nestling on the
- narrow tropical shore at the end of the village



1202 View to the estuary near the island of
- Campedak with its beautiful mountain backdrop
1203 Nature
at its best on the way to
- Pasanea with our accommodation
1204 Our LandCruiser is
rolling along the
- palm-lined shore of the Sawai Bay,
- part of the Seram Sea



1205 The color matching is perfect: Our Land-
- Cruiser at the “Muzdalifah” guesthouse in the
- village of Pasanea in the northern part of the
- Sawai Bay with the offshore islet Sa'u, where
- we lodge for three nights in a modest room
1206 The
36 years old rear door lock of
- our LandCruiser blocked. Emil tries in vain to
- deblock it. Igor from the Ukraine who flew with
- friends for spear fishing on the island Sa'u to
- Ambon and arrived here afterwards with ferry
- and taxi, is now trying to help …..
1207 ….. curious
spectators are soon
- popping up. There is not much entertainment
- in this part of the island of Seram



1208 One of the main tasks of the islanders
- is to barrel coconuts to the copra processing site.
- The boy is allowed to take a ride on top
1209 At
the hairdresser: Is there a more
- beautiful place to have his hair cut than
- under palm trees?
1210 A boy is enjoying
himself with a bicycle tire
- – a still often used toy on these islands



A deep morning glow shining through
- the palm trees announces the new day at our
- “Muzdalifah” guesthouse
It is amazing how clever this guy climbs
- up to the 100 ft. [30m] high palm tree,
- to harvest coconuts
Liliana is enjoying a freshly harvested
- coconut containing between 10 and 25 fl.oz.
- [3 - 7dl] of water



1214 Coastline northwards from our
- “Muzdalifah” guesthouse. A sandy
- beach stretches along the bay
1215 One can also rest on a trunk of a palm
- tree – however be careful about falling coconuts!
- They might weigh up to 3.3 lbs. [1˝kg]
1216 Coastal view
southwards from our
- guest house “Muzdalifah” – in the background
- the ridges of the Manusela mountains



1217 The drone of the Ukrainians flies over the
- small offshore island Sa'u near our guesthouse –
- the daily fishing grounds of the spear fishing guys
1218 The
cleaning of the Ukrainian’s large
- diving gear equipment at the draw well of our
- “Muzdalifah” guesthouse attracts the village
- children from Pasanea
1219 Farewell
party with the Ukrainian
- spear fishers. From left to right: Igor,
- Sergei, Slava, Jeka, Igor und Alex



1220 The deep peace at sunrise at our
- “Muzdalifah” guesthouse is almost
- touchable on our farewell day
1221 View
over the beautiful wide Sawai Bay
- in northern Seram, framed by forested steep
- mountain slopes of the Manusela National Park
1222 View over the
guesthouse “Pasir Putih”,
- built on stilts, and the mosque Raya Salemang
- with its silver dome at Sawai Bay



1223 A tempting tourist bungalow of the
- Belariski Resort at the idyllic Sawai Bay,
- protected by mountain ranges
1224 The
Ora Beach Resort at the foot of the
- green mountains is the most expensive hotel
- at Sawai-Bay and accessible only by boat
1225 The rising sun
catches the “Pasir
- Putih” guesthouse at the Sawai Bay



1226 Life without hustle and bustle: The sleepy
- main road of the picturesque village of Saleman
- at Sawai Bay with about 700 people. The name
- “Saleman” refers to a language from Seram that
- is still spoken in this village
1227 The
long wooden pier in the middle
- of the Saleman village leads to our accommodation
- – the overwater guesthouse “Pasir Putih”. Our
- LandCruiser finds a parking place right in
- front of the jetty …..
1228 ….. the village at
the foot of forested
- mountain walls continues further along the
- peaceful bay towards the north



1229 At the end of the village of Saleman
- there is a small white sandy beach where
- children enjoy a simple swing under shady
- trees on their way home from school
1230 A
fisherman is smoking a cigarette on
- his boat in the shade of trees waiting for better
- times to come! Indonesians are the
- world's number 1 regarding smoking
1231 Sunshine, palm trees
and the sea –
- what more can one wish?



1232 This coastal scenery in the Sawai Bay is
- so peaceful. The overwater bungalow on the
- right hand side is a new guest house
1233 For
the people of Saleman and
- surroundings the fishing boat is often used as mean
- of transport, but otherwise mainly for fishing
1234 Children are wading
through the crystal
- clear water dotted with sandbars. In the back-
- ground the overwater bungalows at Saleman



1235 Sunrise from our terrace at the
- “Pasir Putih” guesthouse with the vastness
- of the calm Seram sea in front of us
1236 Emil
is enjoying his “European adjusted”
- breakfast with view to the open sea on our
- terrace of the “Pasir Putih” guesthouse
1237 Ingenious: The table
on our terrace is
- made of a sidewall of a “Good Year” tire.
- Also the chairs are woven of tires



- The population of the village of Saleman is mainly Muslim. Its
mosque Raya Salemang with its silver dome, the deeply forested hills
of the
- Manusela National Park and the crystal clear blue sea
conjure forth again and again new pictures in different moods,
be it by day,
- at a passing storm or at dusk. We are sitting on our terrace
fully enjoying the beauty of this remote spot



1241 In the morning we watch from our terrace
- of the “Pasir Putih” guesthouse the group of fishes
- which continue to swim around our bungalow.
- Unfortunately there was fishing by dynamite
- so that the coral colonies got
destroyed .....
1242 .....
dusk we follow the flocks of
- bat-like Lusiala birds which fly from their caves
- in beautiful formations into the evening sky …..
1243 ….. and at sunset the
puffy red cloud
- formations, floodlighted by the setting sun,
- make our day



1244 Our LandCruiser explores the peaceful
- village road of Saleman at the Sawai Bay
1245 Boys
in school uniforms take a rest
- under the shade of a tree. It amazes us again
- and again how they manage to keep their
- white shirts so immaculately clean
1246 A modest wooden house
under palm
- trees at the white sandy beach of the Saleman
- village. The boats are ready for fishing



1247 Leaving the village of Saleman and
- climbing up the steep hill to the 4˝ miles [7˝km]
- distant main road, we experience again a spot
- of natural beauty – the red version of the
- above picture #1196 in yellow
1248 The
crosses along the road show that
- in this otherwise Muslim country we are driving
- now through a Christian section. This happens
- especially on eastern islands of the
- Moluccas and in Papua
1249 At the port of Masohi
resp. Amahai,
- Emil is sitting already at 6.30am in front of his
- cup of “Kopi Susu”, the sweet Indonesian
- coffee, and waits for the ferry boat



1250 Emil maneuvers our LandCruiser back-
- wards into the hull of “KMP Dolosi”. It will carry
- us for 415’000 rupees (about US$30) in 4˝ hours
- from Seram to our next, 45 miles [72km] distant
- island of Ambon in the Central Moluccas
1251 Two
of the vendors, who are selling
- food and drinks to ship passengers before
- departure, pose happily for a farewell picture
1252 At 8am on 2/22/2018,
we leave behind
- the port of Masohi resp. Amahai with the
- attractive tall mountain backdrop
- (Mount Binaiya, 9'931 ft. [3'027m]) and
- set sail on 'our' 310th ship towards Ambon
More websites from the
"Borneo-Sulawesi-Moluccas-Papua" trip:
Part 1: Pictures from Sarawak-Kalimantan-North Sulawesi – Miri/Malaysia
Kuching and Balikpapan to
North Sulawesi from Aug. to Oct. 2017
- Part 2: Pictures
from the second part of North Sulawesi
– Tomohon and surroundings, Tangkoko NP
in October 2017
- Part 3: Pictures
from the North Moluccas Part 1 – Ternate and Tidore in
November/December 2017
- Part 4: Pictures
from the North Moluccas Part 2 – Halmahera in November/December
- Part 5: Pictures
from West Papua Part 1 (Irian Jaya) – Sorong and westerly ‘Trans Papua Road’
in December 2017-February 2018
- Part 7: Pictures from
the Moluccas Part 2 (Central) – Ambon in February/March 2018
- Part 8: Pictures from
Papua Part 1 – Yapen in March 2018
- Part 9: Pictures from
Papua Part 2 – Biak in April 2018
- Part 10: Pictures
from West Papua Part 2 (Irian
Jaya) – Manokwari and easterly ‘Trans Papua Road’
in April 2018
- Part 11: Pictures from South Sulawesi-Kalimantan-Sarawak
Part 2 –
South Sulawesi via Kalimantan to Kuching and Miri/Malaysia from May to
July 2018
- More websites from Indonesia and
More websites from East Malaysia und